The Billionaire's Cinderella/C20 You Have Been Deceived
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The Billionaire's Cinderella/C20 You Have Been Deceived
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C20 You Have Been Deceived

Du Chen shook his head, his gaze sweeping across numerous attentive security guards on duty.

He spoke into the microphone, "Send two guards to check on Zhao Sheng. See what he's up to and if he's looking to stir up trouble."

"Right away!" The guards surged forward, subtly encircling the trio without drawing attention.

Du Chen's attention then shifted to the front row, where Lin Ying'er and her team of planners stood, their eyes glued to the runway where models would soon parade with jewelry.

Among them, Lin Ying'er stood out the most. Clad in a form-fitting skirt, her stunning figure was on full display, and her icy beauty outshone even the models.

The model competition kicked off shortly after, with representatives from various agencies strutting their stuff on stage, flaunting their allure.

Below, company heads watched intently. Even if these models didn't land the jewelry gig, they could still catch the eye of a wealthy patron, prompting many to focus on seductive poses aimed at enticing the men.

Xuan Jizi, a man in his sixties, had little interest in such displays. His desire for women had waned, and he watched the models' overt sexuality with visible dissatisfaction and distaste.

The other executives, however, were thoroughly enjoying the spectacle.

When Lin Ying'er's company took the stage, the difference was palpable. Their models were vibrant, confidently showcasing both themselves and the jewelry with poise and professionalism.

They aimed to prove they were not only worthy of adorning the jewelry but also that they were consummate professionals.

Xuan Jizi's eyes brightened, and the other bosses, there for the jewelry, also smiled in approval.

Finally, they were witnessing a genuine modeling contest.

Lin Ying'er, noticing the bigwigs' pleased reactions, breathed a sigh of relief.

Meanwhile, a girl with a ponytail in the crowd clenched her teeth and, with a scowl, summoned a few staff members, issuing them hushed instructions.

Du Chen, with his VR glasses, could zoom in to incredible detail, even making out the pores on the models' porcelain legs.

But he wasn't interested in that. Watching Lin Ying'er's presentation, he chuckled, "I have to admit, my wife is incredibly talented. We'll definitely keep partnering with her company in the future."

"Alright," the old butler confirmed.

Du Chen shifted his gaze and was surprised to see that his mother-in-law had also attended the auction. Without hesitation, he instructed, "Who's in charge here? Purchase the jade stones from my mother-in-law's lot at a price slightly above the market rate."

He was aware that this could raise his mother-in-law's suspicions and potentially disrupt the market, but he was all too familiar with Zhou Yali's greed.

"If we don't offer a high price, she'll surely make a scene once she discovers how much those jade stones sold for."

Meanwhile, Zhou Yali, still in the dark, approached Mr. Dragon and the two security guards surrounding Zhao Sheng with an icy glare. "You have the nerve to seek me out?"

Zhao Sheng, visibly uncomfortable, offered a sheepish grin. "Aunt Zhou, are you still upset? Surely you don't believe Du Chen's nonsense. How could I ever conspire with outsiders to trick you?"

"You didn't deceive me?" Zhou Yali asked, her voice tinged with doubt. "Then why were you kneeling before Du Chen?"

"Let me be honest with you," Zhao Sheng sighed. "I had already found a buyer willing to pay top dollar for your goods at the jewelry exhibition. I could have just brought Liu Xiong, but my love for Ying'er is too strong. I wanted to include you in the deal to make a profit. But then Du Chen threatened to accuse me of scheming with Lu Guang against you and to keep Ying'er away from me. Out of my deep affection for Ying'er, I ended up kneeling."

Zhou Yali, who didn't quite believe Du Chen had the means to unmask Zhao Sheng, was left somewhat uncertain by his explanation.

At that moment, one of Du Chen's associates approached with a friendly smile. "Miss Zhou, I've heard you have some merchandise available? I'm interested in purchasing it. Please, set your price."

"Aunt Zhou, see? I wasn't lying to you," Zhao Sheng said, beaming. He then quietly commended Liu Xiong, "The person you've brought in is quite convincing as a buyer."

"No way, the guy I roped in to pose as a buyer couldn't get in because he lacked an invite. I haven't had the chance to tell you, but could he actually be a legitimate buyer?" Liu Xiong was astounded.

"What?" Zhao Sheng was equally startled, fearing he'd blow his cover, so he quickly pulled Zhou Yali back, "We're offering 30 million, do you accept?"

Zhou Yali panicked. She had invested ten million in jade stones, but was hoping to break even with a sale of eight million.

Who would buy at such a price?

Unexpectedly, one of his underlings, eager to impress Du Chen, had the finance department issue a 30 million check.

After verifying the check's authenticity, Zhou Yali was ecstatic, "Xiao Zhao, I always knew you were one of the good ones. That fool Du Chen has been deceiving me. I'll make sure Ying'er divorces him and then she'll be with you!"

Zhao Sheng forced a smile. His plan was to use the 30 million to scare off the buyer, since Lu Guang didn't even have jade stones worth 10 million. Who could have predicted this backfire?

Feeling helpless, Mr. Dragon suddenly clutched Zhao Sheng's shoulder and whispered, "Is this the mother-in-law of that loser Du Chen? Hehe, we'll split the check three ways later and take Lin Ying'er too. After we've had our fun with the mother-daughter duo, we'll make our getaway!"

Since being forced to resign, Mr. Dragon had been obsessed with getting back at Du Chen, but Wang Xue had secretly sent a warning, leaving him no opportunity to act until now, when Zhou Yali appeared.

He aimed to exact his revenge on Du Chen, then grab the 30 million and make a run for it, no longer fearing Wang Xue.

Zhao Sheng wavered for a moment. He had recently lost his job and, although unsure if Du Chen was to blame, he knew there was a connection.

Having lost everything, if he could secure 10 million and win over Lin Ying'er, the risk seemed worth it.

So, without much hesitation, Zhao Sheng viciously agreed.

Liu Xiong was merely a pawn with no real options, ecstatic at the prospect of getting a share of the money.

While observing the model's performance through VR, Du Chen's brow furrowed slightly. "Is it my network lagging, or why am I seeing the same scene twice? The models' attire and poses seem all too familiar, like I've just seen them."

The old butler and Wang Xue stood by, exchanging a glance before opting for silence. They had noticed earlier that two of the proposals they reviewed were strikingly similar, with an overlap of over 80%. One was Lin Ying'er's, and the other belonged to someone of significance, so they refrained from intervening.

Receiving no response, Du Chen shrugged it off and redirected his attention, curious about how his mother-in-law was faring with his subordinates. To his dismay, he spotted her with Zhao Sheng and two others, his frown deepening.

He promptly called Zhou Yali, his voice grave with concern, "Mom, you're with Zhao Sheng and company? They're bad news, especially Mr. Dragon, who's not above hitting his own cousin. It's best to steer clear of them. And about the jade you have, I've arranged for a friend to purchase it. You can sell it with confidence when the time comes."

Zhou Yali's retort was harsh, "Zhao Sheng has already clued me in. You think you can fool me? No wealthy person would associate with someone like you!" She raged on, "You even had the audacity to have me followed? Who I spend time with is none of your business. Don't call me again, and stop calling me 'mom.' I'm going to have Ying'er file for divorce so she can be with Zhao Sheng!"

Zhao Sheng, who had been listening in, smirked upon confirming it was Du Chen on the line. "Du Chen, sorry, but no amount of pressure will make me give up on Ying'er. Our love is real. You're the one who should let her go so she can find happiness with me."

Mr. Dragon, preferring to avoid complications, was alarmed by Zhao Sheng's open admission of his relationship with Zhou Yali. He knew that if anything untoward happened to Zhou Yali and her daughter, they would be the prime suspects in the eyes of the police.

"Idiot!" Mr. Dragon muttered under his breath. He then concocted a story about inviting her out for a meal to deceive Zhou Yali into leaving the venue.

Zhou Yali, for her part, promptly ended the call with Du Chen, harboring no suspicions.

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