The Billionaire's Cinderella/C3 This Is My Home
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The Billionaire's Cinderella/C3 This Is My Home
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C3 This Is My Home

Golden Age Entertainment Center.

Du Chen approached the entrance, ready to identify himself to the security guards.

Yet, to his surprise, they merely gave him cold stares and made no move to stop him.

It appeared the butler had already clarified his identity.

Still, something about their looks seemed off.

With a sense of unease, Du Chen stepped into Golden Age. But as he passed through the revolving glass doors, a female greeter blocked his path.

The greeters here were stunning, with curves in all the right places and legs for days. Their makeup was immaculate, and they wore enticing low-cut white tops beneath black blazers.

"Sorry, no beggars or dogs allowed inside!" she said, her voice dripping with contempt.

Du Chen glanced down at his clothes, which were indeed stained with soup from an encounter with a fast-food restaurant owner.

The greeter's words stung. Du Chen frowned and replied, "Beggars are human too, many driven to it by harsh circumstances. How can you equate them with animals? Besides, I'm not a beggar; my clothes are just dirty!"

The greeter let out a scoff. "Did I call you a beggar? Read the sign—it says beggars and dogs are not welcome!"

Sniggers rippled through the crowd.

Du Chen's expression turned steely as he stepped forward. "Is this how you treat your guests? Judging by appearances is one thing, but to hurl insults?"

The greeter, intimidated by Du Chen's presence, stepped back and tripped, falling to the ground. She let out a shrill scream, "Mr. Dragon, we have a troublemaker! This idiot tried to intimidate me. I'll have him taken care of!"

Several burly men burst forth, led by a man in a security uniform with a dragon tattoo on his arm—Mr. Dragon himself.

"You disrespectful punk, you've crossed the line, messing with my girl!" Mr. Dragon charged, swinging at Du Chen without a word.

Du Chen wasn't much of a fighter, but he was quick to react, stepping back and protesting, "I didn't push her, and she was rude to me first!"

The female greeter snapped at him with a high-pitched scold, "Who let this stray dog wander into our place uninvited?"

Mr. Dragon's face turned stormy as he growled, "Idiot, I'm giving you a chance right now. Kneel and bow to my lady ten times, call her 'grandma' ten times, or I swear I'll break your legs today!"

Du Chen, observing the back-and-forth between the two and the onlookers' eager eyes, finally realized, "So this was a trap you set for me all along!"

Turning around, he caught sight of the fast-food restaurant's waitress standing at the entrance of the Golden Age, smirking coldly.

It was that wretched woman's scheme again!

Du Chen's expression darkened, "Mr. Dragon, is it? As the head of Golden Age's security, you're in cahoots with thugs to harass our guests. Well done, indeed! I'll have you out of here shortly!"

Mr. Dragon feigned a look of exaggerated terror, "You're kidding! You're going to fire me? Oh, what am I going to do?!"

The female greeter was doubled over in laughter, tears streaming down her face, "I can't even! This guy is hilarious, thinking he can fire Mr. Dragon. Listen, if you can actually pull that off today, I'd do anything for you!"

The bystanders continued to chuckle, finding Du Chen utterly amusing for even suggesting he could dismiss Mr. Dragon.

Who did Mr. Dragon think he was? A notorious big shot with a word that could summon dozens of knife-wielding goons. He was a force to be reckoned with!

Only the clout of the Golden Age Entertainment Center's owner could have possibly brought in someone like him to lead their security.

Du Chen, uninterested in further banter, pulled out his phone to make a call, only to realize that the relentless 'call-till-you-die' service hadn't ceased, rendering his phone useless.

With no other choice, he borrowed Lin Ying'er's phone and dialed the secretary the old butler had mentioned.

"Hello, this is Du Chen. I'm in the lobby downstairs. Come get me," he said with a detached tone.

As he boldly made the call, those nearby were taken aback. Could it be that this guy was telling the truth?

Mr. Dragon sneered, "Idiot, keep up the act. You're doing great. Just so you know, the lady who runs the fast-food joint across the street is my cousin. She's told me all about you, how you're nothing but a freeloader, a complete waste of space. And you claim to know our boss?"

The hostess looked at him with contempt. "I never thought a man could be so pathetic. Calling you a dog would be an insult to dogs. You're even lower than that!"

Du Chen watched the descending floor numbers on the distant elevator and chuckled, "Believe it or not, within a minute, I'll have you on your knees calling me grandpa."

"Pfft, show off," the hostess scoffed, clinging to Mr. Dragon's arm. "Why don't you just give him a beating and throw him out? I can't stand looking at this loser."

Mr. Dragon's grin turned vicious as he lifted his hand, ready to strike Du Chen across the face.

Du Chen stood motionless, seemingly petrified, prompting head shakes from the onlookers.


The elevator had arrived.

Just as Mr. Dragon's hand was about to meet Du Chen's cheek, a panicked shriek echoed from behind, "Hao Loong, you damn well stop right now!"

Caught off guard, Hao Loong glanced back. "Secretary Wang?"

Secretary Wang, usually the epitome of grace and poise, dashed forward in a disheveled state, her high heels abandoned, revealing her bare, snow-white feet. Without hesitation, she slapped Hao Loong across the face.

The hostess's shock quickly morphed into a dark scowl. "Secretary Wang, you owe me an explanation. Mr. Dragon is a respected figure; you can't just slap him like that!"

Mr. Dragon remained silent, but his stance was clear.

Ignoring them both, Wang Xue bowed deeply to Du Chen, her voice trembling with urgency, "I'm so sorry for being late, Mr. Du..."

"Miss Wang, is this how you treat an ordinary guest?" Du Chen steadied her, placing deliberate emphasis on the words 'ordinary guest.'

Although he was previously just a small fry, he understood the wisdom of not flaunting one's wealth. Especially since he hadn't yet grasped the full situation, he was reluctant to broadcast his identity.

Enduring Zhou Yali's oppression for years, Du Chen had honed a mature and stable disposition. He had come to realize that amassing wealth quietly was the true art of living and succeeding.

Wang Xue couldn't fathom why Du Chen wouldn't let her clarify her identity, but she didn't dare to go against his wishes.

She spun around and fixed Hao Loong with an icy stare, "Sir, just because you're dressed plainly doesn't give you the right to disdain him!"

"I've repeatedly emphasized that we must not judge by appearances or attire. Have you all failed to remember, or do you simply not take me seriously?"

"I demand that you apologize to this gentleman immediately, or you can all pack up and leave!"

With a malicious grin, Hao Loong didn't want to quarrel with Wang Xue. He glared at Du Chen and barked, "Kid, you think you can make me apologize?"

Du Chen replied coolly, "If you've done wrong, you need to apologize."

"You son of a b—"


Wang Xue's hand flew out, cutting off the hostess's tirade and leaving her cheek swollen.

"You're fired—out, now!" As the CEO's secretary, Wang Xue's command was unquestionable.

Hao Loong watched the hostess being dragged out, screeching and cursing. His gaze hardened as he looked at Du Chen, now uncertain.

He backed down.

He liked to think of himself as a big shot in the underworld, but even with his bravado, he only had a handful of underlings.

Wang Xue, on the other hand, was the CEO's confidante, and the owner of the Golden Age Entertainment Center was rumored to be a top-tier tycoon.

In an age where money talks, countless high-ranking officials sought to curry favor with the owner. If the boss wanted to take down Mr. Dragon, it would be effortless.

Moreover, despite Mr. Dragon's claims of being connected, he had actually begged his way in, contrary to his boasts.

The reason was simple: whoever could run the Golden Age Entertainment Center had to possess an incredibly formidable network of connections. Hao Loong was eager to ingratiate himself with such a powerful figure.

There's an old adage: "In front of a prime minister's gate, even a seventh-rank official holds sway." As the CEO's secretary, Wang Xue naturally commanded significant influence.

Hao Loong's face was taut with anger as he begrudgingly muttered, "Mr. Du, I apologize."

Du Chen gave Hao Loong a frosty look before continuing on his way.

As they brushed past each other, Hao Loong hissed venomously, "Listen, kid, don't think you can get away with anything just because you're involved with that woman. Once you leave here, you better watch your back!"

Du Chen's gaze turned icy, but he said nothing.

Hao Loong stormed off, his pride wounded. Unable to bear the humiliation of apologizing to Du Chen, a mere 'ordinary person,' he had no choice but to leave—to salvage what was left of his reputation as a boss.

Once Du Chen saw Mr. Dragon depart, he too left, intent on immediately evicting that worthless ex-boyfriend of his.

Stepping outside, he was confronted with the sight of the fast-food restaurant across the street, utterly wrecked. The owner was prostrate, sobbing uncontrollably, her face swollen from the assault.

Mr. Dragon, having lost his job unexpectedly, had taken out his frustrations on his so-called cousin.

Du Chen paid him no mind.

He rushed home, only to be met with a sight that cut him to the core. His heart seized in a mix of pain and fury.

A Maserati was parked in front of the villa, and there beside it was Lin Ying'er, in the arms of Zhao Sheng, while Zhou Yali looked on with glee.

With an awkward expression, Lin Ying'er gently pushed Zhao Sheng away, whispering, "I'm married now, please, don't do this. I appreciate the three million yuan to help me out, but going to dinner with you at Creekside Bistro, I..."

Creekside Bistro? Du Chen's heart skipped a beat. That was the renowned lovers' restaurant.

"No! I won't allow it!" Du Chen erupted in anger and stepped forward.

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