The Billionaire's Cinderella/C4 Who Gave Him the Money?
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The Billionaire's Cinderella/C4 Who Gave Him the Money?
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C4 Who Gave Him the Money?

Du Chen's unexpected arrival threw Lin Ying'er into a state of confusion. "You...weren't you off to grab some fast food? How did you get back so quickly?"

Zhou Yali was livid. She charged at Du Chen and delivered a stinging slap across his face. "Get out! You spineless fool, do you really want to destroy my daughter's future happiness?!"

Caught off guard, Du Chen felt the full force of the slap, his cheek puffing up slightly.

He stared at Zhou Yali, incredulous. "She's my wife; why would I ruin her happiness?"

"Laugh all you want, but not for long. You two are getting a divorce tomorrow!" Zhou Yali hissed vehemently. "Stop holding my daughter back. Zhao Sheng is her true path to happiness!"

"Mom, what are you even saying?" Lin Ying'er frowned, turning to Du Chen.

But she saw him standing still, fists clenched, not making a move.

A wave of disappointment washed over Lin Ying'er. Was this man truly that cowardly?

He didn't even have the courage to confront his rival?

What Du Chen was actually contemplating was that he couldn't afford to be rash; otherwise, Lin Ying'er would only see him as a brute.

Du Chen fixed a cold gaze on Zhao Sheng. "You'd better leave now. This is my house, and Ying'er is my wife!"

Zhao Sheng, who had been smug from the start, patted his Maserati. "Your wife? And what exactly have you given Ying'er? A sports car? A mansion? Or maybe money?"

"I bet it's Ying'er who has brought all these things into your life. That's why you, a pathetic loser, cling to her, trying to sabotage our happiness!"

"Do you realize you've made Ying'er the joke of Boross City? Now everyone knows she's an angel who married a complete failure!"

"Oh, but you're not entirely useless. I must admit, you've kept the house spotless and even prepared a lavish lunch for me. Here's two hundred yuan for your troubles," he said mockingly.

With that, Zhao Sheng tossed the money at Lin Ying'er and Zhou Yali's feet, acting as if he were the lord of the manor, reducing Du Chen to nothing more than a housekeeper.

Seething with anger, Du Chen advanced, intent on hurling the money back at Zhao Sheng's face to prove that he, too, was far from penniless.

I'm now a billionaire, with a Rolls-Royce and the Golden Age Entertainment Center to my name, far surpassing you!

But before Du Chen could respond, he watched Zhao Sheng hop into his car and drive off, laughing heartily. His voice carried on the breeze, "Ying'er, I'll transfer the three million you need, and I'll be waiting for you at Creekside Bistro."

Lin Ying'er's gaze fell on Du Chen, filled with disappointment.

Zhou Yali sneered, "You're despicable. Take your tip and scram. I don't want to see your face around here again!"

Fuming, Du Chen retorted to Lin Ying'er, "I intended to give the money back to him. I'm not hurting for a measly two hundred yuan. In fact, I'd gladly offer you three million to get through these tough times!"

He held up Lin Ying'er's phone just as the message confirming the transfer of three million yuan came through.

Lin Ying'er quickly grabbed the phone, her eyes widening in shock at the confirmed transfer. "Where did you get this money?"

Zhou Yali, unable to contain her excitement, pushed past Du Chen, "You think we're fools? It's obviously Zhao Sheng's money!"

"It's my money; my second uncle gave it to me!" Du Chen insisted, unwilling to keep his identity a secret any longer.

But Lin Ying'er's disbelief was palpable. "You expect me to fall for that? Did you forget you told me your uncle's just a farmer? How could he possibly have three million yuan?"

Du Chen stumbled over his words, realizing his oversight.

Zhou Yali's contempt was clear as she mocked, "Look at him! Not only is he pathetic, but he's also picked up this pretentious act, flaunting money that isn't even his!"

"Du Chen, are you still trying to claim your uncle struck it rich from farming?"

"Get real. No fool would buy that story. Even if he did have money, he wouldn't give it to you!"

"And another thing, don't think I'm an easy target just because I'm short on cash. If I hadn't been swindled and taken out loans for goods worth millions, do you think a mere three million would be an issue for me?"

"With Zhao Sheng's help, I'll be back on my feet in no time. Just you wait. Once I've settled the score with those who betrayed me, you're next!"

With those words, Zhou Yali pulled Lin Ying'er away.

Du Chen wanted to call them back and show them around Golden Age to see his business empire.

Lin Ying'er, however, looked earnestly at Du Chen and said, "If you truly want to prove yourself, my dad will be back from overseas in five days. Our family will be gathering then. If you can distinguish yourself among the accomplished younger generation, I'll believe in you."

Watching the mother and daughter head back to the villa, Du Chen realized he probably wouldn't make it home today.

He never imagined his money would end up benefiting Zhao Sheng, and now Lin Ying'er was even being coerced into dining with him!

No way, he thought. I have to sabotage this damned dinner!

With a dark scowl, Du Chen turned and made his way back to the Golden Age Entertainment Center. There, he found Secretary Wang kneeling on the sofa, her expression cool, her long, shapely legs crossed in a captivating pose.

"Boss," Secretary Wang said, quickly setting aside her paperwork to approach.

Noticing she was always barefoot, Du Chen asked, "Doesn't that tire you out?"

Secretary Wang looked aggrieved. "You have no idea. Wearing high heels is far more exhausting, so I sneak in a little break whenever I can."

Her stunning face was playful as she stuck out her tongue at him, her charm irresistible.

Du Chen felt his heart race, reflecting on how, without his wealth, such a gorgeous woman might not even give him a second glance.

"Speaking of which, aside from Golden Age, what other assets do we have?" Du Chen recalled the old butler mentioning his extensive portfolio.

"Right here, I've organized all the documents," Secretary Wang said, moving closer, her subtle scent wafting over.

Du Chen had no time to savor the moment as he gaped at the dense list of company names on the documents. He quickly estimated there were at least a hundred!

These companies spanned the film industry, real estate, finance, dining, and even included a name he recognized.

Creekside Bistro!

"Ha! Fortune favors me today. Secretary Wang, could you quickly reserve a spot at Creekside Bistro? I'm planning to host a dinner," Du Chen implored with urgency.

"Why not just book the whole place?" Secretary Wang suggested with a casual smile.

Du Chen paused, then chuckled ruefully, shaking his head. "I guess old habits die hard. Thanks for the nudge. Let's go ahead and book the entire restaurant."

Secretary Wang offered another tip, "If you're expecting a lady, might I suggest a touch of romance? Scatter rose petals on the floor, add some elegant decorations, and perhaps prepare a piece of jewelry as a gift."

As if on cue, the old butler returned, clutching a black plastic bag. "Mr. Du, I've just met with some executives. They've sent over a few gifts for you to peruse," he said, offering the bag.

Inside were numerous items: an antique folding fan, a deep-sea pearl the size of a fist, and several VIP cards.

Yet, it was a bracelet that stole the show. Emerald green with a magnificently carved phoenix, it sparkled under the light with a captivating sheen.

Secretary Wang's eyes widened at the sight. "Could this be the fabled 'Empress's Dream' by the renowned sculptor Xuan Jizi?"

"Crafted from imperial jade and bearing Master Xuan Jizi's signature, it's undoubtedly priceless, worth at least a hundred million, right?"

"How many women must yearn to possess it, yet the master refuses to sell. What made him generous enough to gift it to our Mr. Du?"

Du Chen was equally bewildered. Had he really gained such prestige so quickly?

The old butler simply chuckled. "We own a jade mine abroad and command top-tier jewelry marketing channels domestically. Xuan Jizi is keen to elevate his fame, so naturally, he's inclined to ingratiate himself with Mr. Du."

"However, Mr. Du needn't pay them too much mind. The reason I've carried these items in a plastic bag is to remind them that no matter what they offer, to us, it's all just trinkets."

"This is the kind of assurance that comes with wealth. We're wealthy enough to compete with nations, so it's essential that we take charge. Everyone else will just have to fall in line and pay their respects!"

Du Chen saw the old butler's fervent hope and finally grasped the extent of his own prestigious status, naturally exuding the presence of someone in a position of power.

He was now a top-tier magnate!

Secretary Wang and the old butler exchanged glances, both showing expressions of delighted surprise.

They hadn't anticipated Du Chen's swift shift in self-perception. The stronger he became, the more secure their own standing would be!

With his newfound identity, Du Chen spoke with newfound confidence. "Wang, inform Creekside Bistro that I'm booking the entire place tonight. And make sure to get the finest wine and set the mood—I'm taking my wife out for dinner!"

Secretary Wang complied with a nod, her eyes lingering enviously on the bracelet resting on the table. "Mr. Du, would you like me to gift wrap this 'Emperor's Romance' for you?"

Du Chen chuckled. "No, leave it right where it can catch the eye. I want my wife to spot it immediately!"

"Understood." Secretary Wang handled the bracelet with care as she departed.

Watching his secretary's graceful sway as she walked away, Du Chen mused on the perks of being the boss—having a secretary to handle business matters, and enjoying other... benefits when there was downtime.

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