The Billionaire's Cinderella/C7 Drugged!
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The Billionaire's Cinderella/C7 Drugged!
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C7 Drugged!

Du Chen's keen eyes immediately spotted the two diners at the window seat. He could even make out Zhao Sheng's forceful embrace around Lin Ying'er's shoulders and the repulsive grin on his face as he poured her wine.

It was clear that Lin Ying'er was uncomfortable and trying to resist, though she was careful not to cause too much of a scene.

Fury surged within him. The restaurant's staff had conspired with Zhao Sheng to deceive Lin Ying'er!

"You dare to play me for a fool?" Du Chen's strength was formidable; he easily shrugged off several security guards and stormed into the restaurant.

"Ying'er, don't let them deceive you!"

Du Chen strode purposefully toward their table.

Lin Ying'er was in the midst of a conversation with Zhao Sheng when she looked up and saw Du Chen approaching. A look of relief washed over her face, grateful that Du Chen had come to her aid.

Zhao Sheng, caught off guard by Du Chen's arrival, was unaware that Du Chen was the one who had reserved the venue. He rose to his feet and bellowed, "Security! Where is security? I've booked this place for today. How are these riffraff getting in?"

Seeing Zhao Sheng's audacious claim to have booked the place, Du Chen was ready to let him experience the embarrassment of being publicly humiliated.

The restaurant manager had already scurried over but was too intimidated to speak up or to have Du Chen removed.

Du Chen fixed the manager with a stern glare. "Get out of my way, and I'll deal with you later!"

The manager, as if spared from execution, quickly scampered off.

Zhao Sheng was dumbfounded, unsure of what had just transpired with the manager. Could it be that Du Chen was the one who had actually booked the place?

Impossible, he thought. Du Chen was nothing but a pushover!

With a scornful laugh, Zhao Sheng turned to Du Chen, "Came to watch us dine, did you? Sorry, there's no seat for you. Why don't you stand by the door instead? I'll have someone bring you a steak to try. I'm sure you've never had the pleasure of such a fine meal."

"It's only a steak. I've made them for Ying'er before," Du Chen replied coolly.

"Hahaha, since when is being a stay-at-home husband a badge of honor? That's hilarious. Do you even realize what you amount to in society? A useless parasite!" Zhao Sheng bellowed with laughter. "As a man, you should be conquering battlefields or the business world!"

"Let me be clear, I'm a CEO worth tens of millions. I'm here for investment purposes. You're completely out of your depth here, and even if you did manage to find a job, you'd still be nothing but garbage in my eyes!"

Lin Ying'er felt a twinge of shame and whispered to Du Chen, "Why did you have to mention cooking for me? Please, just leave for now. I'll head home after I finish my meal."

Du Chen shook his head resolutely. "I can't leave. This guy tricked you with a lie about booking the entire restaurant. He's clearly up to no good!"

Panic flashed across Zhao Sheng's face, and he resorted to hurling insults to deflect, "Nonsense! I did book this restaurant. I'm here to talk to Ying'er about settling the three million debt. If you keep spreading these lies, I have nothing more to say. Ying'er, I'll have no choice but to leave!"

Lin Ying'er, now frantic, stood up and scolded Du Chen, "What are you blabbering about? Get out!"

Du Chen replied with earnest, "Ying'er, I'm just trying to look out for you. If there's anything you need help with, I'm here to sort it out."

"You? Give me a break. What good does it do to turn to you? You can't even scrape together three million!" Lin Ying'er was livid. If Du Chen were truly capable, why would she ever feel cornered by Zhao Sheng's threats?

The truth was, the issues plaguing Lin Ying'er's mother's company extended far beyond a mere three million. There was someone deliberately undermining and deceiving them, and Zhao Sheng happened to be acquainted with that person. That's why Lin Ying'er felt compelled to dine with Zhao Sheng.

But from the moment Zhao Sheng sat down, he began making unwelcome advances. Lin Ying'er's disgust for him was reaching a boiling point.

The deeper her loathing for Zhao Sheng grew, the more disillusioned she became with Du Chen. He seemed utterly ineffectual, unable to offer any real assistance, only capable of boasting and embarrassing her.

Overwhelmed by her thoughts and the weight of her situation, Lin Ying'er couldn't hold back her tears any longer, and they began to stream down her face.

Zhao Sheng burst into laughter, slapping Du Chen on the shoulder. "Hear that, you loser? Ying'er isn't into braggarts like you. She's into men with real skills—men like me. But hey, I'm not heartless. How about you come work as a security guard at my company? I'll pay you 1,800 yuan a month. Pretty generous, right?"

"Ying'er, I'm not going to leave you alone with this lowlife," Du Chen declared with resolve.

"Damn it, Du Chen, you're nothing but trash! What are you even saying? Lin Ying'er, either you get rid of him, or I'm out. Your choice!" Zhao Sheng bellowed in fury.

With an icy glare, Lin Ying'er doused Du Chen's face with her wine. "I told you to scram, did you hear me? Zhao Sheng is paying off a three million yuan debt for me. This dinner is the least I owe him, and I intend to settle it!"

"I get that you're broke, but I can't stand to watch you stir up trouble out of jealousy. And I won't let you drag my mother into a debt of hundreds of millions because of your antics!"

Fury burned within Du Chen as he clenched his teeth. He never imagined that the feast he had meticulously planned would be hijacked by another. He fixed Zhao Sheng with an icy stare. "So, you claim you've booked this place? Where's your proof?"

Zhao Sheng's expression wavered. "I don't have to prove anything to a waste of space like you! All I need is for Ying'er to know how much I love her."

"Love Ying'er?" Du Chen let out a cold laugh and hit a hidden switch on the table. Music immediately filled the room. "Alright, Zhao Sheng, enlighten me—what's this tune?"

Zhao Sheng's face tensed, puzzled by Du Chen's knowledge of the hidden mechanism. He stammered, "There are countless songs out there, how should I know?"

Lin Ying'er's brow furrowed. "Isn't this 'The Love of Lamu,' my all-time favorite?"

Zhao Sheng's face fell.

With a mocking smile, Du Chen taunted, "I thought you knew all about Ying'er's preferences. So how come you don't recognize her favorite song?"

"I'm usually too swamped to listen to music, so I only recognize this song, not the title. But since I set this up, as long as this song is playing here, it proves I know Ying'er likes it!" Zhao Sheng struggled to explain.

Lin Ying'er wasn't suspicious. She turned to Du Chen with a stern look and said, "Do you think everyone has as much free time as you to just laze around? What are you trying to say?"

Zhao Sheng hadn't expected Lin Ying'er to take his side and he swelled with pride. "Heh, not bad. Go ahead and throw your best shot if you're here to stir up trouble. I'll handle whatever you've got. It's the perfect chance to show how genuine and fiery my love for Ying'er is!"

Du Chen gave a cold laugh, then gazed earnestly at Lin Ying'er. "I want to show you who really loves you."

With that, he strode to the center of the restaurant and switched on a projector.

Zhao Sheng's confidence drained away as he saw what was projected, his face turning ashen.

He knew he was in trouble.

Projected on the distant wall was a slideshow Du Chen had created, displaying photos of Lin Ying'er from her birth to the present, each accompanied by his tender words of love.

Du Chen had crafted a heartfelt confession for Lin Ying'er, touching everyone with his deep affection.

Lin Ying'er watched the slideshow in awe. No matter what Zhao Sheng might say now, she wouldn't believe him; the sincerity in Du Chen's voice was undeniable.

"You..." Lin Ying'er took a tentative step forward, seemingly eager to understand what was happening.

Suddenly, countless flower petals began to fall from above, cascading down to the stirring music and transforming the scene into one of enchantment, with Lin Ying'er at its center, like a fairy. Overwhelmed by the romance, tears streamed down her face.

As the music and heartfelt confession continued, Du Chen approached Lin Ying'er, his eyes warm and a smile playing at his lips. "My love, I love you. I've let you down in the past, and I'm sorry. This is something I've wanted to do for you for so long, and today, it's finally happening! Do you like it?"

Despite Zhao Sheng's interruption, Du Chen had managed to convey his feelings. Lin Ying'er, deeply moved, could hardly speak through her tears. "I love it, I really do!"

"Ying'er, I may not have money, a car, or a house, but what I do have is a heart that loves you deeply. I'll always strive to make you happy, and I promise to work tirelessly to ensure you're the happiest woman alive!" Du Chen vowed with earnest conviction.

Lin Ying'er was moved as she gazed at Du Chen. Her beauty was a curse that attracted only the worst kind of men—those who desired nothing more than to bed her. She had never experienced such a heartfelt confession.

Du Chen, usually so reserved, had boldly opened his heart for the first time, igniting a flicker of hope in Lin Ying'er.

Next to her, Zhao Sheng's face twisted with displeasure. The disdainful look Lin Ying'er had thrown his way left him simmering with embarrassment and rage.

He knew he had to act fast or it would be too late. Seizing Lin Ying'er's arm, he demanded, "Would you rather be with this pauper, drowning in millions of yuan in debt, or with me, allowing me to clear your debts?"

Lin Ying'er hesitated, torn between love and the harsh realities of life.

Before she could reach a decision, Zhao Sheng was already dragging her away, ignoring her protests.

Furious, Du Chen hadn't anticipated Zhao Sheng's interference. He set off in pursuit, only to be stopped by the restaurant manager who clutched at him with a deceitful grin. "Mr. Du, your table is ready. Just a moment while we tidy it up for you."

"Out of my way!" Du Chen barked, lashing out with a kick at the manager, but he staggered, nearly toppling over.

Heat coursed through his body, his head spun, and he was overwhelmed by an inexplicable craving and longing.

Was he ill?

No, it had to be drugs!

The memory flashed through Du Chen's mind—the wine Zhao Sheng had poured for Lin Ying'er, which ended up splashed across his own face.

That despicable man had drugged Ying'er! Du Chen knew he had to catch up to them before it was too late.

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