The Billionaire's Cinderella/C9 He Could Not Enter!
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The Billionaire's Cinderella/C9 He Could Not Enter!
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C9 He Could Not Enter!

Secretary Wang, whose real name was Wang Xue, was undeniably stunning. With her alluring figure and sexy curves, complemented by her smooth, delicate features, she was the epitome of beauty.

For Du Chen, being drugged was one thing, but even under normal circumstances, being in the presence of such a striking woman and claiming he wouldn't take a second glance would be nothing short of a lie.

Leaning on Wang Xue for support as they ascended the stairs, he was enveloped by her intoxicating scent. The moment he stepped through his front door, he made a beeline for the bathroom, turning on the cold shower and dousing himself in a desperate attempt to stay cool.

Despite Lin Ying'er's deep-seated resentment towards him, Du Chen was determined not to betray her trust.

Sitting in the bathtub, immersed in icy water, he reached for his phone and called his butler. "Look into a man named Zhao Sheng for me," he instructed. "I have a feeling he doesn't deserve the life he's leading."

Zhao Sheng had been throwing his weight around thanks to his wealth, but Du Chen was ready to strip him of everything.

The butler promptly responded, "Very well, Young Master. Also, Wang Kui, the so-called 'Underground Emperor' of Boross, has expressed his desire to meet with you today. It seems he's looking to go legit and is likely hoping you'll offer him a proper livelihood."

Feeling the drug's effects creeping back, Du Chen gasped for air and managed to say, "Perfect. Zhao Sheng owns a company, right? Hand it over to Wang Kui, but I expect his undying loyalty in return."

The butler smiled knowingly. "Certainly, Young Master. I'll handle it. But are you sure you're okay? You sound quite breathless."

"I'm just a bit tired, nothing more," Du Chen replied, too embarrassed to admit he'd been drugged, lest he become the butt of a joke.

Just then, Wang Xue's voice, tentative yet unmistakable, drifted in from outside the bathroom. "Boss, are you finished? I'm getting tired. Could you hurry up?"

Caught off guard, the butler's expression turned into a knowing grin. "Don't overexert yourself, Young Master. And as for Wang Xue, her background is spotless. There's no harm in... indulging a little."

Du Chen couldn't help but give a wry smile. What a mess this was.

After hanging up, Du Chen didn't dare venture out and ended up taking a cold shower the entire night.

The next morning, he quietly left without waking Wang Xue and returned to an empty house. Had something happened at the company again?

Du Chen's hunch was spot on. At that moment, Lin Ying'er and her mother were frantically negotiating with someone in their jade shop.

"Mr. Liu, I've already paid for the shipment. The jade you requested is on its way. Canceling the order now would ruin me!" Zhou Yali was beside herself with worry.

Previously, she'd been lured by a good deal. Without much thought, she agreed to supply Mr. Liu with ten million yuan worth of jade and signed a contract with a staggering 500 million yuan penalty for breach.

It seemed foolproof, but then the supplier hiked the prices, leaving Zhou Yali scrambling for funds, unable to secure a bank loan.

Zhao Sheng had come through for her in a pinch, but now Mr. Liu was backing out, turning her investment into dead stock and tying up her capital.

Lin Ying'er, equally incensed, confronted him, "Mr. Liu, you insisted on a rush order, which is why we went out of our way to finance it. Now you're just walking away? Aren't you worried about the breach of contract fee?"

"Funny enough, your mother didn't mention a penalty fee when she signed the contract with me," Mr. Liu said with a sly grin.

"What?" Lin Ying'er was taken aback.

Zhou Yali felt a bitter sting of regret. Caught up in the excitement, she'd been duped by Mr. Liu's assurances and hadn't secured a penalty clause, effectively trapping herself.

Lin Ying'er shot her mother a look of frustration and, through clenched teeth, warned, "Mr. Liu, don't underestimate us!"

She reached for her phone to call Du Chen for backup.

But Zhou Yali grabbed the phone from her, exasperated. "What's the point in calling that good-for-nothing? We need to get Zhao Sheng on this, now!"

Lin Ying'er furrowed her brow, but all she could do was watch helplessly as her mother dialed Zhao Sheng for assistance.

Zhao Sheng readily agreed to help, as he had orchestrated the scam involving Mr. Liu and the so-called supply of goods to ensnare Zhou Yali. His aim was to put the mother and daughter in his debt, then leverage that to pressure Lin Ying'er into divorcing Du Chen and pave his own way to the top.

But in his rush to leave his company, Zhao Sheng failed to notice a fax from the chairman, notifying him that his company had been sold to the Golden Age Entertainment Center and that he was now out of a job.

Du Chen arrived at the company alone, concerned. His calls to Lin Ying'er had gone unanswered, and his mother-in-law had abruptly hung up on him.

The old butler greeted Du Chen in the office, "Young Master, we've acquired Zhao Sheng's company and placed Wang Kui in charge, as per your instructions. But there's an intriguing bit of news I've picked up from Zhao Sheng's company."

"What's that?" Du Chen asked, massaging his temples as he settled into a chair.

"Zhao Sheng conspired with two jade merchants to feign high-priced purchases, luring your mother-in-law into borrowing a hefty sum. He then planned to cancel the contract, leaving her with massive debt and an inventory worth millions," the butler reported with due respect.

A chill crossed Du Chen's features. "He's truly despicable. What did you do?"

The butler shook his head, seizing the moment to challenge Du Chen, "I've heard about your spat with the young mistress. You could personally resolve this issue and earn her favor. It's crucial not to let your second uncle believe you're incapable of managing your own household affairs, or you'll be at a disadvantage."

Du Chen's frown deepened. "Fine. Didn't Master Xuan Jizi mention an upcoming jewelry exhibition? Let's move my mother-in-law's stock there first. With Xuan Jizi's endorsement, it's bound to sell."

Pleased, the butler departed to carry out the plan. In doing so, he would keep his identity under wraps, avoid financial loss, and sidestep the need to curry favor. Du Chen was proving himself to be anything but ineffectual.

The phone jangled noisily.

Du Chen was in the middle of catching up on sleep when his phone abruptly rang. Groggily, he answered, "Hello? Who's this?"

"Oh, catching some Z's, huh?" Lee Yan's snide voice crackled through the line. "Look at you, Mr. Du, living the life of leisure. It's broad daylight and you're still in bed. Must be nice being taken care of, huh?"

"Just spit it out if you've got something to say!" Du Chen replied, clearly annoyed.

"Feeling entitled, are we? I'm just calling to let you know there's a class reunion at the Golden Age Entertainment Center today. Go or don't—it's your call!" Lee Yan snapped, then abruptly ended the call.

Beside her, a dashing man inquired, "What happened? That spineless ex isn't giving you trouble again, is he? I can take care of him for you!"

Switching to a sugary sweet tone, Lee Yan cooed, "Brother Lu, you're the best. But I've done my homework; this guy has no connection to the Finance Manager. You don't need to step in. He probably won't even get past the front doors of the Golden Age Entertainment Center this time."

The man burst into laughter, "Great, then let's just sit back and enjoy the show. I can't believe this fool not only snagged the gorgeous Lin Ying'er but also got Lau Yixiang to vouch for him. I'm curious to see how he'll grovel to get me to let him in for a meal this time!"

"Exactly, we'll be right there at the entrance waiting for him. Let's make sure everyone gets a good look at him being turned away!" Lee Yan giggled behind her hand, continuing to press her voluptuous body against the man.

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