The Conceited Young Man/C2 After a Thousand Years of Hard Work the First Words of the Story will Come to an End
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The Conceited Young Man/C2 After a Thousand Years of Hard Work the First Words of the Story will Come to an End
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C2 After a Thousand Years of Hard Work the First Words of the Story will Come to an End

The rain outside the window gradually began to die down. The old man withdrew his mind, smiled at the students below, stood up and said, "Today's class will end here. The rain outside has not stopped, we can write some lessons here, or go home, and take a taste of this rare rain."

The students laughed and divided into two groups. One group came over to bid farewell to the old teacher, while the other stayed in the academy to wait for the rain to stop before leaving. Amongst the remaining students, it was not that Xu Zhen did not want to return home as soon as possible, but rather that the academy was too far away from their home.

Xu Qingzhi saw that most of the students had left and slowly walked up to the old teacher, cupping his hands and bowing.

"Sir, I have something I don't understand."

The old man looked at the young man clad in white, with a pair of bright eyes on his sickly white face. The old teacher let out a long sigh. He had a very deep impression of this bitter child, Xu Qingzhi, and truly was a smart child. Unfortunately, his body was afflicted with an innate disease, and Xu Dazhi's parents were already at their last gasp when they picked him up that winter. However, the heavens always kept a trace of him. He took away Xu Qing's healthy body, but also bestowed him with an early wisdom and calm that was inconsistent with his age.

"Good child, what's the matter?"

Xu Qingzhi tidied up his words, then said after a pause, "As everyone knows, the evaluation of the prime minister is a ranking list of all capable people in the world. It was compiled by the Martial Nation's Cardinal Pavilion and our Chu Country's Orchid Pavilion." But even if we, the two great powers, appraise it together, how can we judge and convince the world? Would anyone not be willing to accept this? "The rankings of generals and warriors are different from those of martial artists in the martial arts world. Whoever can defeat them will be ranked higher than them. If you want to scheme for a country, you can't rank higher."

The majority of people were all concerned about the rankings. It was as if there was a consensus on the achievements of rankings, but in reality, people often ignored the fact that the evaluation itself was ranked in terms of achievements and abilities. Although it seemed to be a simple reversal of order, it was a very crucial change in their hearts.

"The general's comments were made by Wang Dan, the advisor to the Emperor of the Martial Kingdom. Wang Dan was the first to propose the reform of the seven kingdoms. He had his own ability to turn the weak and weakened Martial Kingdom into the Spring and Autumn Hegemony. It was also when the Wu state was unifying the southern kingdoms that Wang Dan proposed to evaluate them as a place where scholars and generals competed. As for the criteria for the evaluation of a general, according to what Wang Dan said, a hero should be judged by his accomplishments, and his methods should be used to conquer the four seas. "

"Wang Dan is very intelligent. As a result, there won't be much success in a short period of time. However, after a long time, the effect of evaluation has been revealed." No matter how calm a person was, he would always have his own pride. Therefore, the scholars and generals of the world fought to show off their talents and abilities, which attracted the remaining three kingdoms from the north to fight for them. At one time, it was difficult for the monarch to suppress them. The history will be thrown into disarray. "

Xu Qing was shocked. The reason why the first appearance of the judge was due to its political effects. It was a display of political means. Wang Dan, Wang Dan, indeed a person who had dominated the top spot for ten years. Even after his death, he had reserved the words' peerless among the warriors of the country 'for him.

"In that case, the other countries won't be able to think of a way to deal with it?"

"Of course! "Our Imperial Advisor had already figured out Wang Dan's intention. He was just going with the flow and relied on Wang Dan's comments to watch the mess between the Qi Kingdom and Shu Country. After that, he decided to unite the north."

Xu Qingzhi couldn't understand. Was the powerful Martial National Assembly at that time just letting him sit on a mountain and watch a tiger?

When the old teacher saw Xu Qingzhi's doubt, he smiled and was about to explain. Suddenly, he discovered that Xu Qingzhi's wrinkled brow had relaxed. He even smiled and shook his head.

"Sir, the Imperial Advisor is really scheming." Looking at the history books, I remember there was a book that said that after the Wu Country settled down in the south, they desired to conquer the continent and unite the continent. However, we, the Chu Army, fought to the death and nailed the invading army to the north of the Yangtze River, clashing with them on the other side for many years. The strength of my Chu Country has been greatly reduced, but we have also managed to block the advance of the army. After that, the war between the two countries of Sichuan ended in mutual destruction, and the country of Chu unified the North in one fell swoop. When he read to here, he could not help but wonder why the Wu Country would be so impatient to cross the Yangtze River when they had just unified the Southern Continent, and why our soldiers were able to defeat the two countries of Shu at the speed of lightning. From the looks of it, the Imperial Advisor had seen through Wang Dan's motive. He didn't want to give him a chance to sit back and watch the battle, so he went to the Yangtze River to find a chance to confront him. It may seem like he is fighting against a powerful martial nation, but he is conserving his strength. "

The old teacher smiled as he looked at Xu Qingzhi. This child's analysis was not bad, and the so-called history book was merely a little girl that was allowed to be smeared by the upper class.

The following matter was made clear to Xu Qingzhi. The Chu Country unified the north and was separated from the Wu Country by a river. The first thing Xu Qingzhi did was to propose a common evaluation of the country and establish his status. Over ten years had passed, and the twenty people in the competition had more or less been changed by a few waves. Only the top three of the two rankings had changed, because their achievements were unsurpassed by others, and they had always occupied the most dazzling position in the competition.

Xu Qinghu thought back to the evaluation he had read. Those familiar yet distant names, just like the sun after the rain, were deeply illuminating the youth's heart.

Chu Yinan, the leader of the Frostblade Battalion and the main force of the Wu Country, had to fight at the Xizi Lake for twelve days. After the war, the waters of the lake had not been clear for several months, and from then on, the famous scenic spot became a lake of blood. It was said that the Wu Country planned to rebuild the Xizi Lake later on, and the silt at the bottom of the lake turned blood-red. Chu Huainan was forced to give up his position after defending for 12 days. He then harassed the enemies all the way until he developed the classic guerrilla warfare tactics. The enemy attacked me, the enemy attacked me, the enemy attacked me, the enemy attacked me, the enemy retreated. Wang Shi, who was on the other side of the battlefield, had managed to gain some valuable time to strike back. This is why the evaluation will be held. The champion, Chu Yinan, is ranked third on the list, and is said to be creating a guerrilla hit system.

"Mongol oak, the commander of the Old Qin Empire's Gale Steel Cavalry. The Martial Kingdom had taken down Qin and the Martial Kingdom's Great General had set up a trap to deceive the Qin army. The main force had bypassed Xianyang and went straight for the Qin army's royal tent, Xiang Fan. It was said that the Duke of Qin thought that he would be able to sleep peacefully with the Windy Cavalry beneath him. When the army arrived at the bottom of Xiangfan City, the Duke of Qin was still drinking and enjoying himself. The military had calculated everything, except the fact that they had underestimated the fighting strength of the Iron Cavalry. They charged towards Xiangyang City at noon and sent out their troops, charging all the way to the front lines of the martial forces. In the afternoon, they slaughtered their way to Xiangyang City and engaged the main force of three hundred thousand soldiers in a fierce battle, forcefully rescuing the Duke of Qin from Xiangyang City. Then, they once again made a detour to Xianyang City and used the advantage of the high walls to guard the city for three years. "Ranking Meng Oak as second place on the rankings, with only four words to describe his combat power as first."

In the end, Xu Qingzhi thought of Wang Dan, who was ranked first on the double standings. What kind of person was that? Even after his death, he had always been above our honored Imperial Advisor. I heard that he was a very young man, but unfortunately, the heavens were jealous of his talent. As Xu Qing thought of this, he had an inexplicable feeling of sadness towards Wang Dan. A strategist had no boundaries, but as far as matters in front of him were concerned. What a pity.

The sudden rain had just stopped. Xu Qingzhi pulled Xu Shiji, who had fallen asleep, and bid farewell to the teacher on his way home.

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