The Demon Lord's Demise From Day One/C1 I will Smash the Devil Sovereign to Death
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The Demon Lord's Demise From Day One/C1 I will Smash the Devil Sovereign to Death
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C1 I will Smash the Devil Sovereign to Death

"Don't come any closer! If you take one more step, I'll scream for help!"

"Go ahead and scream. I've already checked; there's no way out of here. You could shout until you're hoarse and no one would come to your rescue... Oops, sorry, force of habit."

In the confines of the sealed palace, a standoff was unfolding between a man and a woman.

The woman was clad in purple, her flowing hair enhancing her striking presence.

The man, with sparkling eyes and a bright smile, was the picture of elegance in his white scholar's garb, a folding fan in hand.


He abruptly snapped the fan shut and offered a reassuring smile. "Don't be scared. I'm one of the good guys. Can you tell me where we are and how I ended up here?"

"My father is the master of the Sword Pavilion in Purvavideha. If you dare harm me, he will never let you off the hook."

Shen Muxi backed into a corner, her arms wrapped protectively around herself, her voice quivering. "Don't think you can do whatever you want just because you killed the Devil Sovereign. If you come any closer, I'll fight you with everything I've got!"

Tears threatened to spill from Shen Muxi's eyes.

Not long before, she had ventured alone from the Eastern Divine Region to Uttarakuru in search of the Medicine Sovereign to cure her ailment.

But fate had other plans, and she was captured by the formidable members of the Omen Sect and presented to their leader, Di Shitian.

Having heard of Di Shitian's reputation as a Casanova, she had contemplated taking her own life.

But then, in a twist of fate, the space above Di Shitian's head cracked open, and a man in white descended, crushing Di Shitian to death.

In that moment, she almost wept with relief, thinking her knight in shining armor had arrived.

However, the white-clad man approached her with a crazed look and a sinister smile.

"He's definitely no hero," she thought.

Shen Muxi gritted her teeth, resolute. If the man in white moved even an inch closer, she was prepared to go down fighting.

"I killed the Devil Sovereign?"

Su Mo paused, following Shen Muxi's gaze.

There, not too far off, lay a middle-aged man, eyes wide open in death, his expression one of unresolved anger.


All of a sudden, an overwhelming torrent of information burst into his consciousness.

After three or four minutes passed.

Su Mo's expression finally relaxed slightly.

"Did I really just crush the Devil Sovereign to death?"

Su Mo was still in disbelief.

Others, when reincarnated, would take over the Devil Sovereign or the devilish ancestor.

But not him.

He was reborn as a prodigy fascinated with spatial travel, who, during an experiment with spatial teleportation, accidentally triggered a spatial vortex and literally crushed the Devil Sovereign to death!

Di Shitian, the Devil Sovereign, was one of the three supreme powerhouses of Uttarakuru. To think he could be crushed to death...

Who would believe such a tale if it spread?

It's no wonder the ethereal woman before him seemed fearful.

Anyone who witnessed him crushing the Devil Sovereign would assume he was many times more powerful.

Having absorbed the deluge of information in his mind, Su Mo quickly went over to Di Shitian and began rummaging through his belongings.

The Devil Sovereign, a top figure of Uttarakuru, was bound to have his share of treasures.

After a thorough search of over ten minutes, which involved dressing and undressing Di Shitian multiple times, Su Mo finally ceased his scavenging.

Drawing on his knowledge of space, Su Mo transferred all of Di Shitian's valuable items into his storage ring. He then gave Shen Muxi a once-over, lingering a bit longer on her chest before smirking and remarking, "Don't be nervous. I'm not interested in those who are underdeveloped."


Shen Muxi stood tall, chest out, ready to object, but then she remembered that Su Mo was a being far more dreadful than Di Shitian. Her fiery retort died on her lips.

"Perverted lunatic."

Muttering under her breath, Shen Muxi gathered her courage and asked, "What will it take for you to let me go?"

"I'm warning you, don't even think of harboring any ill intentions towards me. I'm sick, and it's contagious!"

Detecting the cunning glint in Su Mo's eyes, Shen Muxi pressed on, "In Purvavideha, anyone who's crossed me has met a terrible fate."

"You're definitely sick, all right. I'd say it's your brain that's afflicted, and quite severely at that."

Su Mo rolled his eyes, uninterested in Shen Muxi's petty schemes.

He strode around the grand hall, intent on plundering its treasures. Having defeated the Devil Sovereign, it only made sense to claim his possessions. To do otherwise would be to squander his hard-won victory.

"This piece is quite nice—an antique, likely very valuable."

"This weapon is decent. I'll keep it."

"A scroll? Seems potent. Into the ring it goes."

As Su Mo moved through the hall, he stashed every valuable find into his storage ring, thoroughly enjoying himself.

Di Shitian, the Devil Sovereign, was a formidable force in Uttarakuru, wielding immense power within the Omen Sect. His word was law, and no one within the vast sect would dare cross him.

With the hall's riches now secured in his pocket, Su Mo turned his attention to Shen Muxi. "Describe the Devil Sovereign's daily routine to me."

"You're thinking of impersonating the Devil Sovereign?"

Shen Muxi's surprise was fleeting as she cautioned, "The Devil Sovereign is notoriously cruel. I've heard that the six major sects of Uttarakuru have long sought to overthrow him. I'd advise against trying to step into his shoes."

"Is that so?" Su Mo's brow furrowed in concern.

The idea of masquerading as the Devil Sovereign had indeed crossed his mind. After all, the Devil Sovereign was among the three mightiest in Uttarakuru, and not even the Omen Sect's elites would dare challenge him without cause.

But Shen Muxi's words about the six sects' intent to besiege the Devil Sovereign made him reconsider. He decided to hold off on any such deception and think more strategically. While he might fool the Omen Sect's warriors, facing the combined might of the six sects would surely blow his cover.

"Report to the Sect Master! The six great sects have reached the base of the mountain. We await your command!"

As Su Mo weighed his options for dealing with the impending crisis and making his escape from the Omen Sect, a robust voice echoed from outside the hall.

"Left Protector under Devil Sovereign Di Shitian, Cursed Soul!"

Before Su Mo could utter a word, Shen Muxi's face twisted with concern, and she said through clenched teeth, "We're in trouble! Cursed Soul is second only to Di Shitian in strength within the Omen Sect. If he discovers the Devil Sovereign's demise, we're facing dire consequences!"

"What's there to fear?"

Su Mo steadied himself and spoke with a cool detachment, "Inform Cursed Soul that Di Shitian is in deep meditation and entrust him with the affairs of the six great sects."


Shen Muxi discreetly pinched her thigh, realizing she had nearly been duped by Su Mo's demeanor.

Could Su Mo, who effortlessly shattered the void to slay the Devil Sovereign, actually fear Cursed Soul?

Gathering resources was likely just a quirk of his.

Shen Muxi was well aware that certain supreme beings had their eccentricities.

Take, for instance, the libertine Devil Sovereign Di Shitian and the Blade Sovereign, who would drink three jars of wine before battle to reach their zenith of combat prowess.

By comparison, Su Mo's penchant for collecting treasures seemed almost mundane.

Ahem, ahem!

With this in mind, Shen Muxi cleared her throat and declared loudly, "Our Sect Master is secluded in cultivation, striving for the Immortal Platform Stage. The issues concerning the six great sects are now your responsibility!"

"The Sect Master is advancing to the Immortal Platform Stage?"

Outside the hall, a look of bewilderment crossed Cursed Soul's face.

Hadn't the Devil Sovereign just ascended to the Dragon Transforming Nine-change? Why pursue the Immortal Platform Stage now?

Harboring his doubts, Cursed Soul turned and departed to command the Omen Sect's warriors to engage in battle with the six great sects.


Back inside the hall.

Su Mo finally exhaled a deep breath of relief only after Cursed Soul was out of sight.

That was too close for comfort!

Thank goodness for Shen Muxi's unwitting assistance; without her, handling Cursed Soul would have been a real predicament.

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