The Demon Lord's Demise From Day One/C10 Idiot
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The Demon Lord's Demise From Day One/C10 Idiot
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C10 Idiot

"Friendly request?" Shen Muxi couldn't help but roll her eyes, rendered speechless by Su Mo's antics.

Pretending to be a pig to eat a tiger, he had really outdone himself this time, proving his exceptional skill.

In Shen Muxi's view, a top-tier Immortal Platform Almighty like Su Mo would quickly deplete the Essence Qi, unless he managed to completely drain the Essence Returning Sect's vital energy. Even if the Essence Returning Pool were fully replenished, it wouldn't last long.

After a moment's thought, Shen Muxi remarked, "The Essence Returning Pool is rather unique. It's probably going to be difficult to refill its Essence Qi quickly."

"What are you dawdling for? Hurry up and notify Ling Xuzi. I want to make every effort to reach the Other Shore Stage before my Junior Brother arrives," Su Mo said, fixing Shen Muxi with a stern glare.

Essence Qi was something Su Mo needed desperately.

After all, a substantial amount of Essence Qi could illuminate the golden characters on the Heaven Devouring Devil Pot.

Considering that the broken blade of the Blade Sovereign contained blade energy potent enough to slay a Dragon Transforming Nine-change expert, one could only imagine the treasures hidden within the Heaven Devouring Devil Pot.


Seeing the signs of Su Mo's growing impatience, Shen Muxi quickly nodded and turned to leave the hall.

"Hold on!"

As Shen Muxi walked away, Su Mo, struck by a thought, instructed without a trace of emotion, "Tell the old man at the hall entrance to stand down. I don't want spectators while I cultivate."


Shen Muxi vanished from Su Mo's sight without looking back.

Reaching the hall's entrance, Shen Muxi relayed Su Mo's instructions to the white-robed elder standing guard, then made her way directly to the martial arts field.


The white-robed elder glanced at Shen Muxi and then back at the hall before following her with a resigned sigh.

Essence Returning Pool.

Shortly after Shen Muxi's departure, an impressive surge of Origin Energy enveloped Su Mo.

Clearly, Shen Muxi's 'friendly plea' had been effective, and Ling Xuzi had taken the matter to heart.

The overwhelming Origin Energy, astonishing in its intensity, was fervently funneling into the Heaven Devouring Devil Pot.

Su Mo chose not to vie for the Origin Energy within the Heaven Devouring Devil Pot; instead, he focused on acclimating to the Divine Bridge Stage. Back when he was in the Sea of Bitterness Stage, Su Mo had already proven capable of contending with experts of the Other Shore Stage. Having ascended to the Divine Bridge Stage, he wasn't just a match for those at the Other Shore Stage; he could potentially triumph over adversaries at the Half-Dao Palace Stage, or even those formidable at the First Level Dao Palace Stage.

With a hiss, Su Mo was solidifying his cultivation while the Heaven Devouring Devil Pot absorbed Origin Energy, illuminating the third character on its surface—the word 'Devil.' All seemed to be unfolding smoothly.

Yet unbeknownst to Su Mo, the disturbances at the Essence Returning Pool had caught the eye of several prodigies. These so-called geniuses were actually the top three disciples from the inner sect competition.

At that moment, three young men paused before the grand hall, their expressions tinged with discontent. By right, their top-three finish should have earned them the privilege of deepening their cultivation within the Essence Returning Pool.

But now, the pool was monopolized by an outsider. Peering through the shattered entrance of the grand hall, they could tell that this interloper's cultivation level was merely at the Divine Bridge Stage, not even having reached the Other Shore Stage.

"Liang Soong, as the champion of the inner sect competition, what's your take on this situation?" the man in blue inquired among the trio.

Liang Soong, with a composed demeanor, replied, "You expect me to lead the charge, but it's not that straightforward." He paused briefly, then added, "The newcomer carries himself with distinction. Rumor has it he returned with the Patriarch. We mustn't underestimate him."

"What does it matter if he returned with the Patriarch? The Essence Returning Sect isn't what it used to be. As long as the Sect Master..."

The man in blue began, only to be cut off with a sharp gesture.

"Silence!" Liang Soong shot the man in blue a fierce glare and commanded sternly, "If you value your life, keep this to yourself. And without delay, go remove that intruder from the Essence Returning Pool!"

"No problem."

The man in blue was the epitome of someone who was all bark and no bite. He skulked over to the Essence Returning Pool with a defeated gait, taking two steps for every three.


The moment the man in blue showed up, Su Mo's eyes snapped open, and he spoke in a deep tone, "Isn't it a bit improper to barge in uninvited while I'm in the midst of cultivation?"

"Improper? I think it's quite fitting. The Essence Returning Pool is sacred ground for the Essence Returning Sect, not a place for just anyone to waltz into. If I were you, I'd slink away with my tail between my legs."

The man in blue stood with his arms folded across his chest, clearly unimpressed by Su Mo.

Earlier, at the grand hall's entrance, the man in blue hadn't been too perceptive. But now, up close, he was nearly certain that Su Mo's cultivation level was indeed at the Bridge of God Stage—a mere trifle. If it weren't for Yang Yuqing's inaction, he could have easily crushed him with a flick of his wrist.

"It seems Ling Xuzi's standing within the Essence Returning Sect isn't all that," Su Mo mused, his brow arching. Recalling the black-robed elder who had tried to stop him earlier, he sensed some underhandedness.

Ling Xuzi might be the sect's figurehead, but his actual sway was negligible.

A Nirvana Stage powerhouse had defied him, and now, even disciples at the Other Shore Stage felt emboldened to do the same. His influence had indeed plummeted.

"Never mind, I'll focus on absorbing the Essence Qi and lighting up the 'Heaven Devouring Devil Pot' first," Su Mo decided, not lingering on the issue.

After all, the Blade Sovereign had bequeathed him a broken blade imbued with enough energy to slay a Dragon Transforming Nine-change expert. No matter what upheaval the Essence Returning Sect faced, he was prepared to handle it with ease.

Sizzle sizzle!

With the illumination of the character for 'Heaven,' the Heaven Devouring Devil Pot's absorption of Essence Qi accelerated at an alarming rate.

"You're asking for it!"

The blue-clad man's face seethed with rage upon being ignored by Su Mo. With a stomp, he propelled himself forward in a burst of speed.

At the pinnacle of the Other Shore Stage, the blue-clad man's strength was on par with a typical Half-step Dao Palace Stage expert.

In an instant, he was beside the Essence Returning Pool, his fist pulsing with Origin Energy as he viciously aimed for Su Mo's head.

A deadly strike!

He wouldn't act unless necessary, but when he did, it was lethal!

Clearly, the blue-clad man was intent on ending Su Mo's life.

"Alas, the misdeeds of heaven can be forgiven, but one's own misdeeds are inexcusable."

As the blue-clad man's punch came hurtling towards him, Su Mo let out a soft sigh, clenched his right fist, and met the attack head-on.


The crisp sound echoed.

The blue-clad man might have ranked third in the Essence Returning Sect's Inner Sect Competition, but he was up against Su Mo, a prodigy whose spatial prowess rivaled that of someone at the Nirvana Stage.

His fist shattered, and the blue-clad man was sent reeling back to where he started, collapsing at Liang Soong's feet.


Blood spurted from his mouth, his complexion turning deathly pale.


Liang Soong shot the blue-clad man a scornful look before turning his attention to Su Mo, who continued to draw in Origin Energy at the Essence Returning Pool. In a deep tone, he said, "I'm aware you have the backing of Elder Ling Xuzi, but let me make one thing clear: in the Essence Returning Sect, Elder Ling Xuzi's word is not law!"

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