The Demon Lord's Demise From Day One/C11 Nonsense
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The Demon Lord's Demise From Day One/C11 Nonsense
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C11 Nonsense

"Oh? So Ling Xuzi's word doesn't count, but you think yours does?"

Su Mo opened his eyes, glanced at the other man, then fixed his gaze on Liang Soong and said, "Unless I'm mistaken, you're the top contender in the inner sect competition. Your grandfather is a Nirvana Stage powerhouse, tasked with guarding the Essence Returning Pool."

"How did you know that?" Liang Soong's heart skipped a beat as he responded with a grave tone.

"It seems the intelligence of your family leaves much to be desired."

Su Mo shrugged and continued, "Your grandfather was killed for defying Ling Xuzi. Now, you're openly defying me. Are you looking to meet the same fate?"

"Utter nonsense! Prepare to die!"

Unfazed by Su Mo's words, Liang Soong launched himself forward, unleashing a punch that glowed with energy from afar, and in an instant, he was right in front of Su Mo.

Liang Soong, the inner sect's champion, might still be at the Other Shore Stage, but his true combat power was verging on the Dao Palace Stage.

Not even the blue-clothed man and the other Other Shore Stage expert together could match Liang Soong.

"This is a complete waste of my time!"

Su Mo hadn't intended to use the Heaven Splitting Blade, but repeated provocations from Liang Soong and the others left him no choice. To enhance the Heaven Devouring Devil Pot's absorption of Yuan Qi, he reluctantly hurled a segment of the Heaven Splitting Blade towards Liang Soong.

"What in the world is this?"

Because the broken blade looked unremarkable, Liang Soong failed to recognize the imminent danger.

He swiftly extended his right hand to catch the broken blade, intent on seizing it.


But before Liang Soong's grasp closed on the blade, it sliced across his wrist.

The same gesture, a vastly different outcome.

While the blue-clothed man's fist had shattered, Liang Soong's fist was severed clean off!


A blood-curdling scream erupted as Liang Soong's face went ashen, and large beads of sweat formed on his forehead.

The sweat beads trickled down his cheeks, his body shaking uncontrollably as his eyes were locked on the broken blade that had flown back into Su Mo's hand.

Liang Soong strained to appear unaffected, bearing the excruciating pain. With a deep voice, he growled, "For you to strike at me within the Essence Returning Sect, that's quite audacious!"

"And what of it?"

Su Mo didn't launch another assault. Instead, he dipped the broken blade into the Essence Returning Pool and nonchalantly shrugged. "I'd rather not get tangled in your sect's internal strife. Hopefully, you'll vanish from my sight sooner rather than later."

"Let's all attack him together!"

Was Liang Soong the type to surrender without a fight? Hardly.

With his palm severed, Liang Soong's combat prowess had plummeted by a good thirty to forty percent.

In fact, Liang Soong was now more eager than the man in blue and his companions to delve into the Essence Returning Pool for cultivation!

Only by ascending to the Dao Palace Stage could he have a shot at reattaching his severed palm.

Swish! Swish! Swish!

Following Liang Soong's command, three figures leapt into action, unleashing their ace moves in a desperate bid to take down Su Mo.

"A kind person is taken for granted, just as a good horse is ridden hard."

As Su Mo watched the trio hurtling towards him, he contemplated the truth behind those words.

Dealing with the likes of Liang Soong, one couldn't afford to keep backing down; that would only lead to a disadvantage.

The most effective solution? Eliminate them.


Su Mo was about to engage the enemy with his Heaven Splitting Blade when a familiar silhouette emerged outside the hall.

"Take care of them for me."

With backup arriving, Su Mo took the opportunity to assume the role of the sage.

He remained within the Essence Returning Pool, channeling his technique to draw in the Essence Qi and push towards the Other Shore Stage.

"You still dare to scheme at death's door!"

Liang Soong's expression twisted into a snarl. He disregarded the commotion behind him and aimed a ferocious punch at Su Mo's head.

Liang Soong was confident; he felt no need to look back, certain that no one could approach undetected. His senses were sharp—no Dao Palace Stage expert could conceal their presence from him!


But dreams often differ from reality, which can be stark and unforgiving.

The Essence Returning Sect, when compared to the grandeur of the Sword Pavilion and the vastness of the East Victory Divine Lands, was ultimately a minor league.

Shen Muxi's skill in concealing her presence was so advanced that not even warriors at the Nirvana Stage could detect her, much less Liang Soong from the Other Shore Stage.

She sent Liang Soong flying with a kick, then followed up with two powerful punches to the chests of the man in blue and another assailant.

Crack! Crack! Crack!

Their ribs shattered upon impact, and both the man in blue and Liang Soong tumbled to the ground, their Other Shore Stage auras plummeting, spiraling down toward the Sea of Bitterness Stage.

"What's with people these days? Can't anyone handle the truth anymore?"

Su Mo shrugged, then turned to Shen Muxi and inquired, "What's the situation with Ling Xuzi? Has Yang Yuqing made his move?"

At the mention of Su Mo's query, Shen Muxi was visibly taken aback.

The incident at the martial arts field had just unfolded, and it was an internal affair of the Essence Returning Sect. Su Mo had been in deep cultivation at the Essence Returning Pool; how could he possibly know about it?

"Could the sensory abilities of an Immortal Platform Almighty be that formidable?"

Shen Muxi quickly regained her composure, careful not to let any stray thoughts show in front of Su Mo.

Mind Reading!

For a moment, she entertained the notion that Su Mo possessed the ancient art of mind reading, capable of deciphering her innermost thoughts.

"Su Mo is incredibly handsome, devastatingly so. He's the epitome of suave and debonair charm..."

In her mind, Shen Muxi lavished Su Mo with praise, likening him to a blossoming flower.

Despite her internal adulation, Shen Muxi stayed focused on the pressing issue. "Yes, Yang Yuqing has called in reinforcements—several Dragon Transforming Five-change experts from Purvavideha, aiming to dethrone Ling Xuzi and force his resignation."

"Has Yang Yuqing lost his mind?" Su Mo wondered aloud. "With Ling Xuzi only at the Dragon Transforming Three-change level and Yang Yuqing having Dragon Transforming Five-change experts at his disposal, why would he need to resort to a coup?"

"It's rumored that Ling Xuzi holds the key to a sacred, off-limits area within the Essence Returning Sect."

Shen Muxi recounted everything she had heard, careful not to omit a single detail.

"Hmph! We are the sect master's men. You'd best be quick if you know what's good for you..."

Liang Soong was adept at gauging others' intentions. He let out a cold snort and spoke with a menacing tone.

But he was unaware.

Su Mo was not one to be trifled with.

In a swift motion, he hurled his broken blade, cutting through the air and impaling Liang Soong's heart under his horrified gaze.


The blade pierced his heart, and before Liang Soong could utter a threat, he toppled backward, dead on the spot.

Having dispatched Liang Soong with ease, Su Mo retrieved his blade and leaped from the Essence Returning Pool, confronting the remaining two men. "I'm quite furious. Your interference has prevented me from continuing to absorb Essence Qi. How do you propose to make amends?"

The man in blue swallowed hard, his voice quivering, "Grandfather Liang Soong was a Nirvana Stage powerhouse. By killing him, there's not a soul in heaven or earth who can..."

Before he could finish, Su Mo launched the broken blade once more.

The blade whizzed past the man's throat, circled in the air, and returned to Su Mo's grasp.

Fiddling with the blade, Su Mo fixed his gaze on the last man and said evenly, "You have one opportunity. Choose your words wisely, lest you provoke my wrath."

"Ha ha ha! Zhao Hai, don't delay—apologize to Young Hero Su this instant."

As the man stood shaking, barely able to hold himself together, a robust laugh echoed from outside the hall.

Su Mo's attention turned toward the entrance.

There, a middle-aged man clad in white, smiling warmly, made his way toward the Essence Returning Pool.

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