The Demon Lord's Demise From Day One/C14 Other Shore Stage
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The Demon Lord's Demise From Day One/C14 Other Shore Stage
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C14 Other Shore Stage

With a swift motion, Su Mo's words and his composed demeanor captured the attention of every warrior in the martial arts arena, their eyes shifting to the empty space above.

An Immortal Platform Almighty?

Their spatial skills were lacking; if such a being were concealed in the void, they wouldn't stand a chance of detecting it. Yet, Su Mo's assertion implied a certainty—an Immortal Platform Almighty was indeed veiled within the void. Considering Su Mo's master was a formidable Immortal Platform Stage master, it wasn't far-fetched to think he might have left some aces up his sleeve.

The crowd's reaction, coupled with Su Mo's serene facade, made Elder Mo's face twitch with unease.

Their boldness in venturing to Uttarakuru to apprehend the Blade Sovereign, now at the Immortal Platform Stage, suggested the presence of an Immortal Platform Stage powerhouse in their midst. Without such support, how could they, along with Zhuang Yan and the lady in white—mere practitioners of the Dragon Transforming Five-change—hope to subdue the Blade Sovereign?

"Pure drivel!"

Seeing no disturbance in the void, Elder Mo concluded that the Immortal Platform expert concealed there was reluctant to show himself. He spoke icily, "Su Mo, release Zhuang Yan now, and I'll grant you a way out. Otherwise, I'll decimate the Essence Returning Sect!"

"And why should I care about the Essence Returning Sect's fate?"

Su Mo retorted with an eye roll.

He wasn't a member of the Essence Returning Sect; their demise would bear no significance to him.

Disregarding Elder Mo's intimidation, Su Mo turned to the elders of the other five major sects and casually inquired, "I find myself in need of some vitality. Would you esteemed seniors be willing to share some of your pure energy?"

The Heaven Devouring Devil Pot was still unlit, and Su Mo's priority was to activate it to uncover the secrets it held. The absence of the hidden expert in the void likely meant they were waiting for the Blade Sovereign's arrival before making a move—a situation Su Mo considered advantageous.

With this opportunity, he planned to harness the vital energy from the patriarchs of the five sects to illuminate the Heaven Devouring Devil Pot, while also seeking ways to elevate his own cultivation level.

Although the difference between the Other Shore Stage and the Divine Bridge Stage wasn't significant, having a stronger cultivation was always better.

"Young Hero Su, you jest."

The elder of the Pill Cauldron Sect flicked his wrist, tossing a storage ring to Su Mo.


Catching the ring, Su Mo promptly opened it, retrieved the pills inside, and popped them into his mouth to chew.

The Pill Cauldron Sect, a premier sect of the Uttarakuru Continent, provided Su Mo with pills ranging from Earth to Profound grade.

Magical treasures were categorized as Heavenly Soldiers, Earthly Soldiers, and Profound Soldiers, just as pills were classified into Heavenly, Earth, and Profound tiers.

Naturally, this classification system was specific to the Uttarakuru Continent and didn't apply to other continents.

The rationale was straightforward.

The peak power in Uttarakuru was the Dragon Transforming Nine-change, and for them, Heavenly Weapons and Heaven Rank Pills sufficed. Only an Almighty from the Immortal Platform could wield treasures and pills beyond this caliber.

"These are the resources from our Limitless Sect."

The ancestor of the Limitless Sect handed Su Mo several origin crystals, each brimming with substantial origin energy.

The Refining Faction, Profound Sun Sect, and Floating Cloud Sect also contributed generously to Su Mo's arsenal, providing him with an array of magical treasures, pills, and origin crystals.

At the edge of the Martial Arts Practice Field, Yang Yuqing, the Sect Master of the Essence Returning Sect, watched with an indecipherable expression. His thoughts remained a mystery to all.

His pride, the formidable warriors of Purvavideha, had been utterly outclassed by Su Mo.

Zhuang Yan, at the Second Level of the Dao Palace, had been completely subdued without any sign of resistance, which was quite unexpected to him.

After a moment of contemplation, Yang Yuqing resolved to reach out to Elder Mo to at least understand the elder's intentions.

Shuffling forward, Yang Yuqing approached Elder Mo and whispered, "Elder..."

Unbeknownst to him, Elder Mo was already seething with irritation, looking for an outlet for his frustration, and Yang Yuqing had just presented himself as the perfect target.

Thwack, thwack, thwack...

Facing Su Mo, Elder Mo hesitated to strike. But when Yang Yuqing stood before him, Elder Mo didn't hold back, his hands a blur of motion. In an instant, Yang Yuqing's face resembled a swollen pig's head.

"Humph! Worthless!"

After a barrage of slaps, Elder Mo sent Yang Yuqing flying with a kick and coldly snorted, "I don't care how you do it, just bring me Su Mo. Fail, and you'll regret it!"


Yang Yuqing was on the verge of tears.

He was merely at the Dragon Transforming Two-change level, while Su Mo was surrounded by over a dozen Sect Masters and Vice Sect Masters at the Dragon Transforming One-change level, not to mention five ancestors at the Dragon Transforming Three-change level.

Capturing Su Mo in such a scenario was nothing short of delusional.

"Let's observe and bide our time."

Yang Yuqing was no fool.

He was acutely aware that his priority was not to impress Elder Mo but to find a way to ingratiate himself with Ling Xuzi!

If Ling Xuzi could be persuaded to forgive him, then even if Su Mo emerged victorious, Yang Yuqing could face the outcome with composure and retain his position as Sect Master.

A true opportunist!

Yang Yuqing's current strategy was to play both sides, swaying like a reed in the wind.

Su Mo, for his part, paid no mind to Yang Yuqing's scheming.


With the medicinal pill dissolving in his stomach, a surge of potent origin energy bolstered Su Mo's Sea of Bitterness.


The ethereal bridge spanning the Sea of Bitterness began to solidify.


Merely minutes later, a dull thud resonated from within Su Mo.

That sound heralded Su Mo's ascension from the Bridge of God Stage to the Other Shore Stage!

Exhaling deeply, Su Mo's face took on a grave expression.

His concern wasn't with the level-up itself; rather, the Heaven Devouring Devil Pot had consumed vast amounts of origin energy. The origin crystals in his storage rings were depleted, yet still, the four characters remained partially unlit.

To this day.

The Heaven Devouring Devil Pot had only managed to illuminate the third character, 'Devil'.

By now, Su Mo had come to a full realization.

To illuminate the fourth 'pot' character, relying solely on his vitality was likely not enough.


Su Mo managed to squeeze out a drop of his blood essence and discreetly let it fall onto the Heaven Devouring Devil Pot while no one else was looking.


The pot absorbed the blood essence, and the fourth 'pot' character faintly showed signs of lighting up.

"Once more!"

Biting down on his resolve, Su Mo continued to extract drops of blood essence, urging them to merge with the Heaven Devouring Devil Pot.

But reality proved to be a stark contrast to his aspirations.

The effort of extracting several drops of blood essence in succession left Su Mo's complexion ghostly pale.

With no other options, he was forced to cease his attempts.

The task of activating the Heaven Devouring Devil Pot couldn't be rushed; it required a gradual approach.

"Are you okay?"

Shen Muxi, standing nearby, inquired with genuine concern upon noticing Su Mo's pallor.

"I'm fine."

Brushing off his discomfort, Su Mo stowed the Heaven Devouring Devil Pot and shifted the conversation: "I heard you're from Purvavideha too, the daughter of the Sword Pavilion Master. Do you know Zhuang Yan and the rest?"

"Purvavideha is vast, and Zhuang Yan isn't exactly a top-tier prodigy. How could I possibly know her?" Shen Muxi replied, shaking her head.

"Pfft! The daughter of the Sword Pavilion Master? What a joke! You're nothing but refuse from the Abandoning Continent, and you dare to claim a connection with the Sword Pavilion?"

Zhuang Yan, overhearing the exchange between Su Mo and Shen Muxi, spat out disdainfully and snarled viciously, "You dare to insult me like this? Once I'm free, I swear I'll tear you limb from limb and leave you without a grave to rest in!"

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