The Demon Lord's Demise From Day One/C16 Fight
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The Demon Lord's Demise From Day One/C16 Fight
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C16 Fight

"Senior, is the Heaven Devouring Devil Pot your magical artifact?"

The astonishment of Elder Mo and the others was of little concern to Su Mo at the moment. He was busy mentally communicating with the woman, offering respectfully, "The Heaven Devouring Devil Pot came into my possession by a stroke of luck from the Devil Sovereign. If you require it, Senior, please feel free to take it."

"Cut the nonsense. I may need to use your body later, so make sure you're mentally prepared," the mysterious woman replied with an icy tone.

"If I may ask, why do you need to borrow my body, Senior?" Su Mo inquired cautiously.

He was aware of the risks involved in lending one's body, akin to the dangers of possession. A single misstep could lead to a total loss of control over his own body.

Yet, Su Mo was acutely aware that he stood no chance against the mysterious woman.

Refusing her could mean his end.

"There's no harm in telling you. The Heaven Devouring Devil Pot contains numerous formidable beings, and the seal is weakening. I need to use your body as a conduit to strengthen it," the woman revealed candidly.

She explained that Su Mo's unique blood essence on the pot, coupled with his special constitution, led the Heaven Devouring Devil Pot to accept him as its master.

As an inhabitant of the pot, the mysterious woman could only operate through Su Mo's body; no one else could bear the strain.

"Formidable beings?" Su Mo's throat went dry with fear.

He was genuinely terrified.

It was a relief that the pot's seal was still robust; otherwise, he'd be in dire straits.

"Just be ready, and try not to worry too much," the mysterious woman reassured him. Su Mo was, after all, the current master of the Heaven Devouring Devil Pot, and she had no desire to see him perish prematurely.

The reasoning was straightforward.

Should Su Mo perish, she would have to wait for the pot to choose a new master before regaining some semblance of consciousness.

With the seal now critically weakened, it was unlikely to hold until her next awakening.

Thus, she had to not only fortify the seal but also ensure that Su Mo would survive for the foreseeable future.

Because only by doing so could she avoid the need to enter slumber again.

"By the way, Senior, could you help me... I mean, could you help intimidate that guy for me?"

Su Mo was unaware of the mysterious woman's concerns; his mind immediately went to the brown-robed elder from Purvavideha.

Not even the arrival of Blade Sovereign could provide a direct challenge to the elder at the Second Layer of the Immortal Platform.

Only with the mysterious woman's intervention could the current predicament be smoothly resolved.

"It's no big deal. I'll step in when necessary."

The mysterious woman responded before falling into silence once more.


With the mysterious woman's assurance, Su Mo breathed a sigh of relief.


Just then.

A number of figures sped towards the Essence Returning Sect.

Leading the group was none other than Su Mo's junior brother, Blade Sovereign!

Flanking Blade Sovereign were two elders and two young martial artists.

The elders had reached the Dragon Transforming Four-change realm, while the young martial artists were at the third level of the Dao Palace, the Heavenly River Realm.

Yet, the collective might of Blade Sovereign's two Dao Palace third-level young warriors paled in comparison to a Purvavideha genius like Shen Muxi.

They wouldn't stand a chance in battle against a second-level Dao Palace cultivator like Zhuang Yan.

Genius varied by region.

The prodigies of Uttarakuru and those from Purvavideha were clearly not one and the same.


As soon as Blade Sovereign made his entrance, the brown-robed elder shot up from the ground, becoming a blur as he surged forward.

"Seize Su Mo!"

During his advance, the brown-robed elder covertly signaled Elder Mo.

Swish! Swish!

Elder Mo, acting on a prearranged plan, left a Dragon Transforming Five-change elder to guard Zhuang Yan and Wu Qin, while he and another elder of the same realm charged at Su Mo from opposite directions.

"We have to rescue my senior brother!"

Blade Sovereign quickly assessed the situation.

Facing the brown-robed elder alone, he commanded the two Dragon Transforming Four-change elders to safeguard Su Mo.

"Block their path!"

Elder Mo had anticipated this scenario, so he directed the nearby elder to confront the two from the Blade God Hall, while he himself zeroed in on Su Mo with unwavering focus.

"Su Mo! There's still time to surrender without a fight! Otherwise, you're in for an ugly end!" Elder Mo's gaze was icy as he issued a threat to Su Mo before turning to address the patriarchs of the six major sects with a vicious tone, "The time to choose sides has come. Anyone who dares to aid Su Mo will see their entire lineage extinguished!"

Elder Mo's menacing words had their intended impact. Among the elders of the six sects, only Ling Xuzi lashed out in anger, while the others hesitated. It wasn't that they were opportunists; they simply weren't sure if Su Mo had any aces up his sleeve and were reluctant to rashly bet everything on him.

Ling Xuzi, the sole dissenter, was severely injured and firmly held back by Yang Yuqing, unable to make any headway.

"Do you need help?" The voice of the enigmatic woman echoed in Su Mo's mind at this critical juncture.

"Not just yet." Su Mo shook his head slightly, a surge of strength flowing through his wrist, instantly breaking the seal the Blade Sovereign had left on the Heavenly Blade.

Boom! A blade light, as thick as a man's torso, tore through the void and materialized before Elder Mo in an instant.

"No!" Elder Mo, a formidable Dragon Transforming Five-change expert, sensed the grave danger as soon as the blade light emerged.

The terror was palpable! Elder Mo was almost certain that not even a Dragon Transforming Nine-change powerhouse could withstand the blade light's deadly force.

"Yu Ze! Come to my aid, quickly!" Elder Mo retreated rapidly, calling out to the Dragon Transforming Five-change elder standing beside Zhuang Yan and Wu Qin.

"Both of you, stay alert." Yu Ze, the elder in question, had a flickering expression. He briefly instructed Zhuang Yan and Wu Qin before accelerating towards the sky, hoping to join Elder Mo in fending off the blade light unleashed by Su Mo.

"Capture those two." Su Mo's voice was even-keeled as he directed Shen Muxi.

"Got it." Shen Muxi soared into the air, approaching Zhuang Yan and Wu Qin from the side.

Despite the combined efforts of Elder Mo and Yu Ze, the fearsome blade light was still not quite enough to be fully countered.

"You've been wronged!"

A resolute glint shone in Elder Mo's eyes as he seized Yu Ze's shoulder, positioning him as a shield in front of himself.


Yu Ze looked up, screaming, his pupils shrinking in panic. "Together, we can withstand the blade's radiance. You can't sacrifice me like this!"

"It's futile; the blade's radiance can annihilate even a Dragon Transforming Nine-change master. Rest assured, once you're gone, I'll seek vengeance for you."

Elder Mo was known for his merciless nature.

As the blade's light sliced through Yu Ze, Elder Mo hurled him into the air, using his body to absorb some of the attack's force.


The blade's light was terrifyingly destructive, cleaving Yu Ze's body cleanly in two.


Despite Yu Ze absorbing some of the impact, the remaining blade's radiance relentlessly pursued Elder Mo, surging towards him with renewed ferocity!

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