The Demon Lord's Demise From Day One/C17 The Blade Light Was Powerful
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The Demon Lord's Demise From Day One/C17 The Blade Light Was Powerful
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C17 The Blade Light Was Powerful

"Danger! Extreme danger!"

Elder Mo's judgment was spot-on.

The blade light, its force partially negated by Yu Ze, now possessed a lethality akin to the Dragon Transforming Seven-change level.

This meant that without another Dragon Transforming Five-change expert to intercept the blade light, a direct confrontation would likely spell doom for him!

With a swift motion, Elder Mo dodged, his gaze shifting to his allies locked in combat with the Blade God Hall warriors. A strategy began to take shape in his mind.

Better them than me.

If he could just make it out alive, the deaths of two Dragon Transforming Five-change comrades were inconsequential.

He would even sacrifice Zhuang Yan and Wu Qin without a second thought—survival was the only path to vengeance.


Zhou Hai's recollection of Yu Ze's demise was vivid.

Elder Mo's shifting expression was a clear ploy to make him the scapegoat, but Zhou Hai was not about to let Elder Mo have his way.

In the next moment, Zhou Hai strategically moved the fight, drawing the two Blade God Hall powerhouses away from the Martial Arts Practice Hall.

The trio, one at Dragon Transforming Five-change and the others at Four-change, would have a hard time determining a winner quickly.

Leaving the Essence Returning Sect to battle, the Almighty from the Immortal Platform who accompanied them would likely hold their tongues.

"Damn it!"

Elder Mo was livid, his anger practically twisting his nose.

Left with no choice, he mustered all his strength to fend off the blade light, staking everything on himself.

"Su Mo! By opposing us, you're defying the laws of the Abandoning Continent. I'll be watching to see how you handle the aftermath!"

Elder Mo, while resisting the blade light, still managed to hurl threats at Su Mo, attempting to rattle him.

"Enough with the prattle."

Su Mo stood his ground, casually cleaning the handle of his Heaven-Splitting Blade, and coolly remarked, "Next life, remember there are some people you can never afford to cross."

"I control my fate, not the heavens!"

Elder Mo's vital energy surged with defiance as he proclaimed this maxim.


But Elder Mo had clearly underestimated the blade light's destructive force and overestimated his own capabilities.

The blade's light flashed past Elder Mo's neck in an instant, severing his head from his body, blood spraying wildly!

Bang! Bang!

No sooner had Elder Mo fallen than Shen Muxi had already seized Zhuang Yan and Wu Qin, tossing them at Su Mo's feet. She inquired, "What's to be done with them?"

"Kill or spare, the decision is yours."

Zhuang Yan, knowing that groveling would get her nowhere, held herself defiantly.

"Don't mind her bluster. We're ready to serve!"

Terrified, Wu Qin blurted out, "You can trade us for the Blade Sovereign!"

"Do you really think you're that valuable?"

Su Mo's gaze pierced the aerial battlefield as he coolly observed, "Since Shen Muxi captured you, I've seen no sign that the brown-robed elder is inclined to rescue you."

"Zhuang Yan! Our grandfather is an Immortal Level Three Dao Slashing King. Release us, and when you come to Purvavideha, we'll welcome you as an honored guest!"

Wu Qin, desperate to avoid death, resorted to threatening Su Mo with her words.

Little did she know, Su Mo loathed being threatened more than anything.

Wu Qin might have been fine speaking normally, but her threats only served to deeply anger Su Mo.

"Slap her."

Su Mo then addressed the ancestors of the five great sects directly, "From Purvavideha, only one formidable opponent remains. Will you lend a hand?"


"I've been eager to act!"

"Hahaha! Count me in. The Limitless Sect unwaveringly supports Young Hero Su."

"The Pill Cauldron Sect refuses to be outdone!"

"Kill, kill, kill! If Purvavideha dares to run wild in Uttarakuru, we'll make sure they regret it!"

The elders of the five great sects unanimously declared their stance.

At that moment, Su Mo held a decisive upper hand. Though Blade Sovereign was slightly outmatched by the brown-robed elder, Su Mo's composed demeanor reassured everyone.

With a rush, five Dragon Transforming Three-change Ancestors, ten Dragon Transforming One-change Sect Masters, and two Dragon Transforming Four-change powerhouses from the Blade God Hall surged forward, trapping Zhou Hai in a confined space.

Surrounded on all sides, Zhou Hai's demise seemed inevitable.

Su Mo turned his attention away from Zhou Hai's predicament, reaching out to the enigmatic woman within the Heaven Devouring Devil Pot. "Senior, that elder in brown is on the Second Layer of the Immortal Platform. Could you possibly assist me..."


Before Su Mo could finish, the woman interrupted with a stern tone, "Someone in the Heaven Devouring Devil Pot is close to breaking their seal. I must reinforce it first. Give me three minutes. After that, I'll help you with that minor nuisance."

Su Mo was at a loss for words.

Three minutes?

The Blade Sovereign, merely at the First Layer of the Immortal Platform, might not hold out against the brown-robed elder for that long.

"Your life ends here!"

While Su Mo was considering whether to manipulate the void to create the illusion of a senior martial uncle arriving, the brown-robed elder in the sky demonstrated a formidable combat strength. The Blade Sovereign was sent tumbling from the void, crashing down onto the stage with a heavy thud.


The limestone floor of the stage caved under the impact.

"Open your mind to my control, and you may yet survive," the brown-robed elder said, hands crossed over his chest as he descended onto the stage.

Struggling to his feet, Blade Sovereign wiped the blood from his lips and said through clenched teeth, "Uttarakuru is known as the Abandoning Continent because it's under the suppression of the rule's power. Native Immortal Platform experts are restricted to a three-day stay, while those from other continents can last only a day. If I'm not mistaken, you have just two hours left!"

"You're a narrow-minded simpleton, a frog in a well, amazed by the sky," the elder scoffed. He produced a blood-red stone from his robes, brandishing it with a sinister grin. "This is a Rule Stone, designed to shield one from the rule's power. To the Abandoning Continent, my cultivation appears as nothing more than Dragon Transforming Nine-change."

"Realm Stone!"

The instant the brown-robed elder revealed the blood-red stone, Su Mo heard the mysterious woman's voice tinged with excitement, "A Realm Stone exists here!"

"What's a Realm Stone?" Su Mo asked, his brow furrowed in confusion.

"The Realm Stone is... never mind, you wouldn't get it even if I explained," the mysterious woman replied. She was preoccupied with the need to suppress the fearsome entity within the Heaven Devouring Devil Pot, so she could only communicate telepathically with Su Mo, "I'm going to grant you some powers that will allow you to move freely through space. Just give me three minutes, and I'll rejoin you."

Buzz! Buzz!

Before Su Mo could fully grasp what was happening, he felt a surge of unique energy coursing through him.

By his own assessment...

To his amazement, Su Mo discovered he could now navigate the void without restraint!


Swallowing hard, Su Mo realized it was time to put on a performance once again.

Indeed, the ability to traverse the void was a signature skill of the Almighty at the Immortal Platform Stage.

Throughout history, it was exceedingly rare to find martial artists below the Immortal Platform Stage who could move through the void with such freedom!

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