The Demon Lord's Demise From Day One/C19 Teasing
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The Demon Lord's Demise From Day One/C19 Teasing
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C19 Teasing


At Su Mo's command, Ling Xuzi and the others sprang into action.

Methodically, they began evacuating the crowd, including the leaders and deputies of the five major sects.

Su Mo was no fool.

Clearing the area now was to ensure that when the mysterious woman revealed herself, the details wouldn't be known to too many.

After all, the less known about one's trump cards, the better.

The elders of the six great sects remained, primarily to guard against any surprises from the mysterious woman's side. Wai Chenming was prepared to risk everything in a fight to the death with him.

As Wai Chenming mulled over his options, Su Mo wasn't just twiddling his thumbs—he struck up a casual conversation with Blade Sovereign.

"Junior brother, what do you know about the Rule Stone?" Su Mo inquired.

The mysterious woman had referred to the Rule Stone as the World Stone but hadn't elaborated on its specifics.

Unable to glean effective information from her, Su Mo turned to Blade Sovereign for insights.

"In ancient times," Blade Sovereign mused, "a formidable warrior is said to have established a grand formation above Uttarakuru. This formation could detect the presence of anyone at the Immortal Platform Stage or higher on the continent. Should an Immortal Platform Stage warrior emerge, the formation would unleash the force of the rules to obliterate them."

He paused, then clarified, "The Rule Stone can shield one from the formation's rule force, rendering a warrior's true level undetectable."

"So, you're saying if there were something, or someone, capable of concealing your aura, you wouldn't have to fear the rule force's retribution?" Su Mo asked, puzzled.

"Concealing one's aura is futile," Blade Sovereign replied, shaking his head. "Once, a supremely powerful sect on Uttarakuru produced numerous Immortal Platform experts. The sect's patriarch emerged from seclusion, using his Saint Level cultivation to mask the presence of the Almighties. This act provoked the rule force, and overnight, the sect was obliterated. The disciples were nearly all killed or wounded, and the patriarch vanished along with them."

"Even a Saint Level's concealment of their aura is futile."

Su Mo had a faint realization.

The Rule Stone might be an extraordinary entity, capable of hiding one's aura more adeptly than even the Saint Level.

"I wonder if the elder can assist Blade Sovereign in concealing his aura," Su Mo murmured to himself.

The enigmatic woman had mentioned that the previous nine owners of the Heaven Devouring Devil Pot were at least at the Saint Level, indicating her own cultivation surpassed that.

She could possibly achieve what a Saint Level could not.

Noticing Su Mo's persistence on concealing auras, Blade Sovereign interjected, "Senior Brother, it's unnecessary. While the Rule Stone is crucial, provoking the top powers of the Eastern Divine Region might not be worth the risk."

The Rule Stones were scarce, and Wei Chenming's ability to bring them to Uttarakuru suggested his sect in Purvavideha was immensely formidable.

Offending the elite sects there could mean facing not just an Immortal Level Two but potentially an Immortal Level Three Dao Slashing King!

"I understand the stakes," Su Mo assured with a smile, signaling Blade Sovereign to ease his concerns.

Truth be told, his thoughts diverged greatly from Blade Sovereign's.

While Blade Sovereign was preoccupied with the Rule Stone, Su Mo contemplated leveraging the mysterious woman to eliminate Wei Chenming and compel the Eastern Divine Region to dispatch even stronger adversaries.

The mysterious woman seemed to hold the World Stone in high regard.

Naturally, these were merely Su Mo's conjectures, and the outcome hinged on the mysterious woman's response.

"The Rule Stone is yours to have."

As the three-minute mark approached, Wei Chenming, clutching the blood-red stone, spoke gravely, "Su Mo, I demand an oath from you that you'll cease harming Zhuang Yan and Wu Qin!"

"Have you lost your mind?"

Su Mo regarded Wei Chenming with a pitying gaze and responded nonchalantly, "Hand over the Rule Stone first, then leave the Essence Returning Sect. When time permits, I'll personally ensure Zhuang Yan and Wu Qin are returned to the Eastern Divine Region."


Wei Chenming's anger reached a boiling point, his forehead veins throbbing visibly.

He felt duped by Su Mo; this was no genuine exchange—it was a blatant attempt to burn bridges!

Blade Sovereign himself sensed the impropriety in Su Mo's brazen demeanor.

Should Wai Chenming unleash a massacre, those present would stand little chance against him.


Wai Chenming, teetering on the brink of madness, leapt into action, disregarding Zhuang Yan and Wu Qin's fates as he charged at Su Mo with reckless abandon.

In Wai Chenming's mind, a singular obsession took hold: to eliminate Su Mo, believing it the only way to alleviate his pent-up frustration.

The transition from Immortal Level Two to Immortal Level Three involved severing the ties to inner demons and fixations.

Failing to defeat Su Mo today would mean facing an indomitable inner demon on his path to kingship in the future, an obstacle that could thwart his ascension.

"Senior Brother, move aside!"

Without a second thought, Blade Sovereign darted in front of Su Mo, ready to shield him from Wai Chenming's onslaught.

"Don't fret, you're both doomed!"

With a ghastly sneer, Wai Chenming, like a villain from ancient lore, hissed, "Tomorrow marks the anniversary of your demise!"

"Junior Brother, no need to worry. I've got this."

Su Mo's provocation wasn't a sign of madness; he had a plan up his sleeve.


The enigmatic woman had just sealed away a formidable entity within the Heaven Devouring Devil Pot and announced her intent to use his body.

After reassuring Blade Sovereign, Su Mo felt his body's control slip away to the mysterious woman.


Unaware of Su Mo's predicament, Wai Chenming fixated on him, ripping through the void to materialize before Su Mo. His fist surged with Origin Energy as he brutally aimed for Su Mo's head.

"Playing the fool to catch the wise, once again."

Of all the warriors on the martial arts field, perhaps only Shen Muxi was privy to Su Mo's true 'caliber.'

A top-tier fighter from the Immortal Platform, masquerading as a Dao Palace Stage prodigy, was about to confront Wai Chenming, the brash Immortal Level Two youth.

Shen Muxi ignored the ongoing battle, giving Zhuang Yan and Wu Qin a nudge with her foot before asking, "Once Wei Chenming is defeated, what do you intend to offer in exchange for your lives?"

"My grandfather is an Immortal Level Three Sovereign!" Zhuang Yan clung to this fact and bellowed.

"Enough of that racket."

Running out of patience, Shen Muxi stepped in for Su Mo and dispatched Zhuang Yan with a single punch, sending him to his demise.

With Zhuang Yan out of the picture, Shen Muxi turned her attention to Wu Qin and pressed on, "And what's your bargaining chip for survival?"

"Rule Stones!"

Unlike Zhuang Yan, Wu Qin was no fool. Fully aware of her captive status, she hastily proposed, "I can send word back to Purvavideha and have someone deliver Rule Stones!"

"How many Rule Stones?" Shen Muxi inquired, her eyebrows arching.

"Three... No, I can secure five!"

Noticing Shen Muxi's reaction, Wu Qin quickly amended her offer, "Just give me enough time, and I'll round up five Rule Stones!"

"Good. Five Rule Stones should suffice to spare your life. Once Su Mo has dealt with Wei Chenming, you can discuss it with him."

Shen Muxi nodded, then shifted her gaze back to the aerial battlefield.

There, Su Mo was effortlessly toying with Wei Chenming!

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