The Demon Lord's Demise From Day One/C2 Heaven Devouring Devil Pot
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The Demon Lord's Demise From Day One/C2 Heaven Devouring Devil Pot
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C2 Heaven Devouring Devil Pot

"The situation is quite complicated."

Su Mo gazed at Di Shitian's corpse, lost in thought. Lingering in the hall indefinitely wasn't a solution; fooling the Soul Curse once was possible, but repeatedly? Unlikely.

Drawing on his memories, Su Mo surmised that Di Shitian had reached the Dragon Transforming Nine-change realm in life.

The elders of the six major sects might not match Di Shitian's prowess, but they likely operated within the Dragon Transforming Stage.

Without Di Shitian's intervention, the Left Protector, a novice in the Dragon Transforming Stage, would struggle to fend off the combined assault of the six sects' masters.

The cultivation journey encompassed four realms within the Sea of Reincarnation, three layers in the Dao Palace, and five Nirvana Stage rebirths, culminating in the Dragon Transformation.

Nine shifts within the Dragon Transforming Stage, each ascension touching the heavens, culminating in the ninth shift: the Immortal Platform!

Su Mo briefly tuned into his body's state. Reborn as a spatial prodigy, his cultivation was at the initial level of the Sea of Reincarnation, the Fate Spring Stage!

His sole edge was a formidable grasp over space, rivaling some at the Nirvana Stage.

Yet, this was a double-edged sword.

Given his body's current resilience, it couldn't bear the spatial compression, limiting him to mere centimeter shifts.

It was an unsatisfying ability, too precious to discard.

"Stay alert. If anyone comes asking about Di Shitian, you're to handle it, with full authority to act first and report later," Su Mo instructed Shen Muxi. He then retreated to a corner of the hall, opening his storage ring to meticulously examine its treasures for cultivation methods and elixirs to fortify his physique.

Su Mo was convinced that if he, as a reborn genius, could traverse vast distances to the Omen Sect, he could also establish a teleportation node here and make his escape once more.

Shen Muxi was no longer surprised by Su Mo's behavior.

It was somewhat undignified for an Immortal Platform Stage expert to show such interest in Di Shitian's possessions.

One must understand that the Immortal Platform and the Dragon Transforming Stage are entirely separate realms.

Beneath the Immortal Platform, all are but ants!

Many elixirs and magical items that benefit Dragon Transforming Stage masters hold no value for those at the Immortal Platform Stage.

"Let it go. It's much better for it to end up in his hands than to be harvested by Di Shitian."

Shen Muxi remained optimistic.

She had come to see that Su Mo's harsh words belied a truly kind heart.

At least with Su Mo by her side, she felt a reassuring sense of safety.

What Shen Muxi thought, however, was of no concern to Su Mo.

In that moment, he emptied his storage ring, spilling out its treasures, and picked up an aged parchment scroll.

"Heaven Devouring Devil Arts?"

The title on the scroll caused Su Mo's brow to furrow.

This was the Devil Sovereign Di Shitian's famed technique, said to devour both heaven and earth, an unstoppable force.

"As a defender of the righteous path, I cannot practice such demonic arts at present."

With a flick of his hand, Su Mo tossed the scroll aside, murmuring, "Once I'm strong enough to conceal the aura of the Heaven Devouring Devil Arts, then it won't be too late to start practicing it."

Su Mo was not one to be bound by old-fashioned ideals.

What constitutes righteousness?

What is considered evil?

The nature of a cultivation technique is irrelevant; it's the intent of the practitioner that matters.

Su Mo's attention was soon captured by a black jar at the bottom of the pile.

Engraved with four golden characters, it read: Heaven Devouring Devil Pot.

A smile of delight crossed Su Mo's face.

While he couldn't practice the Heaven Devouring Devil Arts just yet, the Heaven Devouring Devil Pot could be bound to him with a mere drop of blood!

Without hesitation, Su Mo bit his finger and let a drop of blood fall onto the jar.

Regrettably, despite the blood seeping into the pot, it failed to form any bond with him.

"Is it possible that I didn't use enough blood?"

Gritting his teeth, Su Mo squeezed out several more drops and let them fall onto the Heaven Devouring Devil Pot.

Sizzle, sizzle!

The Heaven Devouring Devil Pot had absorbed Su Mo's blood, yet only the 'Devouring' character on its surface glimmered slightly. There were no other changes to the Devil Pot itself.

"Do I need to illuminate all four characters of the 'Heaven Devouring Devil Pot' to gain control over it?" Su Mo wondered, his gaze shifting as he weighed the risks.

Considering the amount of blood he had already sacrificed, lighting up all four characters would likely cost him several kilograms more. The stakes were incredibly high!


As Su Mo deliberated the gamble, a thunderous roar erupted from outside the hall, mingled with a cacophony of curses and roars.

"Cursed Soul! Curse! Will you not surrender?"

"Today, the six sects unite to encircle the Omen Sect. Even with wings, you'd find no escape!"

"Why waste words? Let's strike together, slay Cursed Soul, and compel the Devil Sovereign, Di Shitian, to face his demise!"

"Pah! You think you can defeat us, brothers? Pure fantasy!"

"Ha! Big Brother speaks truth. Our Sect Master is on the cusp of ascending to the Immortal Platform Stage. Soon, these so-called righteous warriors from the six sects will fall easily to our might!"

Under the Devil Sovereign, Di Shitian, the Omen Sect boasted two formidable protectors, Cursed Soul and Curse, both at the Dragon Transforming Three-change level. Beyond these protectors, four mighty guardians stood at the Dragon Transforming One-change level.

The sect's other elders, hall masters, and fragrance masters had not attained the Dragon Transforming Stage, remaining within the Nirvana Stage.

To date, the Omen Sect's top-tier strength consisted of the two protectors, the four guardians, and a handful of elders and hall masters. In contrast, the six sects boasted a greater array of powerhouses: six Dragon Transforming Three-change Ancestors, twelve Dragon Transforming One-change Sect Masters, Vice Sect Masters, and numerous experts at the Nirvana Stage.

The situation was dire for the Omen Sect, to put it mildly.

Without Devil Sovereign Di Shitian's intervention, Curse Soul and Curse Vengeance were as good as dead, with no hope of survival.

"Hmph! Still defiant in the face of death, I see!"

From among the six great sects, the Ancestor of the Essence Returning Sect let out a cold snort, his voice deep and stern, "Devil Sovereign Di Shitian has gone against the grain. He's a target for all, and yet he aspires to reach the Immortal Platform Stage. He's deluding himself!"

"Ling Xuzi, we should eliminate Curse Soul and Curse Vengeance first, then focus on Di Shitian."

"Exactly. Di Shitian hasn't made an appearance yet. He could be attempting to break through to the Immortal Platform Stage. If he manages that, our trump cards may not be enough to hold him back."

"I propose we deploy our trump cards now, obliterate the great hall with our ultimate weapon. Delay could spell disaster."

"Di Shitian, with his Dragon Transforming Nine-change, possesses inscrutable power. We must proceed with utmost caution!"

"Actually, there's no need for such concern. Blade Sovereign is en route. We can make our move on the hall once he's arrived."

The Ancestors of the six great sects shared their views, yet no consensus was reached.

Each one was a formidable figure in their own right. Who would take orders from another?

On the Uttarakuru Continent, aside from Devil Sovereign Di Shitian's Omen Sect, Blade Sovereign's Blade God Hall, and Medicine Sovereign's Medicine Sect, the six sects stood as the mightiest.

Each Ancestor of the six great sects was strong-willed, and without a unifying force like Blade Sovereign, unity was elusive.

"Fine, let's first dispatch Curse Soul, Curse Vengeance, and the Omen Sect's elders. We'll strategize for Devil Sovereign Di Shitian once Blade Sovereign joins us."

With a chilling gaze, Ling Xuzi declared dispassionately, "Kill!"

In a swift motion, he led the charge toward Curse Soul.

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