The Demon Lord's Demise From Day One/C20 They Did Not Kill the Treasures That Were Delivered to Them
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The Demon Lord's Demise From Day One/C20 They Did Not Kill the Treasures That Were Delivered to Them
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C20 They Did Not Kill the Treasures That Were Delivered to Them

Su Mo, or rather, the enigmatic woman.

She possessed the power to eliminate Wai Chenming with ease, yet she exercised restraint, merely keeping him slightly at bay.

Shen Muxi couldn't grasp the intricacies of the situation, assuming Su Mo had a peculiar penchant for toying with Wai Chenming before delivering the fatal blow.

But Su Mo knew the truth.

The idea of toying with him was absurd.

The power of the mysterious woman had only recently infused his body, and she had yet to tap into its full potential.

What's more, the timing of Wai Chenming's demise was inconsequential to the mysterious woman. Her focus was on reshaping Su Mo's physique, aiding him in becoming more formidable.

Only with a strengthened body could Su Mo unleash greater power; otherwise, it would be mere child's play.

"You're pathetic! As the master of the Heaven Devouring Devil Pot, being at the first level of the Dao Palace makes you the most incompetent master I've encountered," she chided.

While Su Mo pondered how to obtain the Rule Stone from the mysterious woman, her voice rang out, "Are you familiar with the practice of the Heaven Devouring Devil Arts? Once I subdue Wai Chenming, you'll drain him!"

"Got it!"

Su Mo's response was immediate and resolute.

His decisiveness left the mysterious woman somewhat bewildered.

Consider this.

Of the previous masters of the Heaven Devouring Devil Pot who were introduced to the Heaven Devouring Devil Arts, four displayed revulsion, and five outright refused to practice it.

But not Su Mo.

He was indiscriminate when it came to devil techniques—if they could enhance his power, he welcomed them with open arms!

Besides, Wai Chenming was no saint. Absorbing such a person to fortify himself didn't weigh on Su Mo's conscience in the slightest.

"The Heaven Devouring Devil Arts are quite unique. Remember, you must not lose your sanity during your cultivation," the mysterious woman warned.

She deemed it essential to caution Su Mo, lest he become consumed by the Heaven Devouring Devil Arts and ultimately be eradicated by the Heaven Devouring Devil Pot.

Of the four previous practitioners, two had succumbed to madness, and two had been obliterated by the pot, vanishing into the ether.

The mysterious woman had no desire for Su Mo, the tenth master of the Heaven Devouring Devil Pot, to tread the same doomed path as his predecessors.

After all, Su Mo's synergy with the Heaven Devouring Devil Pot was an astounding ninety percent—the highest compatibility ever recorded throughout history.

"I will heed the elder's wisdom."

Su Mo took the mysterious woman's advice to heart, fine-tuning his condition to ensure he could absorb Wai Chenming's power without shedding blood.

"Preparations are complete; it's time to end this fight."

After a brief warm-up, the mysterious woman unleashed her power, guiding Su Mo's hand in a crushing blow towards Wai Chenming's heart.


Wai Chenming screamed in desperation, "I am a mentor at Fate Academy. You cannot kill me! To do so would make you an enemy of the Academy!"

"Fate Academy? Before me, they are but chickens and dogs."

The mysterious woman maintained a firm grip on Su Mo's body, pouring more strength into her strike, and in a flash, her fist connected with Wai Chenming's heart.


Wai Chenming's physical resilience was futile against her.

The crisp sound echoed.

Wai Chenming's heart was pulverized, his eyes wide with disbelief.

He had proclaimed his status as a Fate Academy instructor, yet Su Mo dared to kill him. Could it mean that Su Mo was supported by a Saint Level power?

"This is bad!"

Shen Muxi's pupils shrank as she sensed imminent peril for the first time.

In Purvavideha, several transcendent forces reigned supreme.

The Sword Pavilion was merely a first-rate power, not even close to these lofty ranks.

Fate Academy, on the other hand, was an undisputed transcendent force!

If the Academy's reputation wasn't enough to demonstrate its might, then consider its numerous branches across Purvavideha—each one rivaling the Sword Pavilion in strength.

Shen Muxi was aware of Su Mo's standing on the Immortal Platform, yet she also recognized that being at the Immortal Level Four Half Saint carried significant implications.

Within the hallowed halls of Fate Academy, there were experts of Saint Level stature!

Shen Muxi took a deep breath and approached Su Mo with a grave look on her face. "We might be in for some trouble," she warned.

"What kind of trouble?" Su Mo, who was in the midst of using the Heaven Devouring Devil Arts to assimilate Wai Chenming's power, paused and looked at her, puzzled.

"The branches of Fate Academy are numerous, and any one of them could dominate the entire Uttarakuru Continent," Shen Muxi explained gravely. "Wai Chenming claimed he's from the Fate Academy, but we don't know if he... Wait a second!"

She stopped mid-sentence as a thought struck her. Turning to Wu Qin, she demanded, "Out with it. Which branch of Fate Academy do you belong to?"

Shen Muxi's concern was far from unfounded. Those not from Purvavideha couldn't possibly comprehend the dread the Fate Academy inspired.

"We're from the Dark Peak City Fate Academy," Wu Qin admitted, seeing no point in evasion.

"That's a relief," Shen Muxi sighed, her tension easing somewhat.

Of all the Fate Academy branches, Dark Peak City's was ranked among the bottom three. Her father, the master of the Sword Pavilion, could likely muster enough strength to contend with them.

But Wu Qin's next words left Shen Muxi utterly flabbergasted. "We've come here... to Uttarakuru to apprehend the Blade Sovereign, on direct orders from the headquarters."

She divulged the most secretive of news: "The Dark Peak City Fate Academy wouldn't normally be aware of an Immortal Platform expert emerging in Uttarakuru. The headquarters dispatched someone with a Rule Stone to capture the Blade Sovereign!"

Shen Muxi's face, which had just relaxed, tensed once more.

The Main Academy!

It was exactly what she had feared most—becoming entangled with the Fate Academy's headquarters. And now, it seemed they were indeed involved!

"Perhaps we should leave the Essence Returning Sect now and find a way to the Eastern Divine Region," she suggested, not one to panic without a plan. After a moment's thought, she added, "The Rule Stone can not only conceal the presence of an Immortal Platform Stage expert but also has tracking capabilities. If we stay, the Main Academy's envoys will surely find us."

Shen Muxi was no headless fly; she pondered for a moment before speaking in a deep voice, "The Rule Stone can not only conceal the aura of those at the Immortal Platform Stage, but it also has a tracking function. Staying here guarantees that we'll be found by the people from the main branch of Fate Academy."


Su Mo, not being from Purvavideha, lacked a firsthand understanding of Fate Academy's might. As he channeled the Heaven Devouring Devil Arts, he covertly reached out to the mysterious woman for advice. Her input was critical, whether they decided to head to Purvavideha or remain in Uttarakuru, given her influence behind the scenes.

"That Wu Qin has a scroll on her. She must hand it over, or we could face trouble ahead."

The mysterious woman had already exited Su Mo's body and slipped into the Heaven Devouring Devil Pot to reinforce its seal. For her, bolstering the seal was paramount; all else was secondary.

"A scroll?"

Su Mo was taken aback but quickly faced Wu Qin, his voice icy, "Hand over the scroll."

"I don't know what you're talking about. I don't have any scroll," Wu Qin retorted, her gaze shifting uneasily as she clenched her teeth. "Su Mo, I've shared the Main Branch's secrets with you. What more do you want from me?"

"Search her."

Su Mo wasn't about to waste time with Wu Qin. He shot Shen Muxi a knowing glance, and in an instant, she got the message. She stepped forward, ready to search Wu Qin.

"This is on you!" Wu Qin seemed to steel herself, suddenly producing a scroll from her bosom and hurling it skyward with all her might, while crying out, "I summon you, Dean Meng Xinghun!"

With a whoosh, the scroll soared and burst open midair.

A formidable will surged from within, sweeping over the martial arts field.

"Dao Slashing King!"

Blade Sovereign and Shen Muxi's pupils shrank as they rushed to subdue Wu Qin. In this predicament, controlling Wu Qin was the only way to stand a chance against the Dao Slashing King—or rather, to have a bargaining chip for negotiation.

Despite the seemingly small gap between Immortal Level Three and Two, many remained unable to ascend to Immortal Level Three in their lifetimes.

The leap from Immortal Level Two to Immortal Level Three may seem like a single step, but it's a chasm that many almighty beings spend their entire lives unable to cross. In fact, the challenge of ascending from Immortal Level Two to Three is infinitely greater than the already formidable task of progressing from the Dragon Transforming Nine-change to Immortal Level One.

Even the will of a Dao Slashing King could effortlessly extinguish the life of an Immortal Level Two adept!

"Has there been a mishap after all? The Celestial Secret Elder's foresight never fails."

A will materialized into a spectral figure hovering in the air, sweeping a glance around before nonchalantly waving its right hand.

Bang! Bang!

Like kites severed from their strings, the Blade Sovereign and Shen Muxi plummeted onto the platform.

With a dismissive gesture that sent the Blade Sovereign reeling, Meng Xinghun's eyes pierced the void, his expression one of sudden comprehension. "So that's why an Immortal Platform expert has emerged in the Abandoning Continent. The super-array has been tampered with. We need to alert the Main Clan; it's imperative to send someone to inspect the array and prevent any unforeseen consequences."

Meng Xinghun, lost in thought, turned his attention to Su Mo and stated with a detached tone, "You appear to possess a supreme treasure. Surrender it, and I shall grant you the mercy of an intact demise."

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