The Demon Lord's Demise From Day One/C5 I will Definitely Not Cause Trouble!
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The Demon Lord's Demise From Day One/C5 I will Definitely Not Cause Trouble!
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C5 I will Definitely Not Cause Trouble!

"As the strongest king in Uttarakuru, with Blade Sovereign as my senior brother, won't I be able to strut around Lu Continent with impunity? Who would dare cross me?"

Su Mo was extremely pleased with Blade Sovereign's demeanor.

This status alone was enough to deter the elders and sect leaders of the six major sects, ensuring they wouldn't dare to misbehave in his presence.

Now, all he had to figure out was how to become his own disciple.

"Master, from which continent do you hail?"

Su Mo was mulling over his strategy when he heard Blade Sovereign's inquiry.

"What's your guess?"

Su Mo turned, giving Blade Sovereign a genial smile.

"The East Divine Continent?"

Blade Sovereign guessed instinctively.

The East Divine Continent was known to be the most powerful force on the entire continent, so it seemed logical to Blade Sovereign that Su Mo would come from there.

"West Ox He State?"

But Su Mo's ambiguous response prompted Blade Sovereign to reconsider.

"South Zhugong State?"

As Su Mo's expression remained largely unchanged, Blade Sovereign's face took on a new shade of concern.

Rumors had it that their land was comprised not just of four, but five great territories.

The fifth was renowned by a resounding name: the Immortal Continent!

The thought that Su Mo might hail from the enigmatic Immortal Continent caused Blade Sovereign to swallow hard, his heart roiling with tumult.

If Su Mo truly originated from the Immortal Continent, then his level of cultivation could be staggeringly high!

Inhaling deeply, Blade Sovereign extended an invitation, "Master, please honor the Blade God Hall with your presence, and allow your disciple the chance to show some hospitality."

"Let's skip it, I have pressing matters to attend to and can't linger."

Su Mo gestured dismissively, feigning an air of mystery.

"I may lack talent, Master, but I am eager to serve you in any way I can!"

Having just sworn fealty to Su Mo, Blade Sovereign was not about to let him slip away so easily.

He yearned to remain by Su Mo's side indefinitely, knowing that even a few casual tips from his master could potentially help him ascend to the second tier of the Immortal Platform Stage!

Since the Immortal Platform Stage had not been seen in Uttarakuru for many years, those who reached it were revered as the Almighty.

In ancient times, the Immortal Platform Stage was rigorously categorized.

Immortal Level One was known as the Half-Step Almighty, while Immortal Level Two was the true mark of an Almighty!

"Do you really wish to accompany me?"

Su Mo's eyes darted as he spoke sternly, "The destination I have in mind teems with peril. Without reaching the Third Layer of the Immortal Platform, one would surely perish."


Upon hearing this, Blade Sovereign drew in a sharp breath.

His own cultivation was merely at the first tier of the Immortal Platform Stage, a vast distance from the second tier.

Su Mo's warning—that failing to attain the Third Layer meant certain death—did it imply he was venturing to the Immortal Burying Mausoleum?

The mere thought of the mausoleum's horrors sent shivers down Blade Sovereign's spine.

He had recently ascended to the Dragon Transforming Nine-change and, overconfident in his newfound power, had attempted to breach the Immortal Burying Mausoleum.


Despite his formidable transformation, he couldn't penetrate the inner sanctum and became hopelessly lost in the outer reaches.

It was there that his Heavenly Weapon, the Blade, was shattered in two.

He managed to retrieve one half, while the other remained lost within the mausoleum.

"Here's what we'll do: the place is fraught with danger, so I'll have my disciple stay behind and proceed alone," Su Mo mused before making his decision.


Blade Sovereign blinked in surprise, quickly asking, "Has Senior Brother also arrived?"

"Su Mo is a disciple I took under my wing in Uttarakuru. His talent is average at best. I'm entrusting you to look out for him once I'm gone."

Su Mo was candid about his disciple's modest abilities, knowing this would compel Blade Sovereign to offer his utmost support.

"It shall be done!"

A smile broke across Blade Sovereign's face.

While he lamented not being able to stay by Su Mo's side, the opportunity to build a strong bond with Su Mo's disciple—his own Senior Brother—meant he needn't worry about lacking guidance from Su Mo in the future.

"Alright, wait here for a moment. I'll head back to the hall and activate the teleportation array to bring over that good-for-nothing disciple," Su Mo said as he clapped Blade Sovereign on the shoulder with a meaningful look. "You have a long journey ahead to master the Blade Arts. Remember to take it step by step and avoid rushing."

"I will heed Master's guidance!" Blade Sovereign responded quickly, bowing with a fist in palm gesture.

After giving his instructions to Blade Sovereign, Su Mo then turned his attention to Shen Muxi. "She's not from the Demon Cult, just a girl dealt a harsh hand by fate. Once I'm gone, spare her life. Let her stay with my disciple to keep her safe from those with ill intentions."


Blade Sovereign focused his energy on Shen Muxi, contemplating whether to imprint a few seals upon her. After much deliberation, he decided against it. A disciple of an Immortal Platform Stage Almighty, even his own junior, would at least be at the Nirvana Stage, wouldn't they? The woman before him was merely at the third layer of the Dao Palace Stage, nowhere near Nirvana Stage. Imprinting a seal on her would seem like an insult to his fellow disciple.

He didn't buy into the notion of mediocre talent. In Uttarakuru, many possessed ordinary abilities, yet being chosen by an Immortal Platform Stage Almighty as a disciple surely indicated some exceptional trait.

With a whoosh, Su Mo exhaled deeply back in the hall, relieved at the narrow escape. "Thank goodness for my acting skills," he thought, "or Blade Sovereign might have seen right through me!"

"The power of the Immortal Platform Stage is truly formidable," Su Mo mused. After going over the recent events in his head and confirming there were no slip-ups, he drew upon the memories of a spatial travel prodigy and forcefully manipulated the space to create the illusion of chaos.

Outside the hall, the rumble of space caught Blade Sovereign, Ling Xuzi, and the others off guard, their faces etched with awe. They knew well why an Immortal Platform Stage expert was deemed an Almighty—they had the power to rip through the very fabric of space and traverse the void.

Blade Sovereign had recently ascended to the first tier of the Immortal Platform Stage, yet his mastery over spatial manipulation was still limited. He could only traverse a mere few meters at a time.

But don't be fooled by the short distance; with this capability alone, Blade Sovereign had already vastly outstripped the prowess of a Dragon Transforming Nine-change expert, enabling him to effortlessly vanquish such adversaries.

"You're quite the actor."

While Blade Sovereign and his companions were unaware of the details, Shen Muxi saw right through the charade.

She was aware that Su Mo was orchestrating his own performance, aiming to assume the guise of an Almighty and masquerade as her disciple!

The thought of spending an extended period with Su Mo sent waves of anxiety through Shen Muxi.

To accompany a monarch is to walk with a tiger, and that was even more the case with Su Mo, an Almighty of the Immortal Platform.

A single misstep, and she could meet the same grisly end as Devil Sovereign Di Shitian—crushed to death by Su Mo's hand.

"Moving forward, I must curb my impulsiveness around Su Mo. Patience is key! I'll attend to him diligently for the next few days. Once I've discerned his daily routines, I'll devise a plan to seek an audience with Medicine Sovereign through him."

Biting back her reservations, Shen Muxi resolved to shed her shortcomings and adopt the role of Su Mo's maidservant.

She was acutely aware of her predicament.

Shen Muxi understood all too well that her injuries could not afford further procrastination. Any more delays, and she feared she might meet her demise.

"Farewell, Master!"

As Shen Muxi and Blade Sovereign stood outside the hall, each lost in their own contemplations, Su Mo's voice rang out from within, clear and resolute: "I will heed my Junior Brother's advice and steer clear of any trouble!"

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