The Demon Lord's Demise From Day One/C7 Whoever Dares to Scare Me
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The Demon Lord's Demise From Day One/C7 Whoever Dares to Scare Me
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C7 Whoever Dares to Scare Me

"That's right, I owe a debt of gratitude to my senior brother for the warning. Otherwise, I might have inadvertently put him in danger."

The Blade Sovereign had an epiphany and looked at Su Mo with a thankful gaze.

His master's decision to keep Su Mo behind wasn't due to an interest in his Blade God Hall, but rather to give Su Mo a true test of his mettle!

The Blade God Hall was his own creation, with every elder and disciple within heeding his command.

If Su Mo were to return to the Blade God Hall with him, it would unfold just as Su Mo had predicted—without the trials he needed, he would simply fade into obscurity.

"Why not invite Young Hero Su to visit the Essence Returning Sect?"

Ling Xuzi, having overheard the exchange between Su Mo and the Blade Sovereign, was struck by an idea and stepped forward. "With the Devil Sovereign slain, the six major sects are planning a grand banquet to celebrate. There will be a contest among the prodigious disciples—a perfect opportunity for Young Hero Su to give them a lesson and show them there's always a higher mountain."

"Visiting the Essence Returning Sect isn't out of the question."

The Blade Sovereign furrowed his brow and subtly shifted his stance, telepathically warning Ling Xuzi and the elders of the other five sects, "Should any harm befall my senior brother at the Essence Returning Sect, you're well aware of the consequences."

"We wouldn't dream of slighting Young Hero Su!"

Ling Xuzi quickly assured him, anxious to avoid the Blade Sovereign's wrath.

Even without considering Su Mo's master, who could effortlessly dispatch the Devil Sovereign, the mere threat from the Blade Sovereign was enough to give them pause.

On the Uttarakuru Continent, the preeminent powers were the Omen Sect, Blade God Hall, and Medicine Sect.

Initially, the six sects, with their combined might and resources, were equipped to take on the Blade God Hall directly.

But now, with the Blade Sovereign's ascension to the Immortal Platform Stage, any direct confrontation with the Blade God Hall would likely end in disaster.

"You wouldn't dare," the Blade Sovereign stated icily, his gaze piercing as he addressed Ling Xuzi and the rest. "The resources amassed by the Omen Sect will be split in two—one half for the six sects, and the other for my senior brother."

"Thank you, Blade Sovereign!"

Ling Xuzi bowed with clasped fists, his face radiating with appreciation.

The six great sects had banded together to besiege the Omen Sect, slaying formidable foes like Cursed Souls and Cursed Grudges. The toll had been steep.

Had they ended up with not even a scrap of resources, it would have been a sorrow without tears.

Now, with the Blade Sovereign offering them half of the spoils, their gratitude was a given.

"Senior brother, I have no gifts to offer you at the moment. Please accept these two broken blades. Once I return from the Blade God Hall, I promise to bring you a gift that will meet your approval."

The Blade Sovereign handed the broken blades to Su Mo, whispering a secret message: "Inside the hilt lies blade aura I've cultivated for decades. Should you face an insurmountable threat, unleash the aura within. It has the power to vanquish a Dragon Transforming Nine-change expert!"


Su Mo shuddered at the Blade Sovereign's covert words.

Blade Qi capable of defeating a Dragon Transforming Nine-change?

The Blade Sovereign truly lived up to his name, his cultivated Qi potent enough to fell such formidable beings. His rank among the top three powerhouses of Uttarakuru was well-deserved!

"Something's amiss. The Devil Sovereign is a peer of the Blade Sovereign. If the Blade Sovereign has nurtured Blade Qi, could the Devil Sovereign have left a trump card within the Heaven Devouring Devil Pot?"

A thought struck Su Mo, his gaze sharpening.

Should the Heaven Devouring Devil Pot conceal the Devil Sovereign's ace, coupled with the Blade Sovereign's Qi, he'd possess the means to defend himself in Uttarakuru.

"I must eat more, bleed a little onto the Heaven Devouring Devil Pot daily, and strive to illuminate its name as soon as possible."

Su Mo resolved himself. No pain, no gain.

He had assumed that with the Blade Sovereign, a formidable junior brother, he could strut across Uttarakuru unchallenged.

Yet, who could have predicted that the Blade Sovereign's stay would last a mere three days? Whether he sealed himself or departed, Uttarakuru would soon be without him.

No matter whether the Blade Sovereign chose to leave the Lu Continent or to seal himself away, it spelled trouble for him.

Initially, the elders of the six major sects might hesitate to confront the Blade Sovereign and his enigmatic master, not daring to take any action against him. But as time passed, the situation could become unpredictable.

Especially since, when he had impersonated his master, he had claimed that the destination he sought was fraught with peril, a place where one would perish if they hadn't reached the Third Layer of the Immortal Platform.

Should the Blade Sovereign seal himself or depart from the Lu Continent, and with his elusive master potentially trapped in the Immortal Burying Mausoleum and unable to emerge, wouldn't he be like a lamb to the slaughter?

The pinnacle of power on the Immortal Continent.

Being a disciple of such a formidable master, it was inconceivable that he hadn't mastered some extraordinary techniques.

"Senior Brother, I must be on my way!"

After cautioning Ling Xuzi and the rest, Blade Sovereign ripped through the fabric of the void and soared, heading straight for the Blade God Hall.

Having attained the Immortal Platform Stage, Blade Sovereign possessed the power to cleave through the void.

He demonstrated this ability before Ling Xuzi and the others as a show of force, to deter them from harming Su Mo in his absence.

"What are you standing around for?"

Ling Xuzi snapped out of it first, his gaze icy as he barked orders at the warriors around him, "Get moving and gather the resources. We must completely eradicate the remnants of the Omen Sect. Leave none alive!"

With Blade Sovereign gone, Ling Xuzi stood as the mightiest in the Omen Sect.

Given the Essence Returning Sect's profound heritage, the leaders of the other five great sects raised no objections to Ling Xuzi taking command.

With a rush of activity, not just the outer disciples but also the sect elders, leaders, and deputy leaders sprang into action, setting out to crush the remaining opposition and seize the Omen Sect's assets.

"Young Hero Su, if you could kindly wait a moment."

With a gracious smile, Ling Xuzi inquired, "An elder mentioned that you hail from the Uttarakuru Continent, Young Hero Su. Where exactly do you come from? Do you have family there?"

Ling Xuzi was a master of strategy and cunning calculations.

He recognized that Su Mo, as the Senior Brother of the Blade Sovereign and a disciple of a preeminent Almighty, was not someone to be confronted head-on. The odds of a direct assault working were slim.

Moreover, attempting to ingratiate himself with Su Mo could quickly draw the ire of the Blade Sovereign.

Instead, he decided it would be wiser to focus his efforts on Su Mo's family and friends.

By bringing Su Mo's friends into the fold of the Essence Returning Sect, he could curry favor with Su Mo by proxy.

Indeed, Ling Xuzi had already devised a strategy.

Upon his arrival at the Essence Returning Sect, he planned to advise the sect's prodigies to befriend Su Mo at all costs.

Should that fail, resorting to a seduction ploy was not out of the question!

Given Su Mo's tender age and presumed innocence, the likelihood of success with such a ploy was high.

"Everything must be foolproof."

Ling Xuzi mentally rehearsed his upcoming moves, intent on leaving no trace of his machinations.

"Crafty old fox."

An offhand glance from Su Mo caught the fleeting shift in Ling Xuzi's expression.

Having lived two lifetimes, Su Mo could easily recognize such a look as one belonging only to a sly old fox.

"Thinking you can outwit me? It's not that simple."

Fiddling with the broken blade gifted by the Blade Sovereign, Su Mo formulated his counter-strategy. He casually patted Shen Muxi on the shoulder and reassured her, "Rest easy. Once my Martial Uncle arrives in Uttarakuru, I'll ask him to take you to meet the esteemed Medicine Sovereign. Your ailment will be taken care of, I assure you."

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