The Demon Lord's Demise From Day One/C8 I will Try to Please Him
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The Demon Lord's Demise From Day One/C8 I will Try to Please Him
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C8 I will Try to Please Him

"Junior Master?"

Ling Xuzi, a peak expert of the Dragon Transforming Three-change, could easily overhear the conversation between Su Mo and Shen Muxi.

His original plan was to have the sect's prodigies meet and befriend Su Mo upon his arrival at the Essence Returning Sect.

However, Su Mo's mention of his Junior Master visiting Uttarakuru Continent threw a wrench into those plans!

As the adage goes, the best-laid plans often go awry. Ling Xuzi decided to take a step back and devise a foolproof long-term strategy before making his move on Su Mo.

"Perhaps, she could provide the breakthrough I need."

Ling Xuzi's eyes settled on Shen Muxi, murmuring to himself.

Su Mo's maid was seeking the Medicine Sovereign, indicating she was injured.

He saw an opportunity to heal her before she could consult the Medicine Sovereign!

After all, he noticed Su Mo seemed to have a certain fondness for the maid.

"Thank you. If I may ask, when will your Junior Master be arriving?"

Shen Muxi played along with Su Mo's 'mischievous streak,' inquiring proactively.

To Shen Muxi, Su Mo's behavior was nothing short of capricious – a top-tier Immortal Platform Almighty blatantly lying without a hint of embarrassment was utterly baffling.

"That's difficult to predict. It could be three days, three months, or even one to two years."

With Shen Muxi's assistance, Su Mo's act flowed even more naturally. He added, "But there's no need for concern. Even if my Junior Master is delayed in reaching the continent, we have Senior Ling Xuzi here, don't we?"

"Absolutely, I'm acquainted with several physicians. While they may not match the Medicine Sovereign's expertise, they should be capable of treating your condition without much trouble."

Ling Xuzi had been itching for a chance to interject, and Su Mo's query presented the perfect opening.

Eager to ensure Shen Muxi wouldn't decline, Ling Xuzi quickly added, "I'll arrange for the physicians to head to the Essence Returning Sect and await our arrival. As soon as we get there, we'll attend to your illness right away!"

While speaking, Ling Xuzi turned and sent a telepathic message to the head of the Essence Returning Sect, instructing him to get ready.

"That's excellent news. My Martial Uncle is known for his volatile temper and unpredictability. Should he go on a rampage while treating the illness, I fear the Essence Returning Sect might be completely leveled," Su Mo said, his face showing a hint of satisfaction as he nodded in approval.

Gulp! Ling Xuzi, upon hearing Su Mo's 'friendly' warning, swallowed hard, a trace of fear creeping into his mind. He was relieved he had preemptively halted the mission to heal Shen Muxi; otherwise, the Essence Returning Sect could have been ruined by his actions.

The elders from the other five major sects listened in silence to the exchange between Ling Xuzi and Su Mo. To be honest, they had been eager to ingratiate themselves with Su Mo, but his startling remarks had given them pause. It's like the old adage: keeping company with a monarch is akin to courting a tiger. Pleasing Su Mo would be advantageous, but should he feel slighted within their sects, well, the fallout would be more than anyone could handle.

So, while they envied Ling Xuzi, there was also a touch of schadenfreude in the air.

"I've managed to bluff my way through," Su Mo thought with a sigh of relief as he noticed Ling Xuzi's shifting demeanor. As long as Ling Xuzi remained wary of the fictitious master and Martial Uncle backing him, Su Mo could secure his position within the Essence Returning Sect.

"The Heaven-Splitting Blade, capable of vanquishing a Dragon Transforming Nine-change powerhouse, is a trump card I must wield wisely." Su Mo gripped the broken blade firmly, closed his eyes, and began to meditate.

Tick-tock! Time slipped away moment by moment.

Before they knew it, several hours had passed. Despite the combined efforts of the six sects' experts to gather resources, it took them hours to strip the Essence Returning Sect of everything. The Omen Sect's influence was considerable, being one of the three dominant forces in Uttarakuru.

The six sects had planned to use their ace in the hole to conquer the Omen Sect and divide its wealth, with each sect expecting to boost their power by ten to twenty percent. Now, with half of the spoils promised to Su Mo, the patriarchs of the six sects were seething with silent indignation, forced to swallow their anger.

"All the resources are here. Young Hero Su, feel free to pick anything you like."

Ling Xuzi presented two storage rings filled with the Omen Sect's resources to Su Mo without reservation.

"Let her choose."

Su Mo didn't take the rings, but gestured towards Shen Muxi with a wave of his hand.

"Hand them over."

With confidence, Shen Muxi accepted the storage ring from Ling Xuzi and began to examine the contents.

She selected resources based on her personal preferences, knowing full well that Su Mo, as a preeminent figure of the Immortal Platform, would find the Omen Sect's offerings mundane.

It made more sense for her to pick out a few items first rather than assist Su Mo in the selection.

"A mere servant girl? Their relationship seems far from ordinary!"

"Target her!"

"Time to revise our strategy!"

The patriarchs of the six sects, Ling Xuzi included, gained a fresh perspective on Shen Muxi.

Half of the Omen Sect's resources at stake!

Su Mo, with only the cultivation level of the Suffering Sea Realm, seemed indifferent to the resources, entrusting Shen Muxi with the choice, a clear testament to her significance in his heart.

If Su Mo were privy to their thoughts, he'd be delighted.

This was the perfect opportunity to let Shen Muxi gather gifts that he could later claim for himself.

As for the possibility of Shen Muxi pocketing some for herself, Su Mo harbored no concerns.

To this day, she staunchly believed he was a supreme Almighty, and she, his disciple, was intent on playing the weak to conceal her strength.

"I've made my selection."

Unaware that she had become a mere instrument for collecting gifts in Su Mo's plan, Shen Muxi handed back one of the storage rings to Ling Xuzi after making her choices and remarked, "My condition is quite unique. It would be best to seek assistance from the esteemed Medicine Sovereign."

"Rest assured! If the Essence Returning Sect's healers can't treat you, I'll personally request the Medicine Sovereign's aid!"

Ling Xuzi gave a reassuring pat on his chest.

"Let's hurry back. We've got a victory celebration to prepare."

The elders from the other sects were none too pleased to see Ling Xuzi cozying up to Su Mo. They chimed in together, "Let's discuss this back at the sect."

"Please," Ling Xuzi said, albeit with a hint of displeasure, as he gestured for them to proceed.

"Just lead the way. I'll follow along. Let's keep my identity under wraps to avoid any unnecessary complications," Su Mo said, his smile belying the seriousness of his request.

Su Mo's concern stemmed from the possibility of being challenged by a prodigy upon his arrival at the Essence Returning Sect. His cultivation was at the bitter sea realm, with only a slightly superior spatial mastery. A challenge could leave him in a no-win situation: fight and potentially lose, or decline and lose face. By setting expectations with Ling Xuzi in advance, he hoped to sidestep any such troubles.

"Don't fret over such trifles, Young Hero Su. I'll ensure everything is taken care of," Ling Xuzi assured him, his years of wisdom allowing him to grasp Su Mo's concerns fully.

Leading the way, Ling Xuzi and the other sect elders made haste towards the Essence Returning Sect.

Meanwhile, the Sect Masters and Vice Sect Masters remained at the Omen Sect to oversee the troops and manage their deployment.

The Omen Sect was replete with powerful formations, some brimming with rich Essence Qi, making them coveted spots for cultivation.

Su Mo required only half of these resources; the rest would be divided among the six great sects.

With a whoosh, Ling Xuzi and the elders from the five great sects set a brisk pace.

A journey that would typically take a day was impressively condensed to mere hours by their efforts.

As dusk fell, Ling Xuzi, Su Mo, and Shen Muxi arrived at the gates of a city.

Fallen Star City!

The Essence Returning Sect lay at the heart of Fallen Star City, dominating its landscape. Even the city's leadership was subject to the sect's approval.

"Do you want to head back and start getting ready for the victory banquet the day after tomorrow?"

Ling Xuzi showed no interest in inviting the other elders into Fallen Star City, issuing a firm dismissal instead. "Time is of the essence. If you leave now, you'll arrive just in time the day after tomorrow."

"Crafty old fox!" The Limitless Sect's elder muttered under his breath. Resigned, he addressed Su Mo, "Young Hero Su, I shall depart now and return the day after tomorrow. Farewell!"

"Our Danding Sect possesses an exceptional elixir. I will bring it for Young Hero Su the day after tomorrow."

"Our Refining Sect boasts a top-tier Earth Weapon!"


Once one elder made an offer, the others from various sects quickly followed suit, eager to ensure that Su Mo wouldn't be swayed by Ling Xuzi's influence.

"Please, go safely. The Omen Sect's resources are sufficient for now; I have no need for common items," Su Mo said with a smile.

"Goodbye!" Understanding Su Mo's stance, the elders from the five major sects nodded, exchanged respectful fist salutes, and swiftly departed.

Su Mo's message was clear: he wasn't interested in the mundane. Only the finest magical artifacts, elixirs, and techniques would suffice.

"Young Hero Su, today happens to be the day the Essence Returning Pool opens. Why not spend the night there?" Ling Xuzi, determined to make a move, suggested through clenched teeth.

"The Essence Returning Pool?" Su Mo raised an eyebrow, unfamiliar with the term.

"The Essence Returning Pool is rich with potent life force, capable of enhancing the success rate for those at the Other Shore Stage attempting to break through to the Dao Palace Stage, ensuring a flawless transition," Ling Xuzi explained, smiling. "Given your exceptional talent and current Sea of Bitterness Stage, I'm confident that after a night in the Essence Returning Pool, you'll ascend to the Divine Bridge Stage by morning, and perhaps even reach the Other Shore Stage!"

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