The Demon Lord's Demise From Day One/C9 Friendly Pleading
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The Demon Lord's Demise From Day One/C9 Friendly Pleading
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C9 Friendly Pleading

"I'm so sorry about this."

Su Mo's words conveyed embarrassment, but the eager anticipation was unmistakable on his face.

What mattered most?

Not connections, but personal strength!

Su Mo was acutely aware that over time, figures like Blade Sovereign or his supposed master and uncle would fade into insignificance, offering no real advantage.

Even Shen Muxi would decisively act against him if she discovered his lack of genuine skill.

Thus, enhancing his cultivation and power was of the utmost importance!

Once he reached the Immortal Platform Stage, even if his true identity were revealed, Ling Xuzi and the rest wouldn't dare touch him!

He absolutely needed to visit the Essence Returning Pool!

He had to go, and more importantly, find a way to absorb as much Essence Qi as possible, aiming to elevate from the Suffering Sea Stage to the Other Shore Stage!

"There's nothing to be embarrassed about. Besides, activating the Essence Returning Pool doesn't require too many resources."

Ling Xuzi, eager to impress Su Mo, stated plainly, "Young Hero Su, you may enter. And your companion... Miss Shen is welcome as well!"


After some thought, Su Mo decided to have Shen Muxi join him.

After all, Shen Muxi was a formidable practitioner at the third level of the Dao Palace.

Having a bodyguard at the Nirvana Stage by his side would be incredibly advantageous if Shen Muxi could successfully advance.

"Let's go!"

With Su Mo's nod, an excited Ling Xuzi led him and Shen Muxi across the skies of Descending Star City, descending before a grand palace within the Essence Returning Sect.

Two elders stood at the entrance, both at the Nirvana Stage.

"Greetings, Ancestor."

They bowed respectfully upon Ling Xuzi's arrival.

"Open the Essence Returning Pool and let them in tonight," Ling Xuzi commanded, cutting straight to the point.

"Ancestor... The Inner Sect Competition has just concluded. Traditionally, the top three disciples are to enter the Essence Returning Pool tomorrow to train and attempt to break through to the Dao Palace Stage."

The elder in black on the left hesitated before speaking.

"Are you telling me how to conduct my affairs?"

A chill spread across Ling Xuzi's face as he responded icily.

"I wouldn't dare!"

Witnessing Ling Xuzi's rising ire, the elder in black hastily knelt, his voice quivering, "My grandson is the top disciple in the Inner Sect Competition. I implore the Ancestor to grant him an opportunity."

"Hmph! Open the door!"

With a cold snort, Ling Xuzi resolved to thoroughly reform the Essence Returning Sect.

He had been in seclusion for many years, only emerging to join the siege against the Omen Sect and to slay the Devil Sovereign. He certainly hadn't planned on leaving his retreat otherwise.

To his astonishment, upon his return, even a worthless one at the Nirvana Stage dared to defy him.

"The audacity!"

The more Ling Xuzi dwelled on it, the more his fury mounted. He had founded the Essence Returning Sect years ago, then retreated to seclusion to advance his realm, leaving the sect in the hands of the current Sect Master, Yang Yuqing.

As rage swelled within him, Ling Xuzi unleashed a punch that sent the black-robed elder flying back several meters, then coldly commanded, "Inform all Essence Returning Sect experts at the Nirvana Stage and above to assemble in the council hall. I have matters to discuss!"


Having issued his orders, Ling Xuzi delivered a kick that forcibly flung the palace's main doors open.

"Young Hero Su, please enter!"

Ling Xuzi extended his right hand, invitingly gesturing inside.

Su Mo didn't waste time on pleasantries with Ling Xuzi, striding ahead into the hall.

Upon entering, he was immediately enveloped by a dense wave of vital energy.

It wasn't an overstatement to say that merely cultivating within the hall itself could double one's efficiency without even stepping into the central pool.

"Young Hero Su, feel free to cultivate here while I attend to some matters."

Ling Xuzi gestured towards the Essence Returning Pool ahead and added, "I'll ensure that the pool is supplied with an endless stream of vital energy for your use!"

"Thank you."

Su Mo bowed with a fist in palm gesture, expressing his gratitude to Ling Xuzi. With a swift leap, he plunged into the Essence Returning Pool right before the eyes of Ling Xuzi and Shen Muxi.

"Hold on!"

As Ling Xuzi turned to leave, Su Mo suddenly remembered something and called out, "I would like to cultivate in peace, without disturbances."

"Rest assured, Young Hero Su, there will be no further interruptions," Ling Xuzi replied, his face betraying a hint of embarrassment. "Here's to your successful advancement," he added with a formal bow.

With a swish, Ling Xuzi exited the hall, his departure marked by a sense of defeat.


For Ling Xuzi, a venerable elder of the Essence Returning Sect, losing face in front of Su Mo was a source of profound rage.

A man's fury can unleash a bloodbath!

Pausing briefly outside the hall, Ling Xuzi instructed another elder in white, "Guard this place. No one is to enter without my express permission. Violators will be executed on the spot!"

"Yes, sir!" The elder in white, sensing Ling Xuzi's wrath, nodded eagerly.

To defy Ling Xuzi now would be to invite a fate even more dire than that of the man in black.


As the white-robed elder contemplated the gravity of the situation, Ling Xuzi delivered a crushing blow to the heart of the black-robed elder. He then soared above the Essence Returning Sect and announced with authority, "In three minutes, every cultivator of the Essence Returning Sect above the Dao Palace Stage must assemble at the Martial Arts Practice Field. Defiance will be met with death!"

Initially, Ling Xuzi had intended to summon only those above the Nirvana Stage for a scolding. But upon reflection, he decided to include all those above the Dao Palace Stage in his disciplinary action, to avoid further bloodshed.

"The Essence Returning Sect is on the brink of transformation," the white-robed elder murmured to himself as he stood guard at the hall entrance, like a sentinel.

While others might be oblivious to Yang Yuqing's ambitions, he understood them clearly. Yang Yuqing had been forging connections with the powers of the East Victory Continent for years.

"Forget it, just focus on your own responsibilities."

The white-robed elder cast a brief glance around the grand hall before opting to close his eyes and meditate, out of sight, out of mind.

Meanwhile, inside the hall, within the Essence Returning Pool.

Su Mo was fully submerged, with vast amounts of Origin Energy recklessly flooding into his body.

Currently, Su Mo's cultivation level was at the Sea of Bitterness Realm, not too far from the Bridge of God Realm.

The influx of Origin Energy into his Sea of Bitterness caused it to swell to its limits, and in a flash, a divine bridge materialized above it.

The Bridge of God Realm!

It's something that might seem unbelievable to others.

And just like that, Su Mo, somewhat bewildered, ascended to the Bridge of God Realm.

"What a game this is."

Beside the Essence Returning Pool, Shen Muxi rolled her eyes.

Knowing that Su Mo was a top-tier Almighty, Shen Muxi was not the least bit surprised by his breakthrough to the Bridge of God Realm. Instead, she found it rather dull.

The Essence Returning Pool of the Essence Returning Sect might not rival the Sword Tomb of the Sword Tower, but it was still a rare and coveted training ground.

The key point was that the Essence Returning Pool was designed specifically for warriors of the Sea of Reincarnation Realm.

What good would it do for Su Mo, an Almighty of the Immortal Platform, to train in the Essence Returning Pool?

It seemed nothing more than a waste of time.

But what unfolded next shifted Shen Muxi's perception of Su Mo.

Hiss hiss!

Centered around Su Mo, the Essence Qi from the entire pool began to converge towards him.

In the blink of an eye!

Truly, in the blink of an eye, all the Essence Qi in the pool was voraciously absorbed by Su Mo!


Shen Muxi swallowed hard, her eyes bulging as she stared at Su Mo like he was some kind of monster.

What in the world just happened?

Even for a top-tier Immortal Platform Almighty, absorbing the Essence Qi from the Essence Returning Pool should take some time.

Yet, Su Mo's current pace was nothing short of astonishing!

"Heaven Devouring Devil Pot!"

Su Mo's head emerged from the water, his back to Shen Muxi, his face etched with utter astonishment.

The true culprit draining the Essence Qi wasn't Su Mo—it was the Heaven Devouring Devil Pot!

And there was more.

Su Mo noticed that the second golden character, 'Heaven', on the Heaven Devouring Devil Pot was now gleaming brightly!

He had initially believed that lighting up the four characters on the pot would require his own blood. But now, it seemed unnecessary; perhaps Essence Qi could achieve the same effect.

"Essence Qi..."

With a thoughtful look in his eyes, Su Mo suddenly turned to face Shen Muxi and instructed, "Go check why the Essence Qi in the Essence Returning Pool has vanished. Please kindly ask Ling Xuzi if he could replenish it with some Essence Qi for me."

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