The Demon Sealing Story in Tibet/C23 Cataclysm in east tibet
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The Demon Sealing Story in Tibet/C23 Cataclysm in east tibet
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C23 Cataclysm in east tibet

Fu Changqing raised his head and looked at the top of the Zephyr Temple mountain. On top of the mountain, he once again saw that person who did not have a soul.

Fu Changqing squinted his eyes and waved his hand towards the mountain. He knew that the people on the mountain must have seen him too.

Lang Ka and Yu Xianhe had indeed seen Fu Changqing wave his hand, out of respect and admiration, Lang Ka also returned the gesture with his fist.

The three who were about to stir up a ruckus in the hidden realm finally met once again.

"Zhi He, last time in front of the Dazhao Temple, the one who was staring at us from the rooftop was Fu Changqing." Lang Ka said.

Yu Xianhe nodded, he also recognized Fu Changqing's unique aura, but frowned: "Why am I feeling a little uneasy?"

"Unease? Where does this uneasiness come from? " Lang Ka asked.

"I can't say for sure, but he was probably intimidated by the master of the tiger and wolf army down the mountain." Yu Xianhe said.


Half a month later, at the border between Dongkang District and Sichuan Province.

In this period of time, according to their agreement with Lang Ka, he brought his men, cleaning up and Huai Te to evacuate the hidden grounds.

Of course, this was only because he and Sard had already formulated a perfect plan. If the plan was carried out smoothly, they could then take down the Zhongba River Temple …

Along the way, Sard repeatedly studied the hidden grounds map that the British had mapped out. According to the legends of the Twelve Subduing Demons Temple, he tried to find a possible Demon Suppressing Temple temple, but just as he had thought before, there were more than just thousands of temples in the place, the area occupied by the witch was not small at all. On this piece of land, there were hundreds of temples anywhere, it was too difficult to determine which one was the Demon Suppressing Temple.

That was why he made such a perfect plan …

Inside the makeshift tent, Sard was very excited. "Your Highness, when will you make your move?" I can't wait. "

At this time, there were only Frames, Sard and Lama Tu Dengduoji in the tent.

From the frames, they knew that the Lama was easily tempted. However, there were times when the unintentional actions or words of the Lama could be of great help to them, such as the plan this time, was something that Tu Deng had casually mentioned.

Heh, he really is a lucky general sent by the heavens. This is the frame - carrying assessment of Tuden.

Sard also thought that it was too wise to not get rid of Tu Dengduoji when he heard's suggestion.

After retreating to the east of the city, he set up a camp to rest, saying that there was no need to retreat anymore, that he would rest here and wait for his orders.

He just wanted to complete the mission given by the King as soon as possible. If he could plunder a portion of the religious relics and wealth from the hidden realm, then he would very likely be able to advance to the next level.

However, Huai Te also knew that he had to be well-behaved in front of Sard and Shifter. Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to return to England.

In this period of time, the Old Buddha seemed to have forgotten that he, the prince of this place, was no longer in contact with the frames. When he was in contact with the frames, he could also begin to implement their plans.

On the first day, three temples in eastern Tibet were destroyed, and two villages were massacred by unknown people.

The news didn't travel fast, the frames were not rushed, and he had time to continue his actions.

In just three short days, more than ten temples in the east of Tibet were destroyed, and large numbers of unarmed Tibetan people were cruelly murdered.

In the vast Tibetan lands, the flames of war and smoke permeated the air, as well as the painful wails of the commoners. The temples were continuously destroyed, monks were slaughtered, and cultural relics were looted …

The commoners could never have imagined that the cleaning up, who was supposed to be the army of Kitigarbha, would actually raise their machetes and kill them …

This was the plan with Sard.

They were going to make waves in east Tibet, kill people and destroy temples here.


When Fu Changqing received the report from the east of Tibet, he was at the foot of the mountain of Zephyr Temple practicing his army.

Hearing the messenger's words, Fu Changqing was so angry that his face turned black. He took out his blade and cut a huge mountain rock, and angrily said: "Good, British has only been quiet for a few days, and has a large group of bandits causing trouble. Hong Yu, gather your troops, we will immediately send them to Zang Dong!"

Hong Yu nodded his head, and asked softly: Master, do you want to consult with the management?

Fu Changqing: "I will take care of the matter that I requested for the battle. The battle opportunity is fleeting, we cannot let the citizens of eastern Tibet be under extreme pain. We must dispatch troops as soon as possible to pacify the rebellion!"

Fu Changqing had been holding back his anger all day, and now that Cang Dong was in a state of chaos, his battle intent was ignited …

Come, let me, Fu Changqing, sacrifice this bandit to the heavens!

That afternoon, all the troops had been gathered. Fu Changqing left two thousand men to guard Lhasa and personally led eight thousand soldiers to the east of Tibet to pacify the situation. What he did not expect was that this time, the chaos was not caused by the bandits reported by the messenger, but was caused by the regular army, the cleaning up who had been stationed behind for a long time!

When Fu Changqing led his troops to the east of Tibet, Shade and Sard were covering their faces and commanding their cleaning up to attack the Great Temple in the Changdu region of the east of Tibet.

At the same time, Lang Ka and Yu Xianhe were rushing to the east side of the city, the two of them were using their Shenfutong s and Imperial Sword Technique respectively, using their fastest speeds to rush to the east side.

Three days ago, on the North Tibetan Steppe, Lang Ka who was in the midst of shepherding a sheep suddenly put down the aldo in his hands, and raised his head to look at the eastern sky.

Yu Xianhe did not understand, and asked him what she was looking at. Lang Ka replied: "There's going to be smoke beacon in east Tibet, sigh, I wonder who the opponent is this time?"

Yu Xianhe: "How did you know?"

"Don't worry about how I know. I'm a bit worried. Something big might happen."

Yu Xianhe: "That's not right, didn't we withdraw all the frames to the east of the city? He has a thousand cleaning up under his command, why is there still smoke coming out?"

Lang Ka spread out his hands, indicating that he did not know either.

After staying in northern Tibet for almost three days, Lang Ka finally confirmed that a war had broken out in the east of the city. The fire was huge, endangering many important temples and a large number of innocent civilians.

Thus, the two of them rushed to the east of Tibet, hoping to calm down this calamity.

The two of them were much faster compared to Fu Changqing's army that was rushing forward.

On the morning of the fourth day, Lang Ka and Yu Xianhe who were rushing in the dark of the night had already reached the east side of the city, and Fu Changqing's troops were only a short distance away from Lhasa. At this speed, it would take at least two days to reach the east side of the city.

The two of them did not dare to delay any longer. They continued to rush towards the location where the flames of war were at their highest speed …

According to Lang Ka's observation, the flames of war were spreading from the west of the east side of Tibet to the east, and according to his calculations, they should have reached the Mankang County.

Under Lang Ka's lead, Yu Xianhe who was flying with the Imperial Sword Technique followed closely behind Lang Ka's footsteps, he used the Imperial Sword Technique to its limit, but due to the high intensity of the journey, he was already exhausted, and had no choice but to slow down. The last time he rushed with Lang Ka to the Zhongba River Temple to save the situation, he could still clearly remember it, but he did not want to do that again, and before made a move, he fell on the ground exhausted.

Lang Ka couldn't be bothered to wait for Yu Xianhe, he could only help Yu Xianhe point in a general direction, and rush to Mang Kang himself.

Mang Kang, located in the eastern part of Changdu, is the border between the three provinces of Tibet, Chuan and Yunnan. Since ancient times, it has been used as a fortress connecting the three provinces.

Lang Ka felt it was strange. He didn't understand where the bandits, who were causing trouble in eastern Tibet, came out from, and the framing army that had already retreated to eastern Tibet didn't stop them from destroying the place. This made Lang Ka even more uneasy.

The closer he got to Mang Kang, the more obvious the unease Lang Ka felt. Along the way, he only saw the battle flames and corpses all over the place, but he didn't even see a single soldier. There were only a few corpses of soldiers that had died in battle.

An extremely terrifying thought emerged in Lang Ka's mind …

The frame-carrying units that had retreated to eastern Tibet were gone, but there was a war in eastern Tibet... Could it be that it wasn't bandits who started this mess, but the troops carrying the frames?

Lang Ka calculated the time. Not long after they retreated to the east side, war started in the east side of the city. There were also a few British s and a powerful Prince of Germany among the troops.

After thinking about it, Lang Ka believed that it was very likely that the troops carrying the frames had attacked east of Tibet.

Under the display of great power on the Shenfutong, from Chang Du to Mang Kang, Lang Ka only used the time it took to burn an incense stick.

Yu Xianhe was left far behind and she arrived at Mang Kang alone.

The massacre continued. Lang Ka saw a large group of unidentified armed forces with swords and earth spears surrounding a dangerous temple. The wooden door of the temple was smashed, and a few monk corpses laid on the ground.

Miserable wails kept on being released from the temple, and to Lang Ka, these sounds were extremely ear-piercing. Looking at the corpses lying all over the ground and the holes left in the ground, Lang Ka's anger was ignited.

After observing the situation, Lang Ka realised that this group of people was not as large as he had imagined - at most, there would be around a hundred of them.

Furthermore, there was no British Emissary Huai Te among them, nor was there any frame.

These people were dressed in the clothes of ordinary people, but most of them were holding official knife s that were compatible with the cleaning up.

At this time, the troops carrying the frames had long since hid far away from Mang Kang, deep in the mountains, while carrying the frames, Sard and Tu Dengduoji had already left the troops and went somewhere else.

"Stop!" Lang Ka shouted out explosively. The unknown soldiers that were fighting stopped their fighting and came out from the temple to gather together. They looked at Lang Ka who was burning with anger. ))

Lang Ka's face revealed an expression of pity, like a Buddha.

"Who are you people?" Lang Ka asked harshly.

The leader of the group shouted, "Who do you care who your father is? Who are you?"

Lang Ka reckoned that these were the unarmed civilians who came to this temple in order to avoid the dangers of war. Unexpectedly, the temple was not able to resist the sharp blades of the executioners, and after the temple door was broken, they were met with a ruthless massacre.

Lang Ka was not prepared to waste words with these murderers whose hands were covered with the blood of innocents. After a short moment of staring, Lang Ka realised, even though these people numbered more than a hundred, they did not have any true experts.

With such a small team of a hundred people, it was impossible for them to cause such a huge commotion in the east of the city.

There was also a large group of people. It was obvious that this large group of people was not here.

Fine, let's start with the squad.

Lang Ka walked towards the group step by step. Although he was alone, he had given this group of 100 people a huge pressure.

The leader understood that the man dressed as a herdsman in front of him was not someone these men could resist. Ah, no wonder Prince of Germany would hand over the "beautiful servant" who robbed this temple to an outsider. So it turns out that their group was there to sacrifice themselves.

The big sized man bellowed, he waved his blade and rushed towards Lang Ka, his subordinates who saw this all came forward to help.

The air in front of Lang Ka refracted, causing space to distort …

The burly man felt as if his lightning blade had struck a loser, completely lacking in strength. Before he could react to how this burly man had blocked his blade, he suddenly felt a sharp pain coming from his legs …

At the same time, he caught a glimpse of his subordinate slashing down on the herdsman's legs with his Guan Dao. However, the knife did not cut off the herdsman's legs. Both of his legs had actually broken from above the knees!

The person who used the Guan Dao was one of his experts. This person was born with great strength, so he didn't understand why it was his boss who had his leg cut off even though his opponent had a leg …

The leader screamed miserably as he tumbled out of the group. The others saw this and did not dare to rashly attack him. The leader said in a flustered manner, "Shoot him with your spear!"

Only then did his subordinates react and took out their earth spears to shoot towards Lang Ka. Following that, the person who had fired was already in a sieve with wounds all over his body and blood flowing profusely …

"Ghost!" His subordinates had already noticed that the attacks they were launching at Lang Ka were all directed at their own bodies or at their comrades's bodies.

They were aware of it, but were powerless to change it.

For a moment, everyone panicked, they did not know whether to continue attacking Lang Ka or escape for their lives …

Following that, Lang Ka extended his right hand, and an azure ball of light appeared in his hand.

The big sized man looked at the ball of light in Lang Ka's hand and suddenly thought about that fellow called Sard who was in the group.

"Run!" The large man knew that he could not escape, so he could only shout at the top of his lungs, hoping that his subordinates would be able to escape one by one.

Hearing the big size man's roar, which was filled with the desire to live, Lang Ka's heart suddenly softened.

It was clear that these shrimp soldiers and crab generals had no ability to cause such a huge commotion in the east of the city, and there was someone commanding them from behind the scenes.

Lang Ka realized that these people were merely tools used by others to restrain his energy.

Forget it, forget it … Although their hands were drenched in blood, Lang Ka could not bear to kill these hundred odd people.

Lang Ka did not use the blue ball of light to attack. He held the ball of light and walked to the big sized man's side, the big sized man's hands had already started to flee, no one dared to stop Lang Ka.

Looking at the broken legs of the big sized man, Lang Ka sighed, he extended his left hand and quickly pressed down on both of the big sized man's thighs, the big sized man no longer felt pain, and very quickly, the wound on his leg stopped bleeding.

"What do you want to do?" The big man trembled as he asked …

"You're a frame-carrier, aren't you?" Lang Ka asked.

He helped the big man stop the bleeding. Although the big man's injuries were severe, he would not die even after a short while.

At this time, the Hidden Razzi County was approaching from the back. Three tightly wrapped people were quickly walking on the public road. Not far in front of them was the Zhongba River Temple.

"Your Highness, do you think that Lang Ka will be lured to the east of Tibet by us?" the short, thin man asked.

"Logically speaking, to be fair, Sard, do you think that we, together, can defeat Lang Ka?" Prince of Germany asked as he carried the frame.

Sard shook his head. "I have no confidence."

Tu Dengduoji spoke up from the side: "Are the two of you that afraid of that Lang Ka?"

"What do you know?" The frame was a little displeased.

Tuden stuck out his tongue and said no more.

Very quickly, the three of them arrived outside the Zhongba River Temple.

Sard shattered the temple's closed door with a punch. Zhongba River Temple was like a naked virgin that was exposed in front of the three of them.

Once again, that power gushed out, and as they felt it, both Sard and the frame became excited.

"Your Highness, you only mentioned that this temple might have a Demon Suppressing Seal, but you don't say how to break the seal. What should we do now?" Sard was confused.

He lowered his voice and said, "Let's bet on it. You guys stay far away."

Tuden and Sard retreated dozens of steps at the same time.

Read the spell with a frame...

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