The Divine Dragon's Reincarnation System/C11 Mockery
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The Divine Dragon's Reincarnation System/C11 Mockery
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C11 Mockery

"Hey, isn't that Ho Lee?" A young man in white approached, casually draping his arm around Xue Jing's waist. "What a coincidence running into you here! How are things with your family? Need any help with that?"

Ho Lee glanced over and recognized the man as Lin Jiayang, who had previously pursued Xue Jing relentlessly. Despite this, Xue Jing had chosen Ho Lee, but after their family's hotel debacle, she promptly ended things and seemed to have thrown herself into Lin Jiayang's arms.

Faang Yi could sense the tension among them and suggested, "Why don't we walk and talk? It seems you're all acquainted."

Lin Jiayang grinned, "Yeah, Ho Lee and I went to the same school. I'm curious, though, how did he end up in Miss Faang's company?" His gaze lingered on Faang Yi, careful not to overstep. The Faang family had a formidable reputation, one he dared not cross.

"He's working as my bodyguard," Faang Yi informed, glancing at Ho Lee.

"Bodyguard?" Lin Jiayang couldn't help but chuckle. "You're his bodyguard? Be careful, Miss Faang. His own hotel went up in flames; he's hardly in a position to protect anyone else."

Xue Jing, noticing Ho Lee's discomfort, tugged at Lin Jiayang's sleeve. "Enough," she urged.

"What's the harm in speaking the truth?" Lin Jiayang retorted, clearly annoyed. "He's been down on his luck. Or do you still have feelings for him?"

Xue Jing's complexion fluctuated between red and pale, and she remained silent, head bowed.

With a light smile, Faang Yi teased, "Are you implying that misfortune is coming for the Faang family too?"

"Of course not!" Lin Jiayang's face shifted as he stammered, "Miss Faang, I didn't mean—just speaking off the cuff."

"Good to hear," Faang Yi said, casting a covert look at Ho Lee before leading the way into the villa.

They followed the hostess into the grand hall, where Faang Yi was immediately met with greetings. Elders and peers alike flocked to her, quickly making her the center of attention in the bustling room.

Lin Jiayang and Xue Jing found themselves squeezed to the fringes, while Ho Lee stood protectively by Faang Yi's side. He may not have had any experience as a bodyguard, but he had seen enough TV to know how they operated around leaders and celebrities, so he took it upon himself to clear a space around her.

"Yi, little sis! Haha, I just knew you'd show up," a tall, broad-shouldered young man with a buzz cut burst through the crowd, heading straight for them. His posture was ramrod straight, his eyes piercing, and he exuded an aura of silent authority that parted the crowd like the Red Sea.

Everyone stepped aside at his approach, except for Ho Lee, who subtly positioned himself to block the man's path.

The young man's brow furrowed as he motioned with his hand, "Excuse me, please step aside."

Ho Lee responded with courteous firmness, "I must ask you to maintain a distance from Miss Faang."

"What?" The young man paused, taken aback, and a ripple of shock spread through the onlookers. They began to murmur, "Who is this guy? How dare he stand in the way of Zhao Menglong?"

"Zhao Menglong? The same Zhao Menglong from the Jiangnan Military District? The one who led troops abroad in combat at such a young age?"

"Who else but him? He's probably a major by now."

"This is going to be interesting. Zhao Menglong and Faang Yi have been close since childhood. This guy's really asking for trouble."

Zhao Menglong's frown deepened as he turned to Faang Yi. "What's this about?"

Embarrassed, Faang Yi explained, "I'm sorry, Brother Menglong, he's my bodyguard."

"Bodyguard?" Zhao Menglong chuckled. "Quite the character you've got there. Making such a fuss in a place where danger is the least of your worries."

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