The Divine Dragon's Reincarnation System/C12 An Ominous Premonition
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The Divine Dragon's Reincarnation System/C12 An Ominous Premonition
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C12 An Ominous Premonition

Lin Jiayang seized the moment to sneer from the sidelines, "He's just an amateur. It's no surprise he's making such rookie mistakes."

Ho Lee's voice was grave as he said, "Miss Faang is in a precarious situation lately. We can't afford any slip-ups."

Zhao Menglong replied with impatience, "Enough, you can go. I have things to discuss with Sister Yi."

Ho Lee felt a surge of anger within. If anything happened to Faang Yi, he'd be held accountable. Unyielding, he retorted, "I'm in charge of Miss Faang's safety. Can you bear the consequences if something happens to her?"

"Getting worked up, are we?" Zhao Menglong snapped back, "What gives a bodyguard like you the right to talk? Even if something did happen, what use would you be, you waste of space? Get out, now." His close relationship with Faang Yi left no room for courtesy towards Ho Lee.

Lin Jiayang chimed in with a taunt, "Exactly. You're like a pesky shadow. What kind of bodyguard acts like you? You don't have a clue about decorum."

Ho Lee's gaze grew colder, but before he could respond, Faang Yi's voice came from behind, "Ho Lee, please step out."

She had anticipated this confrontation and knew that Ho Lee's persistence would only lead to further embarrassment.

Turning to see her composed demeanor, Ho Lee realized she was upset. With a self-deprecating chuckle, he turned and headed for the door—after all, she was the boss.

"Haha," Lin Jiayang laughed, shaking his head, "Having a bodyguard like him is just absurd. Galaxy Villa is a fortress. Who in their right mind would stir up trouble here? He's clueless."

As the biting mockery followed him, Ho Lee's fists tightened.

Then, an unsettling premonition washed over him.

A waiter brushed past Ho Lee in haste, carrying a faint scent of gunpowder and metal.

Ho Lee's brow furrowed. Since his symbiosis with the Demonic Dragon, his sense of smell had become incredibly acute, allowing him to detect scents unnoticed by others. In a place like this, waitstaff should carry the aroma of food, not the troubling odors of gunpowder and metal.

After pondering for a moment, he stealthily trailed the waiter.

By now, the route to Galaxy Villa was completely blocked off, and the surrounding woods teemed with figures. A bald man with sunglasses sat serenely by a stone, glanced at his watch, and said, "Five minutes to go. Tell the brothers to get ready. What's the status inside the villa?"

A gaunt man replied, "Hu San reports that all the outsiders have been taken care of. We've swapped out the waitstaff with our own guys, and the guests in the dining hall are none the wiser."

The bald man nodded in approval. "Excellent. Are there many girls inside?"

With a sly grin, the man said, "Plenty, and they all come from money. Not only are we in for a hefty payday, but you'll get to have your fun too."

A gleam sparked in the bald man's eyes as he sneered, "I'm only after Faang Yi. That wily vixen made me flee the country three years ago. Today's the perfect day for revenge... Let's move."

Inside the villa, the atmosphere was lively. Zhao Menglong had just presented Faang Yi with a large diamond necklace from South Africa, much to the envy of the other women.

"Let me help you with that, Sister Yi," Zhao Menglong offered with an unceasing smile, eager to clasp the necklace around Faang Yi's neck.

Preferring to keep her distance from men, Faang Yi smiled and declined, "No need. I haven't admired it enough yet. I'd like to take a closer look first."

"Alright then," Zhao Menglong responded, his smile tinged with disappointment.

"Excuse me, sir, is this the red wine you ordered?" A waiter suddenly appeared beside Zhao Menglong.

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