The Divine Dragon's Reincarnation System/C13 Something Happened
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The Divine Dragon's Reincarnation System/C13 Something Happened
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C13 Something Happened

Zhao Menglong's brow furrowed as he spat out, "I didn't... you... get out of here." Abruptly, he shoved the waiter aside and stumbled back, cautioning, "Watch out! They've got tranquilizer guns." His warning was cut short as dizziness overtook him. The others hadn't yet grasped what was happening when they witnessed their companions collapsing around them. Suddenly, over ten waiters burst through the door, brandishing guns. "Nobody move, or we shoot," they commanded.

One person tried to discreetly pull out a phone to call for help, only to be met with a bullet that blew his head open.

Screams of "Murder!" echoed through the hall as the women shrieked in terror, huddling on the floor, shaking uncontrollably.

"Bind them," came the order.

The waiters, with ropes at the ready, proceeded to tie up everyone in sight.

Faang Yi watched in horror as the entire hall was restrained, including Zhao Menglong, their only hope for rescue, now incapacitated. Regret gnawed at her, and she cursed herself for sending Ho Lee away, clueless as to his whereabouts.

Suddenly, the hall door was kicked open with a loud bang, and a group of men clad in black stormed in. Their leader, a bald man sporting sunglasses, surveyed the room with a nod of approval. His gaze landed on the women, and he strode purposefully toward one in particular.

"Faang Yi!" he exclaimed, removing his sunglasses to reveal a hollow, black eye. "Remember me?"

"Zheng Hann!" Faang Yi gasped, shocked. "You're still alive."

With a menacing grin, Zheng Hann replied, "Surprised you remember me. You're the one who cost me an eye. We'll settle that score soon enough."

The mere mention of "Zheng Hann" sent shivers down the spines of all who heard it. His name had been the scourge of Pinghai City five years prior, with countless lives lost to his cruelty and an untold number of women falling prey to his whims. His downfall came when he crossed Faang Jingyuan's sister and nearly met his demise—a plot largely attributed to Faang Yi's machinations.

Faang Yi's complexion turned ashen. She had been instrumental in the scheme against Zheng Hann and knew all too well his capacity for brutality. The thought of falling into his clutches filled her with dread, for she knew that fate would be worse than death.

Zheng Hann let out a cold snort and suddenly noticed Xue Jing shivering beside him. He lifted her chin and demanded, "Let me have a look."

Tears streaked Xue Jing's face, her expression the very picture of vulnerability. Zheng Hann burst into laughter and teased, "Quite the looker, aren't you, little vixen? Let's see if you're as well-endowed." With that, he groped Xue Jing's chest, prompting her to let out two sharp cries. She turned to Lin Jiayang, pleading, "Jiayang, save me..."

"Save you?" Zheng Hann sneered as he seized the shaking Lin Jiayang. "You're her boyfriend, aren't you? Want to be her hero?"

Frozen with fear, Lin Jiayang's mind was a blank slate; he wavered between shaking and nodding his head. Zheng Hann chuckled, "Alright, I'll give you a chance. If you want to survive, strip your girlfriend and bring her to me. If I'm satisfied, I'll let you live. How's that sound?" He paused, then added menacingly, "Or I could just kill you right now." He punctuated his threat by pulling out a handgun and pressing it to Lin Jiayang's head.

"No, no..." Xue Jing's face turned deathly white with terror. Gritting his teeth, Lin Jiayang turned to Xue Jing and said, "Don't hate me for this. It's the only way we'll both make it out alive." Without another word, he lunged at Xue Jing, who screamed in desperation, "No, please, Jiayang, I'm begging you, save me, save me..."

The others listened to her screams, their own fear mounting. Zheng Hann let out a hearty laugh and then turned his attention to Faang Yi, lifting her chin. "Such a shame you don't have a boyfriend. I would've relished making you beg for your life in front of him. But no matter, today everyone will witness how you, the so-called high and mighty, grovel beneath me."

Faang Yi's face contorted with fear. "Stop, right now," she insisted. "There's room for discussion."

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