The Divine Dragon's Reincarnation System/C14 Saving Someone
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The Divine Dragon's Reincarnation System/C14 Saving Someone
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C14 Saving Someone

"I'm done talking; I've waited far too long for this day." Zheng Hann's face twisted into a snarl as he yanked down Faang Yi's shoulder strap. Zhao Menglong, struggling to keep his eyes open, spoke up feebly, "Let her go. If you're so tough, come at me instead."

"Oh?" Zheng Hann paused, eyeing Zhao Menglong. "You fancy her, huh? Fine, I'll give you a shot." He grabbed his gun, strode over to Zhao Menglong, and pressed the barrel against his temple. "Agree to let me have her, and I'll let you live."

Zhao Menglong's complexion blanched, a sheen of cold sweat beading on his forehead. Zheng Hann smirked, "Think carefully. If you're dead, you'll miss out on all the future riches and glory. What's one woman in the grand scheme of things? The world's full of beauties. Ever seen anyone more stunning than Faang Yi? Imagine, once you're a general, or even a commander, you'll have your pick of women, right?"

Faang Yi watched the turmoil play across Zhao Menglong's face and let out a bitter smile, knowing full well what his decision would be.

As expected, it wasn't long before Zhao Menglong hung his head, silent.

Zheng Hann's laughter boomed as he swaggered over to Faang Yi. "See that? You're surrounded by cowards. I guess it's up to me to satisfy you." His eyes gleamed with excitement as he pulled Faang Yi towards the table, reaching to flip up her skirt.

Zhao Menglong looked on in agony, his face buried in the dirt.

Tears streaked down Faang Yi's cheeks as she slowly closed her eyes.

"If you don't want to die, get your filthy hands off her."

Out of nowhere, a detached, icy voice cut through the hall. Faang Yi's eyes snapped open, hope surging within her.

All eyes turned to the source of the voice. In the corner of the hall stood a young man, seemingly a student, but recognized by the captives as the bodyguard they had previously mocked.

Zheng Hann halted, a frown creasing his brow as he turned to his men. "How did he get in here?"

The henchmen were clueless. "We have no idea."

"A bunch of incompetents!" Zheng Hann scowled, giving Ho Lee a thorough once-over. "And who might you be?"

Ho Lee shot him a sidelong glance. "My identity is none of your concern. But let me make this clear: don't lay a finger on this woman. If you do, release her, and I'll let you live." His gaze then turned to Xue Jing, who was in a pitiful state, and he let out a silent sigh. "And that goes for this woman too."

The room fell silent, only to erupt into raucous laughter moments later. Zheng Hann scoffed, "What do you think you are, some kind of national leader? Listen here, kid, even if the Jade Emperor himself showed up, I wouldn't release a soul."

The others chimed in mockingly, "Is this guy off his rocker, playing the hero?" "Seems he's the girl's bodyguard." "Loyal, sure, but hopelessly dumb."

Zheng Hann regarded Ho Lee with contempt. "Bodyguard? I'll give you ten seconds to off yourself. Otherwise, you'll watch firsthand how I play with your charge. Got that, you mutt?"

On the ground, Zhao Menglong clung to consciousness. Watching Ho Lee's bold rescue attempt, he felt a mix of scorn and resignation. A surprise attack might have stood a chance, but this brazen entrance was suicide.

He stole a glance at Faang Yi. The panic that once marred her face was gone, replaced by a serene detachment. Her eyes, bright and steady, were fixed on Ho Lee, betraying no sign of distress despite her predicament.

Jealousy and resentment welled up within him. What was so special about this guy? So foolish, yet so trusted—why?

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