C15 Price

Ten seconds flew by, and seeing Ho Lee still rooted to the spot, Zheng Hann's rage boiled over. "You're a f*cking idiot," he spat out, raising his hand to fire a barrage of bullets at Ho Lee, done with toying with such a fool.

Zhao Menglong couldn't help but sneer internally. You're a goner now, kid.

Faang Yi, sensing trouble as Zheng Hann's hand lifted, couldn't help but scream out to Ho Lee, "Get out of the way!"

But after the shots rang out, Zheng Hann's face contorted in shock, and everyone else stood agape, frozen in disbelief.

Ho Lee's Dark Devouring skill kicked in, absorbing every last bullet. Though the bullets themselves weren't particularly potent, the kinetic energy they carried was immense. His ability to devour any form of energy was formidable. Once the Demonic Dragon matured, it could effortlessly consume a sun, an act that would unleash an even more astonishing amount of energy.

Everyone stared, astounded by the spectacle. Waves of shock crashed over Faang Yi's heart. So that's how he beat my brother—this was his ace in the hole?

Ho Lee advanced towards Zheng Hann with a calm, measured pace. Snapping out of his stupor, Zheng Hann screamed, "What the hell are you waiting for? Shoot him! Shoot!"

The hall erupted with the relentless "tat-tat-tat" of gunfire. The flashes from submachine guns, rifles, and pistols converged on Ho Lee, but to no avail. He might as well have been made of rubber; the bullets simply vanished upon impact, leaving him unfazed.

Ho Lee strolled up to Zheng Hann with the ease of someone walking through a garden, the gunfire finally ceasing. He stood there, completely unscathed.

The hall echoed with sharp intakes of breath. Was this guy even human?

Despair washed over Zhao Menglong. As a gunman himself, he knew he stood no chance against someone impervious to bullets.

Ho Lee, facing the terrified Zheng Hann, stated coolly, "I told you, release the hostage and I'd spare your life. But you chose to squander that precious opportunity."

Zheng Hann, struggling to maintain composure, pleaded, "Brother, give me a chance. My big brother is a Canadian mob boss with significant clout in North America and influence here too. If you kill me, he'll stop at nothing to get revenge."

"Kneel down!" Ho Lee's voice thundered as he unleashed the Dragon Might, and Zheng Hann hit the ground with a thud, trembling uncontrollably. Moments before, he had strutted around like a mob kingpin; now, he was cowering before Ho Lee like a mouse in the presence of a cat.

"Please, I'm begging you to spare me," Zheng Hann pleaded, his forehead hitting the floor repeatedly, blood streaming from his head.

The sight of a ruthless kidnapper groveling before a twenty-year-old student was surreal, leaving onlookers with an eerie, unshakable feeling.

"I might just spare your life for now!" Ho Lee had a sudden change of heart and addressed Zheng Hann, "Stand up."

Zheng Hann stared at Ho Lee, grappling with disbelief until he was convinced the young man was serious. He rose to his feet, overflowing with gratitude. "Thank you, big brother, thank you so much." Then, as if struck by a thought, he turned and slapped a henchman beside him. "What are you doing just standing there? Untie them!"

"No, no!" Ho Lee interjected, his hand raised in restraint. "I only want these two women." With that, he pulled Faang Yi to safety behind him.

Xue Jing wasted no time standing up, straightening her clothes, and rushing to Ho Lee's side. In her eyes, Ho Lee was her sanctuary; only by his side did she feel secure.

The others, still bound, blanched at Ho Lee's declaration. What would become of them if they were left to the mercy of this menacing, bald brute?

A few quick thinkers grasped Ho Lee's intent and called out, "Mr. Ho, please save me! Whatever you ask of me in the future, I'll do it. I'm willing to offer five million as a token of my gratitude!"

Spurred by this, the rest regained their composure and began to make their own offers. "I'll give five million too." "I can offer five million, plus my Maserati." "I'll put up ten million."

In no time at all, bids were flying. Among those present, there wasn't a single one without assets in the hundreds of millions, and for some, even billions were but a drop in the bucket.

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