The Divine Dragon's Reincarnation System/C17 Xue Jings Thoughts
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The Divine Dragon's Reincarnation System/C17 Xue Jings Thoughts
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C17 Xue Jings Thoughts

Faang Yi, seated in the car, was shaken by a blood-curdling scream that pierced the silence of the forest. She shivered with fear, clutching her shoulders tightly, struggling to suppress her trembling. A numbness crept over her as her mind raced with thoughts of the horrors unfolding in the woods.

The gruesome images that haunted her thoughts left Faang Yi feeling deeply unsettled. She fought back the wave of nausea churning in her stomach and gently tugged at her close friend, Xue Jing, who was sitting beside her. In a hushed tone, she whispered, "Xue Jing, let's get out of here..."

Xue Jing, fixated on the view outside the window, was preoccupied with thoughts of her recent ex, Ho Lee. Initially, his aloofness had led her to scorn him, believing that money was all that mattered. Yet, after tonight's ordeal, Xue Jing couldn't help but question what good wealth was without courage. Ho Lee had shown remarkable bravery today, standing up to Zheng Hann—the tyrant—while others, including her current boyfriend Lin Jiayang, cowered in fear.

At that moment, Ho Lee, who had nothing to his name, had taken a stand. This filled Xue Jing with regret for ending their relationship. Had they stayed together, they would still be the couple everyone envied.

Interrupted by Faang Yi, Xue Jing felt a twinge of annoyance but kept it to herself. She quickly masked her feelings with a look of concern and turned to Faang Yi, asking, "Faang Yi, are you okay?" Worry was etched across her face, and her voice was laden with care.

"Xue Jing... I'm not feeling well... Let's leave," Faang Yi replied, her voice faint, her pale and delicate features betraying her frailty. Her words came in halting whispers, suggesting she might collapse at any moment.

Hearing Faang Yi's plea to depart, Xue Jing was torn. Despite her reluctance—knowing that Ho Lee was still in the forest confronting Zheng Hann and his henchmen—she longed for more time with him. And despite their recent split, Xue Jing still held onto a sliver of hope for a future with Ho Lee.

"Faang Yi, aren't we going to wait for Ho Lee?" Xue Jing asked, her voice tinged with a reluctance to leave.

At that moment, Faang Yi's mind was in turmoil. The recent scare had nearly driven her to close her eyes and succumb to Zheng Hann's torment. Thankfully, Ho Lee had come to her rescue. But the aftermath of the fright had left her feeling chilled, and now her stomach churned painfully, a queasy ache gnawing at her.

With a feeble shake of her head, Faang Yi's gesture was minimal, betraying her lack of strength even for such a small motion.

Xue Jing observed the frail figure of Faang Yi, her brow furrowed with concern as she glanced out at the silent woods beyond the window. Her heart held a pang of longing for Ho Lee, still some distance away, but the sight of Faang Yi's condition solidified her resolve. She decided to prioritize getting Faang Yi medical attention.

With Xue Jing's nod of agreement, the car's headlights flared to life, piercing the night with two brilliant beams. The vehicle began its slow departure from the stillness of the secluded area.

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