The Divine Dragon's Reincarnation System/C18 In the Forest
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The Divine Dragon's Reincarnation System/C18 In the Forest
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C18 In the Forest

The forest was shrouded in silence, pierced only by the biting wind that made the grass and trees sway noisily. The trees stood densely packed, a thick congregation in the surrounding gloom.

In the deep of night, within the poorly lit woods, a group of figures could be faintly discerned in a small clearing. Some stood erect, others knelt; their number was around ten, but the dim light obscured their faces and expressions.

Gusts of cold wind swept through, stirring the leaves into a chorus of whispers. The forest seemed to belong solely to these individuals, its usual avian residents vanished, leaving behind an eerie and foreboding presence.

Among the shadows, several figures were clad in black, blending seamlessly with the night. Only one person donned plain white, his youthful and vibrant appearance starkly at odds with the chilling quietude.

The black-clad individuals stood motionless behind a man who sat slumped on the ground, his luxurious attire doing little to shield him from the shivers that the moonlight betrayed.

"Big brother, don't you think it's time to let me go? Haven't you gotten what you wanted?" Zheng Hann, fighting the tremors that racked his skin, looked up at the man before him, backlit and obscured.

Zheng Hann had intended to use the kidnappers to first capture Faang Yi, the one who had betrayed him and cost him an eye, and then to exploit his enemies for a tidy profit. He hadn't anticipated the formidable Ho Lee, who had effortlessly laid his plans to waste.

Ho Lee might have appeared youthful, like a fresh-faced young man just entering society, but Zheng Hann had initially dismissed him. To Zheng Hann, such naive bravado was commonplace among the newly initiated.

Yet, as Ho Lee revealed his hand, Zheng Hann, seasoned by adversity, could not have foreseen the potency of the man who bore the likeness of a mighty dragon.

When the glossy black dragon loomed behind Ho Lee, even Zheng Hann, hardened by life's tempests, felt an involuntary shudder. The man's strength was palpable, undeniable.

Subdued by Ho Lee, Zheng Hann schemed. If this sly interloper had devoured his windfall, then once this affair concluded, Zheng Hann would abduct him. He was determined to unravel the mystery of the lustrous black dragon that endowed Ho Lee with such formidable power.

The moment the thought crossed Zheng Hann's mind, a spark of excitement flickered in his eyes. He subtly glanced over Ho Lee's shoulder, careful not to make his scrutiny too obvious. He knew that his fate hinged on Ho Lee's decision to release him; otherwise, all his plans were mere daydreams.

Ho Lee stood with his back to the light, his face shrouded in darkness, his expression hidden from everyone. He simply held his arms across his chest and remained still, a silent sentinel.

Zheng Hann spoke in a tone laced with appeasement, but Ho Lee offered no reply. He just stood there, motionless, fixing Zheng Hann with an unwavering gaze. Zheng Hann looked up, puzzled by Ho Lee's silence and intent.

"Look, man, you need the cash, right? I'll pass on tonight's payout. Just take it. Let's put an end to this whole thing," Zheng Hann said, straightening up. The stocky, buzz-cut man wore a forced smile as he addressed Ho Lee, trying to lighten the mood.

"Do you really think I'd let you walk after what you've done?" Ho Lee's voice was devoid of the earlier fervor, calm and detached. His words, though, carried a bone-chilling coldness.

Despite Ho Lee's even-keeled delivery, the men in black behind Zheng Hann shuddered involuntarily. The pressure emanating from Ho Lee was simply overwhelming.

These seasoned professionals, hired by Zheng Hann, had never imagined they'd be trembling in fear before a kid fresh out of high school.

One of the men in black, unable to contain his frustration, blurted out, "We're just doing our job, trying to make a living. What's wrong with that? We've only been following orders!" His voice was charged with pent-up emotion, revealing the strain of prolonged restraint.

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