The Divine Dragon's Reincarnation System/C19 Zheng Hanns Plea for Mercy
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The Divine Dragon's Reincarnation System/C19 Zheng Hanns Plea for Mercy
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C19 Zheng Hanns Plea for Mercy

A biting night wind swept viciously through the group in the forest, but to these burly men, it was hardly worth a mention. Two of them stood face to face, the air heavy with tension.

One man, clad in black, eyed his companion with agitation. Unbidden, his mind replayed the terrifying display of Ho Lee's dragon ability, sending a shiver through him. He gave his companion's shoulder a firm knock, a silent plea to temper his excitement.

But the man in black, already on edge, only grew more incensed by the external provocation. His emotions surged as he pointed accusingly in Ho Lee's direction and exclaimed, "Ever heard the saying, 'Blocking someone's path to wealth is akin to murdering their parents'? What's wrong with what we're doing? If Young Master Zheng wants that girl, what's the harm? You took the money just like us, didn't you? You're no different—just another despicable coward!"

Ho Lee had initially intended to merely intimidate these men. His words upon entering the forest were meant to frighten them, not to provoke. Yet here they were, branding him despicable. His usually tranquil heart now blazed with fury.

His anger soared, a thermometer of rage impossible to contain. It swirled through the forest, closing in on the black-clad men and Zheng Hann, who sat paralyzed on the ground.

Zheng Hann, already weak-kneed, was petrified by Ho Lee's potent fury. It was as if a formidable force pressed down upon him, leaving him powerless to do anything but stare at the brown earth at his feet.

"Despicable coward, you say? Hmm..." Zheng Hann heard Ho Lee's youthful voice overhead, each word weighted with an oppressive force. The mocking chuckle that followed made Zheng Hann wonder if he was on the brink of damnation.

Silence enveloped the woods, so profound that no creature dared to venture near. The presence emanating from Ho Lee, along with his symbiotic dragon, cast a palpable dread that even the smallest of animals instinctively feared.

"Brother, Mr. Ho, he spoke out of turn. You couldn't possibly be a despicable coward. Apologize to Brother Ho, now!" Zheng Hann found his footing and rose, his large hands pressing against the gritty earth. He offered Ho Lee an appeasing smile and then turned to scold his underlings with a snarl.

The black-clad henchmen behind Zheng Hann moved to his side, steadying him as he felt his calves still slightly weak, though much improved from before. Seizing the man in black nearest to him, Zheng Hann turned and barked at the one who had just spoken out of turn, "Apologize to Mr. Ho Lee, now!"

Zheng Hann's voice was stern, causing the recipient of his command to shiver, not from fear of Zheng Hann's tone, but from the intimidating presence of the still Ho Lee.

The man had felt a sense of relief in voicing his true thoughts, but as his words dissipated, the overwhelming aura that enveloped him left him paralyzed with fear, too terrified to make a move.

"Ho... Ho..." The man in black, who had been on the receiving end of the rebuke, stuttered, his voice faltering. Despite the cold dread within him, the thought of apologizing so soon after his outburst was mortifying.

Before he could articulate a full apology, Ho Lee, who had been motionless, suddenly advanced several steps, causing Zheng Hann's legs to buckle once more, and the others to hastily retreat.

Zheng Hann's face twisted into a grotesque grimace, suggesting agony. Yet, the scar across his eye and his naturally burly frame lent his expression a comical ferocity. His face spasming, he pleaded, "Big brother, spare me. I'll give you anything you want. Name your price!"

In that moment, Ho Lee's eyes shifted from black to a reptilian golden, his vertical pupils fixing on Zheng Hann as he stood motionless, the corners of his mouth curling into a smirk.

Startled by Ho Lee's predatory gaze, Zheng Hann's legs gave out once again, and he thudded back onto the sandy ground. The man in black who had been supporting him had already released his grip, retreating several paces.

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