The Divine Dragon's Reincarnation System/C2 Waiting
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The Divine Dragon's Reincarnation System/C2 Waiting
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C2 Waiting

Ho Lee sat alone in the back of the police car, his explanations falling on deaf ears as the officers in front ignored him completely.

"The Demonic Dragon's manifestation has reached its time limit. Would you like to return to the host body?"


Ho Lee was aware that the Demonic Dragon, still in its juvenile phase, couldn't remain separated from his body for too long without causing damage to his alter ego.

The black flood dragon painting in his bag shimmered and slipped into Ho Lee's forehead.

"Your clone is currently undergoing an upgrade and evolution. Please stand by..."

"Evolution?" Ho Lee paused, then a tingling sensation spread throughout his body, as if millions of ants were gnawing at his bones and muscles. Overwhelmed by the intense discomfort, he groaned and collapsed to the floor, passing out.

When Ho Lee eventually regained consciousness, he was still in the police car, but his body had transformed dramatically. His once slender arms were now noticeably thicker, his waist adorned with additional muscle definition, and he felt a surge of inexhaustible strength. The handcuffs on his wrists seemed like mere plastic toys, ready to snap at the slightest effort.

The realization of the symbiotic attribute left him in utter amazement. Could this bizarre system actually work? Just days ago, the system had hinted at the Demonic Dragon's future abilities to command the elements. If true, once the Demonic Dragon matured, wouldn't he possess the power to soar through the skies and navigate the clouds? Ho Lee was too astounded to utter a word.

The police car took a turn and gradually pulled into the station. The officers opened the rear door and led Ho Lee towards the precinct building. Meanwhile, the black flood dragon from his backpack transformed into a shadow and vanished down a drain.

In the interrogation room, Ho Lee was seated under a harsh spotlight. The officer brandished a file in front of him, saying, "You're charged with the kidnapping of Faang Jingyuan, Chairman Faang's daughter. The evidence is irrefutable. Are you ready to confess?"

"I didn't kidnap her..." Ho Lee protested.


His protest was cut short by a slap to the face. The officer with narrow eyes leaned in and spoke icily, "You, driven by greed, conspired in the kidnapping of Miss Faang Yi. With the evidence against you, it's in your best interest to confess." With that, he withdrew a baton from his belt.

Ho Lee's eyes twitched with fury. "Could I even survive if I went in there?" he bellowed. "I didn't kidnap any Miss Faang or Miss Yuan. That woman saw everything clearly; she'll vouch for me!"

"You're stubborn to the point of folly," the policeman sneered, clapping Ho Lee on the shoulder. "Wake up, kid. You're nothing but a fall guy."

The term "fall guy" reverberated in Ho Lee's mind, and suddenly, everything clicked. The real culprit behind Miss Faang's kidnapping had to be someone with deep pockets and influence, aiming to strike at Faang's Group. And here he was, being set up to take the fall.

A wave of intense fear washed over him, and Ho Lee yelled, "What you're doing is illegal!"

The policeman with the triangular eyes let out a menacing laugh. "Illegal?" he mocked, swinging his baton viciously toward Ho Lee's abdomen. But to Ho Lee, the baton seemed to move in slow motion, just like a film's slow-motion scene. This sensation only occurred when his consciousness shifted to the black flood dragon, a testament to the symbiotic nature of their dual existence.

Ho Lee's hand shot out, seizing the baton. The triangular-eyed policeman felt as though he had hit a stone wall, unable to push any further. He barked, "Release it!"

With a scornful laugh, Ho Lee retorted, "I'm going to give you a taste of your own medicine today, you scum."

"Defying the heavens, are you?" the policeman with triangular eyes yelled. "Help! I need backup!"

Within moments, half a dozen officers burst into the room. Seeing the standoff, they shouted, "Do you even realize where you are?"

The policemen encircled Ho Lee, and the one with triangular eyes wore a smug look, his eyes gleaming with vindictive pleasure. "Give him a lesson he won't forget."

They had disciplined many before, and this young punk would be no different. They were confident that in under ten minutes, he'd be singing like a canary.

"Kid, you'd better come clean now and save yourself the pain," one officer taunted.

"First, let's show him what we're made of!" another added.

The officers didn't give Ho Lee a second glance, casually swinging their batons at his head with intent to strike. Rage boiled within Ho Lee as he thought of the false charges against him. With a swift motion, he stomped on the toes of several officers. His strength and speed now matched that of the black flood dragon, making dodging bullets a trivial feat. His forceful steps nearly shattered their bones, leaving the officers writhing on the ground, clutching their feet and howling in pain. Ho Lee rose and approached the officer with the triangular eyes.

The officer's eyes widened in terror as Ho Lee's kicks came swift as lightning, his movements a blur. Backpedaling frantically, he warned, "Don't come any closer, I'm telling you, you'll regret crossing me... Ah! My face, you dare hit my face!"

When the chief and his squad burst in, they froze, taking in the scene of officers scattered across the floor. Their carefully orchestrated scapegoat scheme had gone awry. The thought of the Lu family's notorious enforcer sent a chill down the chief's spine.

"Seize him!" the chief commanded, regaining his composure. His men charged, while he drew his pistol, ready to end Ho Lee's defiance with a single shot. A prison break and assault on officers would be the perfect cover for this mess.

Ho Lee was prepared for the worst, determined to break free. Even if it meant becoming a national fugitive, as long as the Demonic Dragon thrived, his overwhelming power would ensure a life of freedom, effortlessly dismantling any kidnapping ring that crossed his path.

The officers lunged at Ho Lee, the chief's gun trained on him. The officer with the triangular eyes watched from a distance, his gaze filled with venomous resentment.


A commanding voice resonated at the entrance. Ho Lee turned to see Faang Yi, now dressed in a light blue casual outfit, radiating beauty and an air of untouchable grace. Behind her stood a tall, handsome young man, his demeanor mirroring hers.

The pair made a beeline for the director, with Faang Yi confronting him in a frosty tone, "Director Liu, what is the meaning of this?"

"Miss Faang!" The director was visibly startled, quickly holstering his gun and offering a nervous smile. "Miss Faang, what brings you here? We're in the middle of questioning the kidnappers. Rest assured, we'll provide a full account of the situation."

Faang Yi couldn't help but smirk. "Questioning the kidnappers? How amusing. Instead of chasing after the ones who fled, you're here interrogating my lifesaver. Have you lost your mind, Director Liu? Or is someone pulling your strings, trying to set me up?"

Director Liu felt a wave of cold sweat wash over him at her words. Aware that the Faang Family's influence rivaled that of the Lu Family, he knew he couldn't afford to offend either. He forced a smile and said, "Miss Faang, you have quite the sense of humor. We've clearly made an error, and we'll release him immediately." He then shot a stern look at the other officers and commanded, "Release him!"

Without missing a beat, Faang Yi pulled out a wad of hundred-yuan bills from her purse and tossed them onto the table, "Consider this bail. If there's even a scratch on my people, Director Liu, you're well aware of what the Faang Family is capable of."

"Absolutely," Director Liu replied, his face paling as he nodded fervently.

Ho Lee watched in awe, having never imagined the Faang Family wielded such clout that even the police director would grovel like a subservient hound.

As he left the station with Faang Yi and the young man, Ho Lee caught a glimpse of the triangular-eyed officer nursing his swollen cheek, fury smoldering in his eyes. His lips quivered as if to say, "You just wait!"

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