The Divine Dragon's Reincarnation System/C21 The Experience Card
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The Divine Dragon's Reincarnation System/C21 The Experience Card
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C21 The Experience Card

In the stillness of the night, no one could have imagined the horror unfolding in the normally deserted forest.

Screams pierced the silence, erupting from the throats of burly men who seemed unable to grasp the nightmare before them.

"What kind of monster is this?" gasped one of the remaining men in black, the once sizable group now reduced to just two. Terror gripped them as they fled with desperate energy.

The other man in black quickened his pace, sprinting with all his strength while cursing, "What is this thing? It's clinging to me like a leech!"

Despite their frantic efforts, the men could not break free from the Black Flood Dragon's gravitational pull. They were as helpless as ants caught in its unyielding grip.

The Black Flood Dragon, with its mouth agape on the frosty earth, seemed to bristle with annoyance at the men's chatter, its golden vertical pupils narrowing slightly.

In a heart-stopping moment, the men ran as if death itself were on their heels, yet they remained trapped within the invisible boundary. To their horror, they felt the suction force dragging them back even stronger than before.

"Do you feel it too? The suction's getting stronger, isn't it?" they asked each other, reading the confirmation of their worst fears in one another's eyes. Overwhelmed by helplessness and the shadow of despair, their once vigorous strides faltered, and dread seeped into their souls.

Then, in a sudden whoosh, they were whirling through the air, helplessly spiraling into the black hole as their screams dissolved into the forest's eerie quiet.

The Black Flood Dragon, its gaping maw now closing on the cold ground, seemed satiated, letting out a contented burp. Leisurely, it wiggled its small tail and slithered back into Ho Lee's body.

In the blink of an eye, Ho Lee's adversaries had been utterly consumed by the Black Flood Dragon's Dark Devouring ability, vanishing as if they had never existed at all.

Just moments ago, when the man in black labeled the Black Flood Dragon a monster, Ho Lee astonishingly realized he could sense Blacky's distress. He gazed at his hands as if they held some magic within them.

His hands slightly parted, his fingers clean, and his palms roughened with fresh calluses, Ho Lee whispered to himself, "Is this symbiosis? Can emotions be shared too?" His voice was soft, his eyes growing wide with wonder.

"Ding dong! System alert: The Demonic Dragon System has advanced to Level Four of the juvenile phase." A robotic voice echoed in Ho Lee's mind.

Level Four? Ho Lee was baffled. He had just ascended to Level Three a few days prior, and now he was already at Level Four? He couldn't grasp how the system gauged the levels. With a thought, he inquired, "On what criteria is leveling up based? Can I achieve over ten levels in a single month?"

"The system's upgrade criteria are based on experience and the cognitive evolution of the symbiotic host," the system responded. "It's not possible to precisely predict whether you can surpass ten levels within a month; it depends on the host's specific rate of evolution." The mechanical voice continued to resonate in his mind as Ho Lee's question trailed off.

Listening, Ho Lee's brow furrowed. The system's explanation was nebulous, seemingly dependent on the variety of experiences and directions of progress he encountered. He felt somewhat dazed, struggling to make sense of it all.

Before he could piece it together, the mechanical voice intruded once more: "System alert: Owing to the absorption of substantial power, the juvenile phase has rapidly progressed to Level Four. The power of Dragon Domain Might has been further amplified. The skill will now be enhanced to Level Two."

Ho Lee stroked his chin with his slender fingers, parsing the system's recent message. So, the sudden leap in levels was due to devouring the power from the group of murderous arsonists in black? This act had recharged him, propelling him to Level Four, and elevated Dragon Domain Might to Level Two?

Although he was still somewhat perplexed, Ho Lee generally grasped the system's intent. By consuming power, he was able to level up, and his skill had also jumped a level, significantly bolstering his strength.

"Ding dong! System alert: You have obtained an Adult Demonic Dragon Card. Use it to wield the power of an adult Demonic Dragon for one hour." The system's voice suddenly echoed in Ho Lee's mind, delivering the update.

"System, how many levels does the Demonic Dragon System have?" Ho Lee inquired, his brow furrowed. He had only been in possession of the Demonic Dragon System for a few days and was still quite unfamiliar with it. This was the perfect chance to get some clarity.

"The Demonic Dragon System comprises four stages: the infant, maturing, adult, and mature stages. The Symbiont's Demonic Dragon is currently at the infant stage, Level Four," the system's voice informed him, devoid of any warmth.

As Ho Lee absorbed the system's breakdown, he began to grasp the trajectory of its progression. He was only at the beginning, the infant stage of the Demonic Dragon System, and even that level granted him considerable power. He couldn't help but wonder about the sheer might of the mature stage.

This was a craving for power, a yearning he hadn't anticipated. Despite the downfall of his family and the loss of so much, Ho Lee never imagined that the Demonic Dragon System could set him on an entirely new path.

Snapping back to reality, Ho Lee found himself enveloped in silence. The Black Flood Dragon's feast had left him alone in the woods. Zheng Hann, who had fled, was nowhere to be found, and Ho Lee surmised that he wouldn't be causing trouble again anytime soon.

As the early morning hours crept in, Ho Lee dusted off his mud-splattered clothes and strode out of the forest, not once looking back. Meanwhile, Faang Yi's car had long since departed.

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