The Divine Dragon's Reincarnation System/C22 The Enhancement of Energy
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The Divine Dragon's Reincarnation System/C22 The Enhancement of Energy
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C22 The Enhancement of Energy

The streets lay silent under the cloak of night, deserted and still save for the leaves that twirled gracefully on the breeze. Out of the quiet, a plain white sneaker appeared at the street's edge.

It was Ho Lee who emerged, clad in a black coat, approaching the spot where Faang Yi's car had been parked. True to his suspicions, the area was deserted, the previously parked cars had all departed.

With a swift turn, Ho Lee narrowed his eyes at the forest behind him. What seemed like a typical grove at first glance now held his gaze in astonishment, as if the scene before him was unexpectedly startling.

Upon closer inspection, the forest that appeared so ordinary revealed its secrets to Ho Lee. He could see clear to the farthest reaches, to the very spot where they had just been standing in the center.

As Ho Lee's eyes remained fixed on the forest, his pupils transformed unseen into a radiant golden slit, a fearsome sight. But it was fleeting, and his eyes soon returned to normal.

The central location of the forest where Ho Lee, Zheng Hann, and their group had stood required several minutes to reach on foot. Ho Lee gazed in disbelief, marveling at the vast distance his sight now spanned.

Confusion clouded his mind until a familiar mechanical voice rang out within: "Ding dong! System notification: Due to the constant law of energy absorption, the energy levels of symbionts are on the rise."

The message from the system brought clarity to Ho Lee. The Demonic Dragon System's upgrade had enhanced his physique. If his vision had improved, might his hearing and other physical abilities have advanced as well?

With this thought, Ho Lee stilled his mind and concentrated on his hearing. In an instant, his ears seemed to amplify, picking up the magnified sounds of the wind that hushed by, the only noise in the profound silence.

A thrill of excitement surged through Ho Lee. The evolution of the Demonic Dragon System was indeed intertwined with his own physical development. As the system evolved, so too would his physical prowess, in a harmonious "synchronization" just as the system had indicated.

"System, am I in a symbiotic relationship with the Demonic Dragon System?" Ho Lee pondered the earlier system notification that had mentioned 'symbionts'—was it referring to him? Despite having the Demonic Dragon System for some time, he often found the system's alerts confusing. Seizing the moment, Ho Lee couldn't resist the urge to mentally pose the question, eager to see if the system would answer.

"Ding dong! System response: The symbiont is the host. The host and the Black Flood Dragon's incarnation have merged into one, sharing life together, hence the term 'symbiont.'" As expected, the system's voice echoed in Ho Lee's mind, devoid of any inflection.

Initially, Ho Lee felt a surge of excitement. His newfound strength was exhilarating, especially for someone as spirited as he was. But as he digested the system's explanation, a frown creased his brow.

The system's words meant that Ho Lee's life was intertwined with that of the Black Flood Dragon. If the dragon perished, so would he. An increase in the dragon's power meant an enhancement of his own physical capabilities. Yet, the flip side was stark—if the Black Flood Dragon died, he would share its fate.

Ho Lee had previously been aware of this, but had not given it much serious thought. Now, facing the reality that his life was at stake, his attitude shifted to one of grave concern. He was, after all, a young man in his early twenties, and more pressingly, his mother, Deng Zilan, was battling a severe illness at home.

The image of his mother's face, lined with wrinkles, weighed heavily on Ho Lee's heart. He was haunted by the thought of his ruthless relatives, eager to reclaim the house that held so many of their shared memories.

A pang of pain shot through Ho Lee's chest. In the midst of his turmoil, he felt an unexpected, viscous sensation brush against him. Startled, he turned to find the Black Flood Dragon's slick tail peeking out, seemingly offering comfort with a gentle pat on his arm.

Ho Lee stared at the creature in disbelief. It was no longer appropriate to call it 'little'—just the sight of the Black Flood Dragon's tail revealed it had doubled in size.

As more of the Black Flood Dragon came into view, Ho Lee could see the full extent of its growth. The dragon had indeed become larger, now measuring roughly three feet in length. It was then that Ho Lee realized that the stages of youth and adulthood were determined by the Black Flood Dragon's size.

The small tail of the Black Flood Dragon continued to cautiously pat Ho Lee's arm, its golden vertical pupils glaring wide, casting an eerie presence in the desolate night.

Yet, as Ho Lee observed the creature's every action, he felt no fear—instead, a warmth blossomed in his heart. Stripped of wealth, bereft of all possessions, with only himself to rely on, the Demonic Dragon at his side seemed to sense his emotions, offering comfort in his solitude.

In stark contrast to the fair-weather friends and the money-hungry relatives who would stop at nothing, this cold-blooded Black Flood Dragon, masquerading in human guise, brought a deeper warmth to Ho Lee's heart. Beyond its strength, the Black Flood Dragon offered solace. They were more than symbionts; they shared a bond of battle, side by side.

With these thoughts, Ho Lee extended his slender hand, cautiously reaching out to the Black Flood Dragon, which was about three feet away. The dragon, with its golden vertical pupils, gazed back at Ho Lee, a look of bewilderment on its face.

A smile crept onto Ho Lee's lips as his hand gently made contact with the Black Flood Dragon's head, eliciting a sensation that was both icy and slick. As he softly stroked the dragon's head, it tried to shy away but ultimately couldn't evade Ho Lee's gentle grasp, resigning itself to bow its head and accept the touch.

Looking at the Black Flood Dragon, fearsome in appearance yet endearingly cute in reality, Ho Lee chuckled and said, "I look forward to learning from you, Black Flood Dragon."

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