The Divine Dragon's Reincarnation System/C23 The Change in Ho Lee
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The Divine Dragon's Reincarnation System/C23 The Change in Ho Lee
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C23 The Change in Ho Lee

The night sky resembled a vast azure ocean, sprinkled with twinkling stars that formed a breathtaking tapestry of the Milky Way, a sight that delighted the eyes.

The Black Flood Dragon had vanished, retreating back into Ho Lee's body, leaving him alone on the tranquil street. His shadow stretched long under the streetlights as a chill night breeze stirred the leaves into a dance above the pavement.

Ho Lee lifted his left hand to admire the exquisite quartz watch, its large face adorned with tiny diamonds. It was the most valuable item he owned, a coming-of-age gift from his mother. The thought of her, anxiously waiting at home, reminded him of the checks he had collected from the wealthy youths earlier that day.

He pulled out a stack of papers from his pocket, each check bearing a hefty sum, including the 50 million Zhao Menglong had boldly declared. Altogether, the papers in his hand were worth over a hundred million, and now he awaited the delivery of this fortune from the affluent offspring.

Clutching the stack tightly, Ho Lee knew that if they kept their word, he could save his cherished home and afford the treatment his mother desperately needed.

Overjoyed by the prospect, Ho Lee carefully folded the checks and IOUs and tucked them back into his pocket. With these, he could finally silence his second aunt and the obnoxious Ho Xin.

The jarring ring of his phone broke the silence. He fished it out to see his mother's name on the display, realizing it was now well past 11 PM.

"Mom," Ho Lee answered, his deep voice cutting through the stillness.

"Lee, it's late. Are you still working? Cough, cough, cough..." Deng Zilan's voice was weak, punctuated by fits of coughing.

The sound of her coughs twisted Ho Lee's heart. He soothed her with a gentle tone, "Mom, get some rest. I've just finished work and I'm on my way home."

After briefly reassuring his mother, Ho Lee ended the call and exhaled deeply. Deng Zilan's health was deteriorating, and he needed to arrange medical care for her urgently. Without it, she would only grow more frail.

After slipping his phone back into his pocket, Ho Lee surveyed his surroundings. Galaxy Villa was the city's most opulent commercial hub, sprawling across a vast area. Luckily, he had come alone. Knowing he had found his way there, he was confident he could find his way back.

Ho Lee treaded along the roadside, step by step. Soon, he reached a very familiar part of the city. Standing at the curb, he watched as the streets grew increasingly deserted, the relentless flicker of neon signs casting a tired glow. A wave of exhaustion washed over him.

Today's events had caught Ho Lee completely off guard. Fortunately, he had managed to capitalize on the situation, earning a substantial sum in record time. Once the money hit his account, he would promptly handle the seven million yuan and sever ties with those bloodless relatives whose eyes saw nothing but dollar signs.

Heading toward the Faang family's mansion, Ho Lee mulled over the next steps in his plan. It wasn't long before he arrived at the mansion, which stood in stark contrast to the daytime bustle—now enveloped in the quiet of midnight, with only a faint light from the security booth piercing the darkness.

As Ho Lee was about to slip through the fence, a harsh beam of light hit him, and an unfamiliar middle-aged voice called out, "Who's there? What are you up to?" The voice, tinged with aggression, boomed through the stillness of the night.

Blinded by the light, Ho Lee instinctively raised his hand to shield his eyes. Squinting, he called out, "Uncle security guard, I've come to pick up my electric scooter." Indeed, Ho Lee's late-night visit to the Faang family's mansion was all about retrieving his electric scooter.

The middle-aged man with the flashlight inched closer to Ho Lee, revealing himself to be Uncle Chen, the Faang family's security guard. Recognizing Ho Lee, Uncle Chen expressed his surprise, "Young man, it's you! I feared someone was trying to break in."

Feeling his body relax from its earlier tension, Ho Lee flexed his limbs and scratched the back of his head, offering an apologetic smile. "Sorry about that, Uncle Security. I forgot to take my electric scooter with me."

Uncle Chen recognized the young man who had arrived at the Faang family's mansion early that morning. His anxiety eased as he greeted him with a warm smile, "Why so late, young man? Just getting off work? I was starting to think you wouldn't come for your electric scooter today."

Setting down his flashlight, Uncle Chen led the way to the bicycle parking near the security booth, thoughtfully switching on the light to help Ho Lee unlock his scooter.

"Thanks, Uncle Security," chuckled Ho Lee, nodding in gratitude. "Work ran late, and I missed the last bus, so I had to come back for my scooter." At last, he spotted his battered ride.

Ho Lee stooped to swiftly unlock his scooter, hearing Uncle Chen's encouraging voice nearby, "Hang in there, lad. Times are tough, but the CEO pays a decent wage. I'm sure you'll find success down the line."

Ho Lee nodded, echoing the sentiment with a smile, "Absolutely, I'll keep pushing. Thanks, Uncle, I'm heading out now."

He hopped onto his worn electric scooter, and with Uncle Chen's thoughtful gesture, the gate was opened, allowing him an easy exit. Glancing back, he saw Uncle Chen's farewell wave, his smile lingering in the air.

Uncle Chen likely had no idea about Ho Lee's actual position; he probably assumed Ho Lee was just another recent graduate starting out. Yet, the genuine concern and encouragement from Uncle Chen touched Ho Lee deeply.

The summer had brought a whirlwind of change, transforming the once easygoing Ho Lee from a comfortable middle-class family into a debt-ridden college graduate. These upheavals had laid bare the true colors of many, including his unscrupulous relatives and his former girlfriend, Xue Jing.

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