The Divine Dragon's Reincarnation System/C3 Faang's Group
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The Divine Dragon's Reincarnation System/C3 Faang's Group
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C3 Faang's Group

Ho Lee trailed the young couple in silence, the air thick with tension. The handsome young man spared Ho Lee only a glance before dismissing him with disinterest.

Leaning in close, Ho Lee whispered to Faang Yi, "Who's the good-looking guy?"

With a deep frown, Faang Yi replied tersely, "Why don't you ask him yourself later?"

The young man behind them caught the exchange and his expression darkened, his gaze stabbing at Ho Lee with venomous intensity. Oblivious, Ho Lee continued until they reached a Rolls-Royce, where Faang Yi paused and turned to face him.

Gone was any trace of the vulnerability she had shown during her kidnapping; her eyes were alight with a fierce intensity as she fixed Ho Lee with a steely look. "You'd better keep today's events to yourself. If word gets out, I'll make sure you regret it... by cutting out your tongue."

Confused, Ho Lee challenged, "And what if you're the one who spills the beans?"

Faang Yi's smile was nonchalant. "That's not my concern. Just remember, if I catch even the slightest whisper, I'm coming for you, not anyone else. Got it?"

Annoyed yet aware he was no match for the powerful Fang family, Ho Lee managed to keep his composure. "You have my word. I won't breathe a word of it."

"Good," Faang Yi nodded, satisfied. "Get in the car."

Stunned, Ho Lee asked, "Where to?"

An elderly man, spry for his age, held the door open for Faang Yi. She slid her long legs—one could fantasize about for lifetimes—into the passenger seat and said dismissively, "Enough questions. Just get in."

As the old man held the door for Ho Lee, the handsome young man placed a hand on Ho Lee's shoulder, his smile reassuring. "Mr. Ho, no need to worry. Hop in, and we'll talk on the way."

Ho Lee was about to press further when a sudden force on his shoulder nearly sent him tumbling into the car. If not for his recent physical enhancements, the young man's shove might have left him with more than just a bruised ego. He spun around, anger flaring in his eyes, only to meet the young man's look of feigned surprise, which quickly reverted to a friendly smile. "Something the matter? You don't look well."

"No." Ho Lee inhaled deeply, realizing that he couldn't avoid going today. Without hesitation, he ducked into the car.

The handsome young man agilely followed suit, his movements suggesting he was likely skilled in martial arts.

"Hello, I'm Faang Yi's brother, Faang Kun." The youth greeted Ho Lee with enthusiasm, offering his hand. As Ho Lee shook it, he felt a sudden surge of strength from Faang Kun, nearly crushing his bones. But Ho Lee's reflexes were quick, and he exerted his own force, matching Faang Kun's grip in a battle of strength.

"I'm Ho Lee." Noticing Faang Kun's relentless grip, Ho Lee applied pressure in return and smiled, "You don't quite resemble Miss Faang."

A brief flush of red crossed Faang Kun's face before he released his hand and chuckled, "I was an orphan taken in by Mr. Faang as his adopted son."

"I see." Ho Lee nodded, choosing to remain silent thereafter.

Faang Kun's smile lingered, but a glint of ferocity flickered in his eyes.

Ho Lee, put off by the family's overbearing demeanor, decided against further conversation. He casually picked up a magazine beside him. The cover featured a gaunt-faced middle-aged man—Faang Jingyuan, Faang Yi's father. A sense of foreboding washed over Ho Lee. Faang's Group was a major player in the pharmaceutical industry, and Jingyuan had been a world-renowned biologist in his younger days, focusing on the study of exotic creatures. Ho Lee couldn't shake the feeling that they might be after his Demonic Dragon Clone...

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