The Divine Dragon's Reincarnation System/C4 Heroes from the Youth
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The Divine Dragon's Reincarnation System/C4 Heroes from the Youth
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C4 Heroes from the Youth

With a sense of unease, the car wound its way up the mountain road and came to a halt in the courtyard of a hillside mansion. Ho Lee stepped out and took in the expansive grounds. Six Roman columns stood sentinel on either side, with a sprawling villa in the distance. A swimming pool and a beach were nearby, surrounded by an abundance of exotic plants. The setting was the epitome of elegance.

Ho Lee couldn't help but marvel at the sight, thinking to himself that living here must be sheer bliss.

Catching Ho Lee's awestruck expression, Faang Kun chuckled. "My dad has a keen eye for our living space. There's more to see behind the house. If you're interested, I can have someone show you around later." Mid-sentence, Faang Kun emitted a peculiar noise.

"Holy cow!" Ho Lee exclaimed as he turned to see a black dog, the size of a calf, lunging at him. Despite his quick reflexes, he was taken aback and instinctively stepped backward, colliding with Faang Yi. She stumbled several steps and nearly toppled over.

Reacting swiftly, Ho Lee stepped in to steady Faang Yi, his hand encountering something large and soft. Through the thin fabric, it was almost too delicate to grasp. Realizing what he had touched, he withdrew his hand as if scorched, his face flushing as he stammered, "I'm so sorry, that was completely unintentional."

A fleeting look of embarrassment crossed Faang Yi's eyes before she shot Ho Lee a sharp glare, her pride bruised as she adjusted her hair.

Faang Kun's gaze darkened at the scene, yet his smile grew more radiant. "I'm glad you're okay. This dog is normally well-behaved; I'm not sure what got into him today."

While speaking, his eyes subtly shifted to glance behind Ho Lee.

Alerted by the subtle cue, Ho Lee's keen vision, rivaling that of the Demonic Dragon, allowed him to catch the reflection in Faang Kun's eyes. He saw the massive black dog soaring through the air, aiming for his neck. Faang Kun's deceit was clear; he had sicced the dog on him and, despite knowing the dog had pounced, offered no warning.

Without a moment to spare, Ho Lee turned and caught the black dog by the neck, hurling it away with force.

Upon landing, the black dog executed a swift roll and snarled at Ho Lee, its teeth bared in a menacing growl.

Faang Yi watched in horror. This was no ordinary dog but a purebred pitbull imported from overseas, notoriously aggressive and dubbed a 'killing machine.' She yelled, "Big Black! Down!" But the black dog ignored her command, its body coiled, ready to strike once more.

"Scram!" Ho Lee bellowed, unleashing an aura of the Demonic Dragon. With a whimper, the black dog collapsed and began to shiver uncontrollably, unable to rise despite several attempts.

Faang Yi was stunned. She had witnessed Big Black's power firsthand, capable of snapping chains as thick as a finger. No one but her brother could subdue it. Could Ho Lee truly match her brother's strength? His single roar had rendered Big Black powerless.

Faang Kun was visibly moved, giving Ho Lee a second, more thoughtful look.

Ho Lee accompanied the Faang siblings into the villa. Upon entering, he was greeted by a genteel middle-aged man with a warm smile, extending his hand. "Hello, I'm Faang Jingyuan."

Ho Lee grasped his hand, responding with awe, "It's an honor to meet you, Mr. Faang." He had only seen Faang Jingyuan on TV and online, and meeting him in person felt akin to encountering a celebrity.

"Please, have a seat," Faang Jingyuan gestured. "True to the saying, 'heroes emerge from youth.' We owe you a great debt this time, Little Ho. The alternative doesn't bear thinking about."

Ho Lee modestly replied, "You're too kind, Mr. Faang. I was merely fortunate."

Faang Jingyuan laughed softly. He had invited Ho Lee to learn more about the Flood Dragon situation, but the young man was unexpectedly reserved. Shifting gears, he inquired, "Could you describe exactly what happened at the scene?"

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