The Divine Dragon's Reincarnation System/C5 As a Bodyguard
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The Divine Dragon's Reincarnation System/C5 As a Bodyguard
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C5 As a Bodyguard

Ho Lee found himself at a loss for words. He couldn't possibly divulge the truth, so he spun a lie instead, "I passed out during the incident, so I'm not exactly sure what went down. By the time I came to, the kidnappers had scattered. Miss Faang probably has a clearer picture." He glanced at Faang Yi, who nodded slowly, seemingly weighing the veracity of Ho Lee's account.

"Oh..." Faang Jingyuan's mind raced as he nodded in understanding. "I see. The reason I've asked you here is twofold: to thank you, and to seek your assistance with a matter."

The Faang siblings exchanged puzzled looks; their father hadn't mentioned needing any help from Ho Lee.

"What do you need?" Ho Lee asked, treading carefully.

Faang Jingyuan's smile widened. "You may be aware that our Faang's Pharmaceutical Company has a presence throughout Southeast Asia. Naturally, we make enemies. After Faang Yi's abduction, I fear it won't be the last attempt. Therefore, I'd like to extend an invitation for Mr. Ho to join the Faang family and serve as Faang Yi's personal protector."

"No way!" Faang Yi interjected, her refusal immediate. She had seen Ho Lee take a beating firsthand. If not for the intervention of the black flood dragon, he might have been torn to shreds. Besides, as the deputy CEO of Faang's Group, it would be unseemly to have a mere student in tow, opening herself up to ridicule.

Faang Kun's gaze turned icy, though his voice remained pleasant. "I believe my little sister could use a protector. This young man has shown considerable strength, but his martial arts skills remain to be seen."

Faang Jingyuan regarded Faang Kun with admiration. A man with such insight and magnanimity was destined for great things.

Faang Kun had harbored a secret affection for Faang Yi since childhood and was determined to win her over at any cost. He had once brutally dealt with a suitor who showed interest in her, ensuring the man would never walk or see again. If this young upstart dared to get involved, Faang Kun wouldn't hesitate to eliminate the threat.

"A monthly salary of 50,000!" Faang Jingyuan added, laying out an enticing offer. Ho Lee felt a tug of temptation; he was in dire need of money. His mother's health was deteriorating, and the earnings from his odd jobs barely covered the cost of basic herbal remedies, let alone proper treatment. Moreover, his Demonic Dragon System was a force to be reckoned with, capable of dominating not just a single nation but the entire globe if he wished. Protecting one person would be a trivial task in comparison.

Considering this, he cautiously inquired, "So, am I expected to live here?" The prospect of daily interaction with such a stunning beauty was certainly appealing to him.

Faang Jingyuan replied with a smile, "Exactly. It'll make safeguarding Faang Yi much easier, and you can even have your parents move in."

The offer was too good to refuse. Noticing Faang Jingyuan's urgency, Ho Lee understood his intent: to keep him close for constant surveillance. The secret of his Demonic Dragon Clone was bound to be exposed eventually.

"I believe..." Ho Lee was on the verge of declining when Faang Kun rose to his feet and proposed, "Let's do this—I'll test Mr. Ho's skills. If he can hold his own for ten moves, he can stay as my sister's personal protector." His gaze was menacing as he looked at Ho Lee, but it softened into a smile under Faang Yi's watchful eye.

"Agreed," Faang Yi chimed in promptly, convinced that even if Ho Lee were skilled, he wouldn't last ten moves against her brother. After all, if he were truly formidable, the kidnappers wouldn't have gotten the better of him.

Seeing Faang Yi's quick agreement, Ho Lee recognized her full confidence in his defeat and sensed her reluctance to have him as her bodyguard.

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