The Divine Dragon's Reincarnation System/C6 Experience
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The Divine Dragon's Reincarnation System/C6 Experience
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C6 Experience

Upon noticing Faang Yi's look of displeasure, Ho Lee rose to his feet as if compelled by some unseen force and declared, "Then allow me to witness Brother Kun's expertise."

With a slight smile, Faang Kun strode to an open area and gestured, "Please!" Yet inwardly, he was plotting, "If I can't subdue this kid within ten moves, I'll just have to cripple him. The worst I'll get is a scolding from my father, but there's no way I'm letting him be my sister's bodyguard. Moreover, this scoundrel dared to touch my sister's chest. I might as well break his arms outright."

Since the "Coexisting Body" attribute had been activated in his system, Ho Lee's intuition had grown increasingly acute. For a fleeting moment, he even detected Faang Kun's murderous intent. With a silent alertness, he took his position in front of Faang Kun with a calm demeanor.

Faang Kun chuckled, "My skills aren't yet refined enough to be completely controlled, so you'd better watch out, Mr. Ho."

Faang Yi, lounging on the sofa and idly cracking melon seeds, was convinced Ho Lee stood no chance. She had seen her brother smash a green brick with his bare hands; in the whole of Jiangbei, he was a rare young master of martial arts. To her, Ho Lee was just a greenhorn, and if he managed to withstand even one move, it would be sheer luck.

In that moment, Faang Kun exuded an effortless grace, the air of a true master about him, while Ho Lee appeared tense, like a gazelle in the sights of a hunting cheetah, trying to figure out his best route of escape.

Faang Yi was amused, letting out a snort of laughter before quickly composing herself, realizing it was unseemly to do so.

However, that laughter grated on Ho Lee's ears. In an instant, all his trepidation and unease vanished, leaving him standing tall and resolute. He faced Faang Kun and said firmly, "Go ahead and make your move."

"Watch out!" Faang Kun launched into his signature move, the Shadow Perplexing Track, as soon as he began his assault. He had dedicated ten years to perfecting this technique, which was notoriously difficult to anticipate, and had bested countless opponents with his enigmatic footwork. He seldom resorted to it unless he intended to kill.

Faang Yi knew her brother reserved this deadly skill for dire situations. His decision to employ it now was clearly aimed at crushing Ho Lee once and for all, extinguishing any hope he might have harbored. A swell of pride rose within her; no other boy could hold a candle to her brother.

Faang Kun became a blur, flickering to the left and then to the right, his position indecipherable to the naked eye.

"Die!" Faang Kun lunged toward Ho Lee, a vicious glint in his eyes, and launched a heavy punch at Ho Lee's arm.

He had once shattered a willow tree as thick as a bowl with a single punch. If that punch landed on Ho Lee's arm, it would certainly pulverize the bone.

Thanks to the black flood dragon's lightning-fast reflexes, Ho Lee could clearly anticipate Faang Kun's aggressive move. Realizing that Faang Kun was striking with such lethal intent ignited a towering rage within him. The man had masqueraded as cultured and genteel, yet his actions were utterly ruthless. Any remaining shred of goodwill Ho Lee held for him evaporated in an instant.

"Feel the wrath of my Dark Devouring!"

Even without the Demonic Dragon Clone materializing, Ho Lee could still invoke this fundamental ability. In this scenario, he couldn't literally devour Faang Kun, but he could certainly absorb the "force"!

It's known that Dark Devouring can consume all things in the cosmos. The tremendous power behind Faang Kun's punch was ripe for absorption by the Demonic Dragon.

Onlookers Faang Yi and Faang Jingyuan wore expressions of confusion, unable to fathom why Ho Lee stood motionless. They concluded he must have been petrified with fear, devoid of any will to defend himself.

Chapter 7 - Level Up

"Move!" Faang Yi screamed, her voice laced with urgency. Ho Lee was her lifesaver; she couldn't stand by and watch him get hurt or worse.

But as Faang Kun's fist connected with Ho Lee, he felt an unexpected lightness, as if his punch carried no weight, barely enough to scratch an itch.

The black hole on Ho Lee vanished in a flash, too quick for anyone to catch a glimpse.

"What's the matter? Going to tap my chest with those tiny fists?" Ho Lee taunted, locking eyes with Faang Kun. Faang Kun's face contorted with fury as he bellowed, "Take this!" A flurry of punches rained down on Ho Lee, but he remained unshaken, casually folding his arms and watching Faang Kun's futile efforts with an air of nonchalance.

"Congratulations, host, on advancing to Level 3 of the juvenile stage. You've unlocked the basic skill 'Dragon Domain Might,' allowing you to exert Dragon Might and suppress any creature within its range."

As the system's notification chimed, Ho Lee wasted no time in employing the 'Dragon Domain Might' skill. Overcome by a sudden, inexplicable panic, Faang Kun, already gasping for breath, was seized by a profound fear of Ho Lee. He nearly lost his balance, teetering on the brink of kneeling before him.

On the sidelines, Faang Yi and Faang Jingyuan watched as Faang Kun shook uncontrollably, as if he had witnessed something utterly horrifying. They were baffled—could this young upstart truly be that frightening?

Just as Faang Kun's knees buckled, ready to hit the ground, the system alerted that the Dragon Might was depleted and shut off automatically.

'Damn it!' Ho Lee silently cursed. The system let him down at the worst possible moment, then explained, "The area and duration of the Dragon Might's influence will grow exponentially with each level increase. Currently, your level is insufficient. Please, host, consume energy swiftly to level up."

Faang Kun, drenched in cold sweat, stumbled backward, taking a while to regain his composure.

Faang Yi's mind churned with tumultuous thoughts. Could this young man possess some kind of sorcery?

Ho Lee fixed his gaze on Faang Kun and stated coolly, "If you're aiming to disable my arm, you'll likely need a decade more practice."

Feigning shock, Faang Kun replied, "You jest, little brother. You're our guest—why would I ever harm you? I merely got carried away in the moment."

"Exactly!" Faang Yi interjected, her brow furrowed. "My brother is always measured in his actions. He bears no ill will towards you, so why would he seek to harm you?" Yet, inwardly, she grew more wary of Ho Lee. So young, and yet so calculating—how could she possibly feel at ease with him around?

Faang Jingyuan chuckled heartily, "The youth are to be feared, indeed. With such talents at your disposal, I feel much more confident about you being around my daughter."

Faang Kun eyed Ho Lee with a disingenuous grin and said, "Congratulations, little brother. We should have another sparring session when you're free."

"Dad..." Faang Yi's voice carried a note of urgency. Even though Ho Lee had saved her life, the idea of him serving as her bodyguard didn't sit right with her. Accustomed to her independence, having a young upstart tagging along was far from convenient. Besides, she found his behavior intolerable, especially his attempt to set up her brother.

Ho Lee, however, accepted the offer without any reservation. Having witnessed the formidable power of the Demonic Dragon Clone System, the Faang family no longer intimidated him. As the saying goes, only a fool turns down easy money. Whether it was the Faang or Yuan families, his priority was to secure the paycheck first.

As Ho Lee prepared to depart, Faang Jingyuan presented him with a check for 100,000 yuan as a token of appreciation. With a subtle smile playing on his lips, Faang Jingyuan watched Ho Lee stride away, musing, "Once he's been around for a while, he's bound to slip up. And if the legendary dragon does indeed exist..."

Clutching the check for 100,000 yuan, Ho Lee left the Faang estate with his head held high and a swagger in his step.

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