The Divine Dragon's Reincarnation System/C7 Upgrading
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The Divine Dragon's Reincarnation System/C7 Upgrading
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C7 Upgrading

"Move!" Faang Yi yelled, her voice laced with urgency. Ho Lee had saved her life; she couldn't stand by and watch him get hurt or worse.

But as Faang Kun's fist connected with Ho Lee, it felt oddly light, devoid of any real force—it was like a feather brushing against the skin.

The black hole that had briefly enveloped Ho Lee vanished in an instant, too quick for anyone to catch a glimpse of what had happened.

"What's the matter? Going to throw your tiny punches at my chest?" Ho Lee taunted, his eyes dripping with scorn. Faang Kun's face twisted with rage as he bellowed, "Take this!" His fists pummeled down on Ho Lee like a torrential downpour, yet Ho Lee remained unshaken, casually folding his arms and watching Faang Kun's futile efforts with an air of detachment.

"Congratulations, host, on advancing to Level 3 of the juvenile stage. You've unlocked the 'Dragon Domain Might' basic skill, which allows you to exert Dragon Might and suppress any creature within its range."

The system's voice chimed in, and Ho Lee wasted no time in deploying the Dragon Domain Might skill. A wave of panic surged through the already breathless Faang Kun, a deep-seated fear of Ho Lee gripping him. His legs wobbled, and he nearly collapsed in a bow before Ho Lee.

On the sidelines, Faang Yi and Faang Jingyuan watched Faang Kun shudder uncontrollably, as if he'd seen something utterly horrifying. They exchanged glances, bewildered. Was this young man truly that frightening?

As Faang Kun's knees buckled, ready to hit the ground, the system abruptly announced the depletion of Dragon Might, shutting down the skill.

"Damn it!" Ho Lee cursed silently, frustrated by the system's untimely failure. The system quickly justified, "The area and duration of Dragon Might's influence will grow exponentially with your level. Currently, your level is insufficient. Please, host, consume energy swiftly to elevate your level."

Faang Kun stood there, drenched in cold sweat, retreating step by step until he finally managed to regain his composure.

A storm raged in Faang Yi's heart. Could this young man possess some kind of sorcery?

Ho Lee fixed his gaze on Faang Kun, his voice calm and steady, "If you're aiming to disable my arm, you'll need at least a decade more of training."

Faang Kun feigned shock and exclaimed, "Little brother, you're surely jesting. As our guest, why would I ever treat you harshly? I merely couldn't resist scratching an itch just now."

"Exactly!" Faang Yi chimed in with a frown. "My brother is always measured in his actions. With no bad blood between you, why would he aim to harm your arm?" Yet inwardly, her disdain for Ho Lee grew. Such a young kid, already so calculating—how could she possibly feel comfortable with him tagging along?

Faang Jingyuan chuckled heartily, "Ah, the promise of youth is truly formidable. With your talents, I'm quite at ease having you accompany my daughter."

With a smirk that didn't reach his eyes, Faang Kun told Ho Lee, "Congratulations, young man. We should have another friendly match when you're free."

"Dad..." Faang Yi interjected, her anxiety palpable. Even though Ho Lee had saved her life, the idea of him as her bodyguard seemed ill-advised. Accustomed to her independence, having a teenage tagalong was far from ideal, especially one so unscrupulous as to try and set up her brother.

Ho Lee, however, accepted the offer without any reservations. Having experienced the formidable Demonic Dragon Clone System, he had ceased to view the Fang family as a threat. There's an old saying: 'Only a fool passes up the chance to make money.' His plan was simple—earn first, worry about the rest later.

As a parting gesture, Faang Jingyuan presented Ho Lee with a check for 100,000 yuan in thanks, watching him depart with a knowing smile. "Once he's settled in for a while, he's bound to slip up. And if the legendary dragon does indeed exist..."

Striding confidently out of the Fang estate, Ho Lee pocketed the check for 100,000 yuan, his ambitions soaring.

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