The Divine Dragon's Reincarnation System/C8 Forceful Debt
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The Divine Dragon's Reincarnation System/C8 Forceful Debt
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C8 Forceful Debt

The 100,000 yuan was simply a token of appreciation for rescuing Faang Yi. Starting tomorrow, he would officially join the Faang family, tasked with closely guarding Faang Yi. In plain terms, he was about to become a bodyguard.

As the day grew late, Ho Lee stopped by the pharmacy to pick up several prescriptions before hurrying home. His mother's asthma was likely acting up again; he needed to get back and prepare her medication.

Parking his electric scooter downstairs, Ho Lee dashed to his apartment. Upon opening the door, he found numerous people seated inside, all giving his mother, Deng Zilan, icy stares.

These were faces Ho Lee knew all too well: his relatives, including uncles, his third uncle, his aunt, and his cousin. In better times, they would have warmly greeted Little Lee, but since the family hotel burned down, leaving them financially ruined, their demeanor had soured.

Yet today, something out of the ordinary was unfolding. Ho Lee's gaze turned to his mother, who managed a weak smile through her coughs. "Lee's back. Head to your room for now. I need to discuss some things with your uncles."

"Enough stalling, Deng Zilan! Get to the point and tell us how you plan to resolve this. We don't have time to waste," snapped a woman from the sofa, pushing a stack of papers forward. "Sign these, quickly."

That woman was his second aunt, Ai Xia, known for her sharp tongue and penny-pinching ways.

Ho Lee bit back his anger and examined the documents. They were a contract for the sale of their house. Puzzled, he turned to his mother. "Haven't we settled all our debts?"

With a rueful smile, Deng Zilan explained, "Before the hotel fire, your father took out loans to expand the business. Eventually, the court ruled that the property be used to pay off the bank."

Ai Xia's eyes narrowed as she interjected, "We all took out loans to help your father back then. Now the bank is pressing us, and you two need to figure out what to do." She paused before adding, "We're not heartless. The bank is owed a lot, and the debt matures in two months. The interest alone is hefty, and we're all struggling. Let's not renege on our obligations."

The others nodded in agreement.

Deng Zilan spoke up urgently, "But this house is for Lee's wedding. We can't put it up for mortgage again."

"Oh please..." Ai Xia scoffed, "My Ho Xin should be the one getting married first. He's not getting any younger, and he hasn't even bought a car for the wedding yet."

A yellow-haired young man sitting next to her shot Deng Zilan a sour look and said irritably, "Quit stalling. My girlfriend's family is pressuring us. We need to buy a car and we're getting married later this year. You all need to figure this out."

Ho Lee felt a heavy weight in his chest and replied, "Just give us a little more time. I promise we'll sort it out as quickly as possible..."

"Who's giving me time?" Ho Xin slammed his pack of cigarettes onto the table, glaring at Ho Lee. "Are your folks the only ones who matter? Damn, I've never encountered such people."

Deng Zilan's face flushed with anger. "Watch your language. What's wrong with us? When your dad was down on his luck, who do you think financed his factory? You're just a kid; you have no place to judge."

"Wow, really?" Ho Xin looked Deng Zilan up and down. "Feeling bold, are we? Think you can just sit on the money because you're older? Sign the contract already. The rest of us are waiting to pay back the bank loan." He then thrust the contract down in front of Deng Zilan.

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