The Elder Gods Awaken/C12 A Fate That Cannot be Escaped
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The Elder Gods Awaken/C12 A Fate That Cannot be Escaped
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C12 A Fate That Cannot be Escaped

"Ding dong!"

Xia Liang was just about to mop the floor when the doorbell interrupted him.

"Who's there?"

He propped the mop against the wall and made his way to the door, peering through the peephole.

On the other side was the man who had earlier been sitting on the sofa, as if by magic.

"What now?"

Xia Liang opened the door, his expression less than pleased.

"Ah, I forgot to mention earlier, on the 15th next month, Aunt Yao and I are getting married. Could you... perhaps make a trip to Nightvein?" The man outside fidgeted awkwardly as he spoke.

In the past, Xia Liang might have curtly refused and slammed the door in response.

But now, seeing the hopeful look on the man's face, Xia Liang found himself nodding.

"I... understand."

"Great, it's settled then. I'll come to pick you up when it's time!"

The man outside was overjoyed, quickly sealing the agreement, almost as if he feared Xia Liang might change his mind. Then, with a knowing twinkle in his eye, he added, "Feel free to bring your family along!"


Xia Liang's response was to shut the door firmly.

"Congratulations, Uncle Xia..."

Leaning against the sturdy door, Xia Liang finally spoke in a low, mixed tone, "True love prevails in the end."

The visitor was none other than his father's superior, a renowned meta-human both domestically and internationally.

Meta-humans were categorized based on their power evolution and strength: Subpar Meta-humans, Meta-humans, Ultimate Power Wielders, and Super Meta-humans.

Globally, most meta-humans were at LV2, with Ultimate Power Wielders being a rarity, and only two individuals were known as Super Meta-humans – one of whom was this seemingly innocuous man.

He had led Rasnium years ahead of other nations, establishing the Cosmic Constabulary, the country's superpower division. Moreover, he played a pivotal role in forming the United Federation of Meta-humans and was elected as its first Supreme Overseer.

His superpower alias is Hellfire Yao Xi.

After the tragic loss of Xia Liang's father, Yao Xi stepped up to become his "guardian," sparing him the fate of ending up in an orphanage.

Xia Liang was acutely aware of the man's kindness toward him. Yao Xi not only tolerated his rebellious streak but also went out of his way to help him clean up his various messes and secure him a spot in a top school with excellent living arrangements.

Xia Liang knew he shouldn't repay kindness with resentment, yet he couldn't help but feel conflicted. After all, Yao Xi was his "bastard father's" superior and the founder of the Cosmic Constabulary, leading Xia Liang to believe that he was somehow responsible for his family's misfortunes.

Back then, a much younger Xia Liang needed someone to blame to help him cope with the profound grief of losing his parents.

Since then, Xia Liang had always shown Yao Xi nothing but coldness, constantly rebelling and causing him trouble.

But with time, as he matured, his defiant stance began to waver.

Now, for the first time, he had inexplicably gone along with Yao Xi's wishes, agreeing to attend his wedding without any objection.

The journey to maturity for a young person often happens in the subtlest of ways.

"Let it go. He's had it tough too, and besides, it's not his fault what happened with... with my father," Xia Liang sighed, speaking to himself.

He wasn't fully aware of the transformation within his heart, just that he suddenly felt a sense of clarity.

He realized that Uncle Yao was actually a decent person, and making his life difficult was pointless and immature.

With this newfound understanding, he couldn't stand the sight of his untidy room any longer. He quickly grabbed the mop and resumed cleaning.

"Ding dong!"

The doorbell interrupted him after only a couple of swipes.

"Can't you just say everything at once?" Xia Liang blurted out, flinging open the door without a second thought.

But instead of the expected scent of Yao Xi, who had already come and gone, it was Gu Wenying, who was supposed to be back at school, standing at the threshold.

"My room's a bit of a mess..."

As Gu Wenying sat down on a dirty pair of his underwear and then quickly shifted aside, Xia Liang felt an overwhelming urge to dive headfirst into the toilet, press the flush button with his toes, and just wash himself away.

His cheeks flushed as he hastily gathered the dirty clothes and underwear from the sofa, tossing them into the washing machine on the balcony.

Next, he grabbed a bottle of Coke from the fridge and offered it to Gu Wenying, who was surveying the room.

"I... I'm not a fan of ice-cold Coke," Gu Wenying said, casting a mildly reproachful glance at Xia Liang.

"Sorry, I... I forgot." Xia Liang suddenly recalled the 'monthly supplies' she had purchased. Now, here he was, handing her an ice-cold Coke. What a blunder!

"Is it normal for a guy's room to be this... messy?" Gu Wenying couldn't help but voice her curiosity.

"Ah? Yes! Haha! It's the single life!" Xia Liang responded, his tone a mix of exaggeration and discomfort.

"My brother was the same way. His room was even more chaotic than yours. It's a common scene in novels and movies. It seems boys are just not born with a knack for housekeeping," Gu Wenying said, offering Xia Liang a graceful way out of his awkwardness.

"Maybe so. Different roles for men and women, right?" Xia Liang chuckled, though his gaze lingered on the litter scattered across the floor, feeling quite sheepish.

And there they were, a man and a woman alone together in the dead of night. If Xia Liang didn't have some stirrings of the heart, it would be unusual, to say the least.

"Speaking of which, you mentioned earlier that you didn't bring much money with you. Were you looking to borrow some?" Xia Liang, uncomfortable with the unclear mix of ambiguity and awkwardness, deftly shifted the conversation.

"I..." Even Gu Wenying, who had seemed indifferent to physical contact with Xia Liang, now blushed at the topic.

"I went out to buy... well, something for women, but I lost what I'd previously bought. I tried to buy another at the supermarket downstairs, only to realize I didn't have enough money..."

Her voice trailed off, losing the assertiveness and authority it once held.

It was tough to ask for money from someone she barely knew, but with her period having started, not getting what she needed would lead to a troublesome night.

"I'm sorry. It's my fault for not bringing enough money. I ended up using most of it to cover your medical expenses at the hospital, so I didn't have much left. I'll pay you back right now." Xia Liang said, as he began frantically searching through his bed, under the pillow, and amidst the pile of dirty laundry.

Normally, a little extra cash would turn up when I did the laundry, and I'd often find coins I'd forgotten to take out of my pants pockets. But today, after turning everything upside down, I couldn't find a single bill.

"Huh, I'm sure I put it in my pocket. Where could it have gone?" Xia Liang said, rubbing his hands together in embarrassment.

"Here's what we'll do: you stay here, and I'll run downstairs to withdraw some cash. I'll be back before you know it." Grabbing a bank card he'd carelessly tossed on the table and snatching his keys, Xia Liang hurried out the door.

All his cash had been in his wallet, but with the wallet stolen, what cash could be left? At least his card still had a few hundred yuan.


Gu Wenying had meant to suggest going down with Xia Liang and then parting ways after getting the money. But before she could speak, Xia Liang had already shut the door behind him and was gone.

"Well then, I guess it's just me and these four walls."

She playfully stuck out her tongue, recalling a proverb that didn't quite fit the moment.

A thought struck her, and she began to look around the room with a newfound curiosity. At just a glance, she felt a stir of excitement.

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