The Elder Gods Awaken/C17 Soul Power and the Supernatural Power
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The Elder Gods Awaken/C17 Soul Power and the Supernatural Power
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C17 Soul Power and the Supernatural Power

"Big Dayong!"

A group of ruffians called out with a mix of eagerness and enthusiasm in their voices.

"Why aren't you all downstairs gaming on the computers? What brings you up here to shoot pool?"

Dayong gave them a cool, measured look. His eyes lingered a moment longer on the middle schoolers, betraying a flicker of surprise.

"Big Dayong, computer games get old after a while. Billiards is more about relaxation and refinement," the blond kid piped up eagerly.

"Hahaha, that's amusing. You've got a way with words, young man!"

Truth be told, they were all avid gamers. But last night, Gould's son had sought them out, instructing them to hang around the second floor today for an introduction to a major player in the scene.

The internet cafe's elusive owner, Mr. Gould, was nothing short of a legend to these street toughs. Rumor had it that in his younger days, Mr. Gould had a stall here. When some thugs tried to extort him for protection money, he stripped to reveal a menacing tattoo across his chest and, armed with a cleaver, managed to slash at over thirty of them. They were mere flesh wounds on the wrists, but enough to send the whole lot to their knees, hailing him as "Brother Blade."

Mr. Gould had even collaborated with the police to nab a serial killer hiding in the alleys, and once brawled with over twenty security guards while helping migrant workers claim unpaid wages...

In essence, Mr. Gould was a man who straddled both sides of the law, universally well-regarded. Neighbors greeted him warmly as Brother Gould or Mr. Gould whenever they saw him.

New cops, security personnel, and community office workers made it a point to pay their respects.

Though he had retired from his blade-wielding ways years ago, his influence and network remained intact.

Local toughs like Blondie and Goose Egg had long since sought out Mr. Gould, badgering him for a chance at a legitimate gig.

Maybe it was because these kids were the younger generation, but today Mr. Gould was willing to extend a helping hand. He was set to introduce them to a bigwig who had made his mark both in the south and the north.

After a brief exchange of pleasantries, the group moved on to the finest restaurant in the area, secured a private room, and settled in for a round of hot pot.

At the dinner table, the atmosphere was lively with everyone enjoying their meal and drinks. In the midst of the merriment, a junior high student excused himself to use the restroom, and Dayong followed, chuckling as he went.

Once at the restroom, the student finished and stepped out, only to find Dayong hadn't used the facilities at all. Instead, he was waiting by the sink, looking like he had something on his mind.

"You're King Xiaoshan, right? I wouldn't have guessed you're a kid who's awakened to supernatural powers," Dayong said, scanning the area to ensure they were alone before addressing the junior high student with a grin.

"Brother Dayong, how did you know?" King Xiaoshan's expression hardened. His secret ability was known only to his three closest friends, and certainly not to Mr. Gould or anyone else. And Brother Dayong, who had only shown up that day and had been in the company of the group the whole time, couldn't have been informed by them.

"You're still quite green, aren't you? Didn't you know that meta-humans can sense each other?" Dayong shook his head, a hint of disappointment in his tone.

"What?" King Xiaoshan gasped, a realization dawning on him. He quickly harnessed the sparse energy within him and directed it at Dayong with urgency.

The origin of supernatural power, as recent studies suggest, is akin to dark energy and has been officially termed "Soul Power."

Soul Power is an enigmatic energy that doesn't fall into the categories of waves or light, nor is it a conventional energy source like gasoline or natural gas. Invisible and undetectable to the average person, it resides solely within meta-humans.

This mysterious force, teetering between the tangible and the intangible, can trigger supernatural phenomena. For instance, wielding Soul Power can manipulate objects, command plants, generate fire and water, and even perform feats that defy scientific explanation, such as controlling gravity, foreseeing the future, traversing space, or altering material structures.

However, not every meta-human can perform these remarkable feats with their power. Their abilities are bound by their "innate talent," which dictates the scope of their powers.

King Xiaoshan's innate talent lies in plant manipulation. He's figured out how to conjure a sturdy vine from nothing and control it at will. Beyond this unique plant-controlling ability granted by his "innate talent," he's also discovered he can wield Soul Power to accomplish various tasks.

He discovered that his Soul Power could leave his body, transforming into an invisible, rubbery-textured arm that could move objects through the air or shield his body from the blows of swords, spears, and clubs.

However, given King Xiaoshan's current level of strength and the quality of his Soul Power, his spectral arm could only lift objects weighing up to 120 pounds. A hefty goose egg tipping the scales at 180 pounds was beyond his capability.

When it came to withstanding hits, after about ten solid whacks from a wooden stick wielded by the fat goose egg, King Xiaoshan's Soul Power was nearly exhausted. These were the results of experiments he'd conducted with his brothers.

In that moment, Dayong had not only revealed King Xiaoshan's identity as a meta-human but also mentioned that meta-humans could sense each other. King Xiaoshan immediately decided to test this claim.

He projected his Soul Power, forming an unseen arm, and reached for Dayong's arm. If Dayong could see this spectral limb, he was undoubtedly a meta-human. If not, it meant someone had spilled his secret.

Before his arm could even touch Dayong, a brilliant flame burst forth from Dayong's chest, morphing into a massive, blazing hand that seized the arm King Xiaoshan was controlling.

At the slightest contact, King Xiaoshan's Soul Power arm shattered like an egg against a rock, while the fiery giant hand remained unscathed, lunging for his head.

He then experienced the full, terrifying force of the flaming hand, a suffocating power that felt like a tidal wave compared to his own puddle of Soul Power.

"Dayong!" King Xiaoshan cried out, collapsing to the ground.

The sensation of being engulfed in flames vanished in an instant. When King Xiaoshan looked up, the fearsome fiery hand was gone, and there stood Dayong, smiling down at him as if nothing had occurred.

"You're still quite weak, but you have potential. Stick with me, and I'll ensure you reach great heights," Dayong said with a reassuring grin.

"And what about Goose Egg and the others?" King Xiaoshan inquired urgently.

"Absolutely, you can't forget your brothers when you strike it rich. They're not ungrateful, let them join us! Besides, there are still tasks that require the touch of ordinary folks," Dayong said with a nod of approval.

"Thanks, Dayong. You're incredible, seriously the most impressive person I've ever come across," King Xiaoshan exclaimed, unable to contain his admiration.

"Me? I'm nothing special. You've just not met enough meta-humans yet. One day you'll realize just how much of a small fish in a big pond you are," Dayong replied with a self-deprecating smile and a shake of his head.

When they returned to their meal, the others were none the wiser about the meta-human showdown that had just taken place in the restroom.

Lying somewhat dizzily on the private room's couch, King Xiaoshan thought back to the massive hand of flame that had erupted from Dayong. "Incredible. One day, I'll get to that level, maybe even surpass Dayong!" he thought, his competitive spirit flaring.

"But why does this flame feel strangely familiar to me?"

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