The Era of Saint Ruins/C1 Where Is the Green Light
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The Era of Saint Ruins/C1 Where Is the Green Light
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C1 Where Is the Green Light

"Ding! The Sentinel Tree has discovered a new host. It has detected that a large amount of the host's life force has been lost and is on the verge of death. It is now actively helping to repair it …"

The Chen Faang that had fallen from the mountain peak to the precipice was wrapped in a soft light, and slowly descended.

If someone were to see this scene, they would definitely be shocked speechless.

This was because, in the midst of the soft light, the heavily injured body of the Chen Faang, was actually starting to recover at a speed that could be seen with the naked eye.

Bones, muscles, skin...

It had only been a few minutes, but the injuries that Chen Faang had received were all completely healed!

"What light is this!"

After opening his eyes with all his might, Chen Faang who was aching all over found out the source of the soft light. It was the necklace his mother had left him.

"Mother …"

The Chen Faang rubbed his head as he recalled the scene that happened that morning.

Early in the morning, when the sky was just starting to brighten, Chen Faang and his mother's small hut was violently smashed open by a group of fully armed men.

Then they grabbed her and took her to the car.

As for Chen Faang, he was beaten up heavily by the two muscular men he had left behind. Finally, they dragged him up the mountain and threw him off the cliff.

If not for Rou Guang saving his life, he would have been a pile of meat paste by now.

The Chen Faang simply did not know why these evil people wanted to harm him.

However, from the scattered conversations between them, they found out that the culprit behind all of this was a youth with an evil face, Zhao Dongbiao.

And he called the Chen Faang the "Zhao Family's Humiliation".

"Zhao Dongbiao! "Zhao Family!"

Chen Faang slowly crawled up from the ground, shouting out the angry roar from the bottom of his heart word by word.

Taking a deep breath, he observed his surroundings. The surroundings were filled with weeds that were about one meter tall. There were a few irregular rocks in the middle and animal excrement all over the ground.

"So, this is the bottom of the cliff."

Just as this thought rose in his mind, he suddenly realized that his body was fully recovered, even stronger than before. He could not help but be puzzled.

'Ding … the witness tree is beginning to awaken. '… At this moment, a robotic electronic voice was heard.

"Who, who is speaking?" Chen Faang instantly hid behind a rock and cautiously scanned his surroundings, "Could it be that Zhao Dongbiao sent someone down to check if I'm dead?"

"Ding! There is still 30 seconds left. Host, please open your heart and mind to accept your master."

The cold robotic voice sounded out again. Chen Faang looked at the diamond-shaped necklace that was continuously emitting light and tried to ask, "Is there any benefit in accepting the ownership?"

"Accepting the acknowledgement of the owner will be considered as the new owner of the Dao Tree. You will be assigned the glorious mission of helping the Dao Tree restore its original form and awakening its soul."

"What I want to ask is, what benefits will I get from recognizing someone as my master!?" As for the glorious mission, if the witness tree will not harm me, then I will naturally fulfill my duty.! "

"I detected that your physique has yet to awaken and you are unable to cultivate. Therefore, the Sentinel Tree will awaken your physique and help you cultivate. It will also give you various cultivation techniques, secret techniques, and powerful spiritual energy treasures."

"As long as I can cultivate and have the ability to exact my vengeance, I will accept it no matter the cost!" From the bottom of Chen Faang's heart came the truest of desires.

"There are only ten seconds left before the host is acknowledged. Please choose whether you agree or not to accept the host." The robotic voice sounded somewhat anxious.

"I agree!" At this moment, he chose to let go of his heart and accept the main request of that cold and mechanical voice.

"Mastering in progress …"

A ray of green light shot out from the deepest part of the necklace, straight into Chen Faang's head.


Chen Faang suddenly felt a sharp pain, as if his soul had been cut open.

But soon, it was as if he was in a hot spring. His entire body was warm. At this moment, it was as if all his worries and sorrows had disappeared. It was so comfortable that he wanted to have a good night's sleep.

"Ding! Initial recognition of the master has been successful. The second step of the master is to detect that the surrounding environment is damp, cold and dark. Please search for a sunny place with abundant water and soil."

Chen Faang slowly opened his eyes. He was still reluctant to part with the feeling from before, but when he heard the emotionless and robotic voice, he suddenly thought of the situation he was in.

The sun was deeply hidden beneath the cliffs, and the ground was covered with large rocks. If one wanted the sun to shine and the water to be abundant, they had to climb up.

"Climb the cliff?" Chen Faang looked up and laughed bitterly.

This cliff was estimated to be two hundred metres tall, and its slope was close to ninety degrees. Chen Faang did not believe that he could climb it at all.

In the midst of his distress, he suddenly remembered that it was around 8 in the morning. Xiao Lan should be bringing him breakfast at this time.

The Xiao Lan was the child of the Village Chief, and grew up together with the Chen Faang, who had lost a father since he was young.

The two of them were in the same kindergarten, primary school and high school. If it wasn't for this accident, they might have gone to the same university, so they would have been considered childhood friends.

Especially now, his mother was also unknown, the Xiao Lan could already be considered his only family!

"If Zhao Dongbiao and the others still haven't left, Xiao Lan will be in danger! "No, I have to go back quickly!" Chen Faang was burning with anxiety. He almost wanted to grow a pair of wings and fly up the cliff.

"What should I do!?" Thinking about Xiao Lan who might be in danger, Chen Faang clenched his teeth and made "ge ge ge" sounds.

In that moment of despair, he suddenly thought of the mysterious gentle light and shouted, "Dao Confirmation Tree, help me! I want to climb this cliff! "

When his words fell, he did not receive any form of response. The Chen Faang could not help but get angry and scolded: "If you don't help me, where will I find a sunny and rich place?"

"I'm not the Dao Corroboration Tree, I'm just a strand of telepathic thoughts left behind to help find the host. Although you've become the host, you haven't completed the second step, so you don't have any ability at all." The cold voice sounded once more.

"No, I have to obtain powerful strength right now, or I'll throw you away!" You should find someone else to acknowledge you as master! " Then, he threw the necklace far away.

With a gentle flash of light, the necklace flew back into Chen Faang's hands.

"Damn it!"

Chen Faang was enraged, and wanted to throw the necklace away, but no matter how he threw it, the necklace would return to his hands unharmed.

A few minutes passed. Just as Chen Faang was about to lose all hope, a mechanical voice suddenly sounded in his ears, "Alright, take this leaf and it can transform into anything you want. However, the time limit is only 20 minutes."

"You can use it to protect yourself first, and then immediately find a place that meets the requirements. Complete the second step of recognizing your master, and awaken your body. That way, you can cultivate to protect your own safety."

Following the disappearance of the weak mechanical voice, a light golden leaf appeared in Chen Faang's right hand.

The leaves were heavy and had a soft luster to them. Although it was hard to tell what tree they were, they gave off a profound and luxurious feeling. The veins of the leaves intersected one after another as if they contained countless profound truths.

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