The Era of Saint Ruins/C14 Unmoved
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The Era of Saint Ruins/C14 Unmoved
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C14 Unmoved

"No, Seventh Sister, you probably don't know much about the source of our tables and chairs. Our tables and chairs were imported from Portugal, and we were famous for it. We used ferries and air transportation, and spent a lot of money to get to our bar. Right, Soong Yang? "

Zhang Xiaomei also didn't understand how this mighty Sixth Master had turned into a little boy, but when it came to losing money, she felt like she had become a completely different person. She spoke with a sonorous and forceful tone, and even her small chest was puffed out.

"Eighty thousand?" That bald guy even broke our phonograph, which was used by Beethoven back in the day, as well as those little colored lights with LED glints that were knocked out. It was also invented by Edison himself, and his men even smashed apart our four vases. That's the favorite object of the old Buddha, it's Jingdezhen colored porcelain, if we count it all together, we'll have to pay at least 480,000 yuan! "

Soong Yang's words seemed to be true. He bent down and picked up the small, dazzling light, then put it into his pocket with affection.

Oh, so it's like that. I really don't know, Dongfaang dashu, are our things really worth this much money?

The Ruan qiqi didn't seem to be able to react in time as she turned her head and asked the most intelligent person in his heart, Dongfang Jue.

"Sigh, you really don't know how precious Chai Mi is unless you're the boss. How could those tables and chairs belong to Portugal? They are obviously from the Vatican. "How could that vase be the Qing Dynasty's competition? It's clearly the best porcelain in the world, and the green and white glaze of the Yuan Dynasty is red. In my opinion, it should at least pay us 4.8 million!"

Dongfaang dashu looked at Ruan qiqi and the others with a face of disappointment, then caressed his non-existent beard as he spoke righteously.

After listening to Dongfaang dashu's opinion, Ruan qiqi took out his left hand to rub Yue Yang's forehead to confirm that he did not have a fever.

Soong Yang took out his calculator and typed out 4.8 million.

Zhang Xiaomei took out her magnifying glass and picked up the vase that she had bought at the market, carefully examining it.

The corner of Qin Si's mouth twitched as she continued to wipe the wine cup.

When he hit the floor, he fiercely swallowed his saliva, and spoke to Yang laoliu, whose face was already covered with rings, eyebrows, and a twitching mouth.

"Lil 'Six, as for us, we are already familiar with each other. It's not your fault for what happened today. How about this, don't make it four million and eight hundred thousand, give you a zero, then …"

"Make zero!" "Hero, you are really a hero. You treat others so generously. 480,000 is fine, I will transfer the money to you right now!"

Without waiting for Chen Faang to finish speaking, Yang laoliu who was dejected and waiting for him to speak suddenly raised his head, his face filled with a pitiful look, and looked at him with eyes full of hope.

"No, Lil 'Six, just wait for me to finish and we'll make it up. Five million is fine, it's not a big deal for you. How is it? Are you touched?"

Chen Faang tiptoed to get up the brick and started weighing it in his hand again.

The Yang laoliu who had been forced to his knees already admitted his defeat, how could he still dare to move? Having been taught a lesson once, he was well aware of how terrifying the Chen Faang was. Even if he used all his firepower, he still wouldn't be able to block a single move.

Yesterday, he flew into the trash can and finally managed to get a famous doctor. With the recovery ability of his fighter, he was able to repair the fractured ribs. He took a shower several times and the stench on his body did not dissipate. Furthermore, he was not like the Liu laoba, where even his face had caved in.

"You said, you're not touched?!" Chen Faang grabbed the brick in his hand, his expression suddenly heavy.

"Noble Hero, I, I might have misunderstood your meaning. I am very touched, very touched. Eighth Brother, quickly take out your bank card!"

Yang laoliu knew that they had to be "loaded".

"Sixth Brother, I didn't bring my card." Liu laoba couldn't care about his own hands anymore. Today, he had been slapped in the face by Chen Faang, and his arm had been cut off by his beloved Sixth Brother. He was already very weak, and without any money, he would definitely not be able to accept it.

"Really?" "Don't think that I don't know what you've been doing behind my back all these years. That card of yours, even if you were to sleep, you would have still pinched it. How could you possibly not bring it with you?"

Yang laoliu's thighs began to tighten.

"I did, I did, look at my memory, it's stuck in my underwear pocket, but Sixth Brother only has 200k inside!" Liu laoba was grimacing in pain.

"Really? Just two hundred thousand?" Yang laoliu saw the impatience in Chen Faang and so he used even more strength.

"No, it's five million and two hundred thousand. My savings from all these years." Liu laoba wanted to cry, but there were no tears.

Yang laoliu acted immediately and pulled the card out from Liu laoba's clothes, respectfully handing it over with both hands.

Although he was very excited and happy, he was immediately handed over to the Chen Faang.

"Hero, the password is six two hundred thousand. For the extra two hundred thousand, I'll treat it as a little filial gift."

Liu laoba never dreamed that he, his boss, actually knew his greatest secret so well.

"Alright, I'll let you go once more. However, I don't want anyone else to come to this bar to collect the 'spiritual loss fee'. You have to maintain the security of this peaceful street. Now, get lost with your people."

Chen Faang handed the card over to him.

As if he had been granted amnesty, Yang laoliu bowed three times consecutively before he slowly stood up.

He stretched out his hand to grab Liu laoba, wanting to quickly leave this evil being.

Liu laoba, who lost both money and people, had tears in his eyes. He would probably leave behind mental illness if he ever heard of the words' mental loss fee 'again in his life.

"It's you, it's you that's f * cking harming me! I'm going to rip you apart alive!" Liu laoba, whose eyes were already lifeless, suddenly struggled free from Yang laoliu's grasp when he saw Xu yulin faking his death on the ground.

The only thing that was good about his left hand was that he had gathered all his energy and slapped down on Xu Yunlin's head. He did not hate Chen Faang right now, nor did he dare to hate him.

"Stop it, do you still want to create trouble for me?"

Yang laoliu only wanted to leave now. He did not know what the Xu yulin had done, but the Liu laoba was already like this and still wanted to kill in front of him. He anxiously made his move and pulled the Liu laoba back.

Xu yulin, who was pretending to be dead, was drenched in cold sweat. He felt that he was just one step away from the underworld, he himself was so scared that his lower abdomen tightened.

"Wait a minute, take him out too. Go see a doctor. Otherwise, he'll die from this injury!"

Chen Faang walked out, bent down and patted Xu yulin's shoulder, and looked at him with a profound look.

Chen Faang had never been a good person. Ever since he was captured by his mother, he no longer had any fears. Dead people were nothing to him, especially the people who harmed him.

Just because the Yang laoliu submitted in front of him didn't mean that he wasn't ruthless. Without thinking, he immediately understood what the Chen Faang meant and loosened his grip on the Liu laoba.

"Come, I'll take you to see a doctor." Liu laoba grabbed Xu yulin.

The step that Xu yulin was originally in between him and the King of Hell was pushed out by the Chen Faang. His lower abdomen loosened and he actually peed.

"Save me, ah. Qi Qi, save me."

His loud cry for help was somewhat unbearable for Ruan qiqi, but he turned his head in the end. Dong Fang and Xiao Mei did not look at him, but were playing with the card while Soong Yang spat out a mouthful of saliva.

The shouts gradually faded away.

"Everyone, I think we won't be able to do business today. This moon is full, so why don't we go have some supper?"

Chen Faang smiled and said to Ruan qiqi and the others.

"It's alright, Brother Chen Chou is the best. You're really our lucky star. Boss, let's go." Soong Yang was the first to raise his hand in agreement.

"I know this hotpot restaurant is pretty good, but it was so shocking tonight that I've lost weight. I have to eat better to calm my mind." Zhang Xiaomei directly went to her handbag.

"Of course I agree to go, but Xu yulin is my brother's child after all, and this time he is definitely going to die, although he deserves it, but how should I explain this to my brother?"

"It's nothing, Little Seven. I'll call your brother over there. If it wasn't for Little Chen, our Scarlet Tavern might not have existed today. Now we have money, so it's time to celebrate our survival." Dongfaang dashu patted Ruan qiqi's shoulder to reassure her.

"Alright, Chen Chou, let's go with the hotpot." The knot in Ruan qiqi's heart was resolved, and his original gloomy face immediately turned bright.

Even the door wasn't locked. Oh, right, it had already been shattered so there was no need to lock it.

Chen Faang, Ruan qiqi, Dongfaang dashu, Qin Si, Xiao Mei, and Soong Yang all headed towards the hotpot restaurant together. However, Chen Faang and the others did not notice that Qin Si, who was at the back, was silently watching the Chen Faang.

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