The Era of Youth/C1 1 the life of being bullied
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The Era of Youth/C1 1 the life of being bullied
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C1 1 the life of being bullied

My name is Xia Ye, in my memory, my real parents' looks were very vague. They started living together with my adoptive mother when I first remembered. At that time, my adoptive mother was already forty to fifty years old.

I vaguely remember a female neighbor bullying me for no reason before I even went to kindergarten. She even made me learn to bark like a dog …

When I reached the age of kindergarten, because my family was poor, I decided not to go to kindergarten. For some reason, I decided to go to kindergarten, but what I didn't expect was that I was actually assigned to the same class as the girl who bullied me so much. Every time when class ended, she would come and pull my ear and walk away.

I remember one time, she took advantage of my inattentiveness to pull my pants and shouted: "Little bastards playing hooligan, everyone come and see." Her words made me lose all face. Previously, due to her bullying me so often, there were actually people who thought that I was a hooligan in front of her! After being bullied by her for a long time, more and more people joined the ranks to bully me.

It was always like this. One day, I couldn't hold it in anymore and shouted at her, "Why do you always bully me?"

In the end, the girl's voice was even louder than mine as she shouted at me, "Little bastard, because you don't have parents! Living with an old lady every day. " She said it so loudly that the whole class heard her. As a result, the whole class mocked me. At that time, the class gave me the nickname of "Bastard". It was also on that day that my character started to become eccentric.

It was because I had yelled at her that day that she would call a group of boys to my house every weekend when my foster mother went out to work, kick my door, and yell at me to go out and die, which was why I was so scared, so I didn't dare go out, and she kept shouting until my foster mother came back. She didn't leave until then.

Sometimes, when my house wasn't locked, she would ask a group of boys to barge into my house and play with me. In the end, she would raise my chin and say to me, "You will never escape from my grasp, forever!" However, my foster mother would never see all of this happen. In fact, I didn't want her to see me being bullied.

My foster mother couldn't see it because every time that girl came into my house, she would find someone to keep an eye on things. Whenever my foster mother was about to return home, they would quickly leave.

Sometimes when I was alone, I would secretly masturbate her because I hated her. What I didn't expect in the future was that I would dream about her when I grew up.

I didn't know how much time had passed, but after hearing that her father had gotten rich, he moved to another place. Before he left, he called me over mysteriously and found a remote place to whisper into my ear, "You will never escape from my grasp." After saying that, she took my arm and bit it hard. Even now, the bite mark is still on my arm.

Even more ridiculous, I didn't know her name the day she left, but she didn't know mine either. The only good thing about it is that she's gone and I don't have to get beaten up every weekend! Because her organization was gone, the group of boys didn't come to my house to look for trouble.

Later, just because she said that I had no parents that day, I was mocked by my classmates for a few years. Later, after I was bullied into throwing shit in the toilet because of this, I swore: If I saw that girl again, I would definitely tear her into pieces.

In the spring of my eleventh year, my adoptive mother died of an illness. On the day before I left, I went to visit my foster mother after school. When I entered her ward, I found a young girl sitting next to my foster mother. The foster mother had said that she was a close friend of hers, and that she had just met her.

At that time, I seemed to know that I was running out of money, so I let that young girl take good care of me. When I left this world, she even held our hands tightly. At that time, I could only look on helplessly as my adoptive mother left and burst into tears. At that time, the girl repeatedly consoled me by saying that she would take good care of me if I took things seriously.

Since the day of my foster mother's death, I had gone to live with her, never to return to her former home, and it struck me as odd that she had lived alone in her house before.

Over time, she grew colder and colder towards me, ordering and ordering me around like her slave. After all, at that time, I had no choice but to work hard under someone else, but she didn't ask me to call her Auntie just because she was my foster mother's friend. Instead, she told me to call her Sister Fang or Sister Qian, whose real name was Fang Lijiao, seven years older than me. I usually don't see her using cosmetics, but her skin is in great condition. I don't know if she was born to it or not, but she always mocks me for my low appearance.

Sometimes, when she came home late, she would run into my room to sleep. I thought that I would see good spring sunshine, but unfortunately, when she came back late, she would lie down without taking off her clothes. I didn't dare to touch her, as I was afraid that she would get up and scold me.

When I get up in the morning, I can't see her in bed. Under these circumstances, she usually goes to the bathroom to take a bath, and then comes out very soon, as if nothing had happened last night.

From kindergarten, primary school, all the way to junior high school, because I had no parents, the news spread like wildfire. In addition, because I was mocked by my classmates, I gradually became self-abased, even more isolated, so I didn't have any friends at all, only a few people I knew well, Cheng Yang was one of them, Zhao Chengyang was my junior high school classmate, Zhao Chengyang was my junior high school classmate, at that time, smartphones had just started to be popular, I had my cellphones before, at that time he used them every day.

Time soon arrived high school, let me rejoice, the people who used to laugh at me, are not in the same school with me.

With the passage of time, my mind gradually developed from the inside out. At the same time, as I entered puberty, I began to hate my parents, resenting them for abandoning me, resenting that they had caused me to be mocked by my classmates for so many years.

The high time passed quickly. On the first day of the May Day holiday, Zhao Chengyang and I stayed up all night in the Internet Cafe. Actually, it wasn't as if we had stayed up all night once or twice.

"Xia Ye, do you think that thing is opening up? "If a sniper squad kills 2 people in a second, they'll definitely be killed immediately." Zhao Chengyang directly used his voice chat to call out my name. The person using the voice chat in the game naturally heard his words.

I took off my headphones and said with an ugly expression, "Can you lower your voice a bit? "It's all leaked."

Zhao Chengyang used an apologetic expression and said, got it.

"Who just said I hung up? Stand up for me? " After putting on the headphones, I heard a girl's voice coming from the headphones.

"Me! If you have the ability, come and hit laozi. Zhao Chengyang continued to send a voice transmission. That person was Zhao Chengyang's own faction. Logically speaking, they shouldn't be considered from his own faction. As long as they won, it would be good enough.

"Great!" I'll remember you. Let me tell you, this is a technique, not a device. " After a while, the girl said.

"So what if it isn't a switchboard? After I died, when I was watching the battle, I even shot you when I saw you. " I was furious and directly sent it out, especially pressing F1 for everyone. It was the same for Zhao Chengyang, I was not in the same team as Zhao Chengyang, so I couldn't hear him speaking to the other party, so I had to type.

This made the crowd boil up. Everyone wanted to report that girl, so naturally, I also reported her to start hanging up.

The woman couldn't stand the crowd's criticism and logged out of the game.

I suggested a different game. As soon as I closed the game, my QQ verified that someone had added me. It said, "If you don't add me, then I'm a coward."

Seeing this verification and seeing that the other party's information indicated that it was a female, I added her. Before adding in the information, I even cut a picture and made a small modification to it, changing it to: "No, I'm just a coward."

After that, I prepared to take the initiative to chat with her, but before I could even speak to her, she took the initiative to ask, "Was that you?"

Seeing her say this to me, I was quite puzzled, so I asked, "What? That person is not me? Take a look at this …"

At this moment, I sent the picture that I had just made a small modification to, which was, "Plus, I'm a coward."

I don't know how she would react to this picture. She would probably be very angry, wouldn't she?

However, even if you were angry, you wouldn't be able to find me, so you shamelessly sent it over.

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