The Era of Youth/C6 Can't you take some responsibility?
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The Era of Youth/C6 Can't you take some responsibility?
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C6 Can't you take some responsibility?

At this moment, I was at a loss as to what had just happened.

He raised his head and only saw the homeroom teacher say with disdain, "You want to go home and go to sleep, and you also want to remember the words you taught me today?" After the homeroom teacher said this, she looked at Tang Bing and said: "New guy Tang Bing, from now on when this kid goes to sleep, wake him up. If anything happens I'll take responsibility. Do you hear me?"

When Tang Bing heard the teacher's words, she actually smiled and agreed.

This really made me dumbfounded. Even if I didn't sleep in the future, it would be useless to take a beating in class.

"No, I'm not sleeping." I lowered my head.

The head teacher said don't do this again, then went to the podium, and added that my sleep had destroyed the class atmosphere, leading to a large number of people sleeping, if this happens again, the class will be closed for a week.

Hearing this, I lit the fire. What did my sleeping have to do with them? It's not like I'm disturbing others.

I also did not dare to openly talk back to the class teacher, after this period of self-study, there is a period of self-study will only be out of school.

"Hehe, just take a beating every day from now on!" "I think you deserve a beating anyway!" Tang Bing looked at me and said with a sinister smile while rubbing his hands.

Seeing her so arrogant, I secretly swore that I wouldn't be a human if I didn't take care of her after school tonight.

In the next class, without a teacher, I was very obedient and did not sleep, but for no reason, I got hit a few times.

When she hit me a third time, I finally couldn't hold back the anger in my heart. "Fuck you, is your hand itchy?"

"Xia Ye, you're a man, why are you scolding girls?" said Honey, who was sitting behind him.

Junie was very fat and small, and she always flirted with me.

"Isn't it? Did you tease him? Little Yellow forced it! " As she spoke, Junie even let go of my armpits, making me itch.

"Hmm? "Isn't it?" Junie was tickling me again from behind.

Tang Bing, who was at the side, took advantage of the heat and said: "He touched my thigh. Do you think I should hit him?"

"He deserves a beating."

Hearing this, I almost spurted a mouthful of water. When did I touch her thigh? In that case, don't blame me.

I instantly used my hand to scratch Tang Bing's thigh. I could feel that Tang Bing was only wearing a pair of pants.

"You, you …" When Tang Bing saw me touching her thigh, she was so angry that her face turned red.

My hand didn't move away but greedily enjoyed Tang Bing's thighs. Tang Bing's thighs gave me a pretty good feeling, if this woman didn't do this to me, I really might have fallen for her. After all, the enemy is the enemy, and this relationship can't be changed.

What I didn't expect was that Tang Bing would use her nails to touch the back of my hand and then use force.

Rip! So painful!

I sucked in a breath of cold air and quickly reached my hand back. Tang Bing's hand continued to chase me and I quickly put my hand back into my pants pocket as the place where Tang Bing pinched me just now was very painful. Seeing that she gave up, I stretched out my hand and looked at my hand.

What a deep pinching! Seeing my hand being pinched like this, I won't take advantage of you to touch your thigh. I didn't expect this woman's fingernails to be so long.

"My flesh didn't pierce your nails?" My tone was hard.

"Hur hur." Tang Han let out a cold laugh, "Serves you right. There has never been a man who dared to touch my thighs like this before."

After saying that, Tang Bing smiled complacently. Her smile made me unable to endure it any longer. It's fine if you bully me outside, but you still won't let me off when you get to school!

I originally wanted to negotiate with Tang Bing and get her to delete that video, but it seems like it's impossible now.

"That's right. You are so vulgar, even I don't like you." said Chonnie, who was sitting behind me.

Listening to her, I muttered to myself, Who would like you? She was covered in fat and her arms were thicker than my thighs, but I didn't say it out loud. Jenny had a bunch of best friends, and if I told her, she'd probably tell her best friends to talk about me every day.

Without even thinking about it, I lifted my foot and kicked towards Tang Bing, who was in the midst of being proud of herself. Tang Bing didn't have time to dodge, and just happened to be kicked by me, and I kicked right into Tang Bing's stomach. A footprint instantly appeared on her white clothes, and Tang Bing, along with the stool she was sitting on, fell towards the direction of my kick.

This kick of mine could be said to have used 100% of my strength. The reason why I said that was because, when she fell to the ground, I woke up the man who was sleeping at the back of her table. That person's name was Fang Zheng.

This time, because I used more strength to kick Tang Bing, it caused his table to move quite a bit.

"Teacher is here?" The first sentence he said after waking up was like this, his expression was one of complete confusion.

Originally, this phrase would cause the entire class to laugh, but everyone's gazes were on Tang Bing and me, so they didn't pay attention to his words.

Actually, this is my first time hitting a woman, I was really forced, it was Tang Bing who forced me into a rage.

The first time we met, she had me beaten up and insulted! How could a man endure all this?

In addition to Guo Tao's provocation just now! I immediately had the thought of ruthlessly beating Tang Bing up.

Tang Bing, who was kicked down by me, looked at me in disbelief. She never thought that I would kick her. There were tears in her eyes, making her look very pitiful. However, I didn't feel the slightest bit of sympathy for her.

Her two hands dragged the ground, and just this action had already alarmed the entire class. Fat Ni, who was behind me, left her seat and was about a few meters away from me before she said, "Xia Ye, you, you actually hit a woman. I didn't expect that you would actually do something like this." He looked at me with disgust and spat on the ground.

"Hurry up and call for the teacher." A timid boy ran out when he saw the scene.

"Fuck you, Xia Ye, don't think that just because you followed Brother Tao that you're amazing. Who do you think you are?" I really want to slap myself a few times. In this situation, no matter how I looked at it, it was all because I didn't care. In addition to Tang Bing's pitiful expression, a man would always speak up for her.

His dad is still a political guest in the city, so the teacher decided to curry favor with him and gave him a class monitor. He can't be considered to be doing well in school, but he has some influence in class, but no one dares to offend him, and I am no exception.

It was because when I was in my first year of high school, his military training was placed in my place. When I was in my first year of high school, his military training was placed in my position, it was because when I was in my first year of high school, his military training was placed in my position.

I don't know what he will say to my teacher, but the class teacher will definitely use this matter to teach me a lesson to curry favor with the class monitor.

Maybe Tang Bing was really in pain from my kick! I was really afraid that something would happen to her. That's what it meant to be in contact with porcelain.

A few boys even went over to help Tang Bing make a good impression.

What I didn't expect was that Tang Bing stood up herself and patted off the dust on her body: "I'm fine."

Then the timid boy came back and said, "The teacher is not here." That classmate of his was called Yang Zijun. He was particularly good at managing people in his class and had a bit of a sense of justice, but he didn't dare to provoke those ruthless characters. He was the kind of person who bullied the weak and feared the strong.

Seeing that Tang Bing was fine and the class teacher wasn't around, everyone left. The class monitor originally wanted to beat me up while the iron was hot and then show her respect for Tang Bing, so that they could get her. But Tang Bing didn't cry and instead stood up to say "No problem, I'll pick up the chair and sit down."

The class monitor had an ugly expression on her face as she left, but she never came back.

After Tang Bing sat back down, she climbed onto the table and covered her face. Tang Bing was wearing white long sleeves and her clothes even had my foot on it.

Junie, behind me, had moved her table away from me, as if she were afraid I would hit her next.

She beat me up a few times and insulted me again and again, and she was still a good girl in school. She was so crazy outside and didn't sleep in the middle of the night, so she followed her Big Sister Xi Xi Xi to the internet cafe to beat me up. This kind of woman is quite black-hearted, but I don't know why but after hitting her, why does my heart feel a little bit uncomfortable?

When class was over, the class monitor came back and packed her bag with a dark expression before leaving. Zhang Qiang and He Zilong both lived in the school, so after class, they went out to fetch water.

"I'll comfort your tablemate. After all, she's a girl." At this point, Fang Zheng walked over and patted me on the shoulder.

Actually, I also think that I might have overdone it!

But I didn't want to admit it, so I thought about it and said, "You go first. I'll go and see her. "

The real estate agent gave an "oh" and left.

Originally, I planned to apologize to Tang Bing when there was no one around and see if she was alright, because she was currently crawling on the table.

Thus, I thought for a while before walking up to Tang Bing and saying: "Wai, are you alright?"

She didn't say anything, but was this not like her?

Never mind, I'll go first.

When I walked to the door, I was still saying to Tang Bing: "The last one to leave, remember to lock the door."

Tang Bing still did not react!

This time I'm a little scared, Tang Bing couldn't have just been kicked by me and was knocked onto the table to die, right?

Thinking of this, I hurried over to see if I was really dead.

"Go away." When I walked over, Tang Bing's expression was a bit ugly. Her sleeves were wet, and she had obviously cried before.

"Oh, I'll go." I have nothing to say, and I can't possibly take advantage of everyone's absence, can I?

Just as I walked out of the classroom, Tang Bing suddenly opened her mouth and said: "Wait a moment, since Xia Ye is a man, then come over. I have something to tell you."

He thought that nothing would happen to her, right? Or when I walked over, would she kick me steadily from the bottom and cripple me?

However, from the looks of it, Tang Bing didn't seem like she was pretending. Could it be that I really did kick Tang Bing?

Forget it, let's go over and take a look.

"Can you go out and buy me some medicine?" I walked over just now and Tang Bing's face was pale as she told me. Her voice sounded a bit weak.

Before I could reply, Tang Bing said again: "Go quickly, I'll give you money when we get back, so you don't have to worry about this." After saying that, Tang Bing placed her head back on the table, but didn't cover her face.

Actually, looking at Tang Bing like this right now, it was really pretty good, especially since she was no longer as unruly and unruly as before. She was now like a lady, not knowing how to describe her appearance, just that she had changed a lot from before.

"Wai, were you kicked by me into abortion!? In that case, have I killed a human life? " I looked down to see if it was true that I had aborted the woman.

"You … you're the one who got an abortion, I just …" This made the weakened Tang Bing extremely angry.

"Then did you come on vacation?" I said with a bold guess.

"No, it's not what you said." When Tang Bing said this, her pale face had a trace of blood, but it quickly disappeared.

"Then what should I buy?" I asked curiously.

"I have dysmenorrhea, I really don't know what to buy. How about you go to the pharmacy and ask them what you want to buy?" Tang Bing said with some difficulty, but after saying this his expression became even uglier.

"Could it have been my kick?" Hearing her say that, I was even more frightened. I didn't know what dysmenorrhea meant at the time, and it was only later that I found out.

"You knew about it a few days ago, right? I didn't sleep well. It might be due to this reason. Also, you kicked me, so don't you have to take responsibility? "I, I, can't say anymore. You go think of a way." Tang Bing reprimanded. His words became more and more boring as his expression became even more unsightly.

Seeing her like this and then saying that it had something to do with me, I was truly frightened at that time. If she died from the pain here, I definitely wouldn't be able to drag it out, you better not implicate me!

Yeah, just call 120 and call an ambulance. Thinking about this, I quickly took out my phone.

Eh? Why is there no electricity? I looked at the buttons that opened the screen a few times, but they didn't respond. It scared me.

At this moment, Tang Bing was still clutching her stomach.

My head went black. What should I do!?

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