The Favorable Wild Master/C7 To dixie hall
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The Favorable Wild Master/C7 To dixie hall
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C7 To dixie hall

Hao Zong complained on the inside. He didn't know why this mistress was so persistent and had bumped into him. She must have thought of him as a flying thief, a flying thief who had already escaped. At this time, Bai Yuxin and the fat sister-in-law ran over to explain the situation to Ouyang Lizi.

Ouyang Li's face was as cold as ice. She wasn't wearing a police uniform, but she was wearing a casual outfit that fit her body perfectly. Not only did the casual attire not cover her impressive figure, but under the lights of the teahouse, her exquisite face appeared exceptionally exquisite and radiant. Her perfect oval face was without makeup, and a layer of sparkling light seemed to flow under the soft and creamy cheeks. In front of her white forehead was a row of sparse bangs, slightly covering a pair of eyes that were as clear as a deep pool.

After understanding the ins and outs of the matter, Ouyang Lizi was very upset and berated Hao Zong, "It's all your fault for meddling in other people's business. Did you know that the person who smuggled in the white powder was going to make a deal here? I've been watching them for a while now, and now that you've made a ruckus and alerted the snake, you've all run away. "

However, Hao Zong was unjustly accused, "How is it my fault, I was also trying to catch the thief. However, I caught a little thief, you captured a big thief, the people were assisting the police in catching the thief, I shouldn't be wrong, right? If you hadn't appeared out of the blue and distracted me from thinking you were an accomplice of a car thief, I would have caught the car thief long ago. "

"You, you actually think of me as an accomplice of a car thief?" Ouyang Lizi sighed, she really couldn't find anything wrong with Hao Zong, but with Hao Zong's interference, the drug traffickers were not caught, and the car thief ran away. She had wasted her last few days of hard work, "I'm so unlucky to have met you." As she turned to leave, she couldn't help but turn back and sternly scold, "You have to be a good citizen. Next time, can you grow your eyes?" Is there a thief as beautiful as me in this world? " After saying that, he twisted his hand and went downstairs.

Hao Zong hugged his chest, and laughed bitterly while shaking his head, "What are you being so arrogant for, my fiancee is also a police officer."

Although they ran off to steal cars, and fought with the policewoman Flower, they did not affect Hao Zong's character in the slightest. With a beautiful girl like Bai Yuxin by her side, Hao Zong ordered a table of delicious delicacies as the two reminisced about their beautiful high school days while eating.

"You see, every day I live in a place other than a hospital, and every now and then I go to a shopping mall. What entertainment

No music, either. Back in college, I used to sing karaoke every Sunday, disco. It's been fun. "

"What, you want to go to the club?"

"Right." Bai Yuxin nodded lightly and continued, "Hao Zong, it's rare for us old classmates to meet here, can we go dance after eating?"

"Sure." Facing Bai Yuxin's invitation, Hao Zong agreed without even thinking.

"Wa, Hao Zong, you've agreed!" Bai Yuxin, who was sitting opposite to him, was so happy that she grabbed Hao Zong's hands and stomped his feet on the ground. Then let's go! " Seeing her so impatient, Hao Zong couldn't bear to keep her in suspense. He called the waiter over to settle the bill, for three hundred yuan, it was extremely painful for Hao Zong when he paid the bill, but he pretended that nothing happened on the surface and paid the bill confidently, then the two left the restaurant.

A warm red light flashed before him as he took a taxi across the quiet Coastal Avenue. It was a blurry scene.

Tian Lun Kingdom's nightclub was located near the sea. When Hao Zong and Bai Yuxin got out of the taxi, the weather had already cleared up. A full moon floated amidst the boundless sea of clouds, appearing ethereal and distant.

"Hao Zong, beauties are as numerous as the clouds in the ballroom. Don't look at the blurred image later on, lest you fall for the beauties again." Bai Yuxin chuckled.

"Great!" You are hinting at me! " Hao Zong stepped forward and was about to catch Bai Yuxin. Bai Yuxin turned and ran, the two chasing. The thin and leisurely petals floating in the air, against the background of the misty waters, drifted like snow. It was very light, very quiet and very quiet. The ancient people said that the rain was so light that the clothes could not be seen, and the flowers that were scattered on the ground were completely silent. It should be this kind of feeling. The faint fragrance of the night incense merged with the fragrance of the grass and trees, drifting and rippling under the moonlit sky.

There was laughter and talk as they came to the golden gate of Tian Lun Dynasty's nightclub. It was luxurious, elegant, and brilliant. In front of the door, it was surrounded by flowers, exuding a green glow. Inside the hall, there were many trees of fire and flowers, and the lights were bright. Bai Yuxin held Hao Zong's arm, tightly resting on Hao Zong's body, Hao Zong seemed to be able to feel her excited heartbeat.

Hao Zong and Bai Yuxin walked into the hall. The entire room was filled with the smell of Christmas that was traditional in Europe and America. It was as if a group of angels were sitting on a white cloud and playing. The melodious music filled the air and the gentle and romantic candlelight rippled.

Looking at those dressed up and heavily made-up people, it seems that Great Shanghai colonial era of the luxury of high society clothes. Hao Zong and Bai Yuxin had just sat on the long sofa by the side of the dance floor, when she stood up. He seemed eager and impatient. After the waltz sounded, Bai Yuxin pulled Hao Zong's hand and said, "Hao Zong, come, let's dance."

Hao Zong's left hand held her right hand, while his right hand supported her waist.

Bai Yuxin's body was light and nimble. Her steps were so skilled. In the flowing notes, there was a long line of such a clear and beautiful melody. In the melody, it was also so light and elegant. Each rotation, each turn, revealed a long and beautiful rhyme, gorgeous flowing color of the wind.

"Hao Zong, you really are an expert on the dance floor!" Bai Yuxin praised Hao Zong.

"That's not true either. Actually, I rarely dance. I learned all my dancing skills during my university years." Hao Zong replied.

"Really? Oh right, Hao Zong, the students all say that you are easily duped by beautiful women. After entering university, I wonder if you have ever fallen for beautiful women again?" Bai Yuxin opened her eyes wide.

In university, Hao Zong had actually met a woman who mesmerized him. Her name was Deng Keyu, and she was his instructor during the military training. But that military flower called Deng Keyu, was unattainable for Hao Zong.

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