The Super Farm System/C1 A Piece of Land in the Beginning
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The Super Farm System/C1 A Piece of Land in the Beginning
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C1 A Piece of Land in the Beginning

In the heart of Jinling City, beside the Jinling River, Chung Yuan stirred from his coma, drenched and with a head that felt as if it were filled with lead.

Suddenly, a rush of foreign memories flooded his mind, and with them, a wave of astonishment washed over him. Had he been reborn? And in a world parallel to Earth?

These new memories revealed that the body's original owner was also named Chung Yuan. Two years prior, he had ventured into the restaurant business, only to be consistently overshadowed by competitors on West Street. Business was sparse, and he couldn't even scrape together enough for rent. To make matters worse, his wife fell gravely ill and soon passed away. Overwhelmed by these blows, he contemplated suicide and threw himself into the river.

Chung Yuan reflected with a heavy heart. In his past life, he was a simple chef with dreams of owning his own restaurant. Yet, lacking the funds, he had shelved that dream—only to meet an untimely accident on a mountain excursion. He had braced for the end, never anticipating the impossibility of rebirth, a phenomenon beyond scientific explanation.

"Young man, what could be so terrible that you'd choose to end your life in the river?" An elderly gentleman patted Chung Yuan's shoulder with a meaningful expression, wiping river water from his own face. He was the good Samaritan who had pulled Chung Yuan from the water's grasp.

Grasping the man's hands tightly, Chung Yuan's heart swelled with gratitude. "Uncle, thank you. I lost my way for a moment, but I've seen the light. Rest assured, from now on, I'll cling to life with everything I've got, even if others wish for my end!"

Life, the most precious of treasures, had granted him a second chance. He vowed not to live with regrets and to pursue the dreams he had once deferred.

The uncle chuckled at Chung Yuan's resolve, offering a few more words of advice before departing with peace of mind.

"Ding! Congratulations, host. The Super Farm System has been successfully bound!"

Startled by the sudden synthetic voice in his mind, Chung Yuan paused. A system? His rebirth had come with an unexpected gift. "Ding!"

The Newbie Gift Pack has been delivered. Congratulations on unlocking the Super Farm and receiving an additional 1,000 Farm Coins.

The Super Farm is located on the west side of Liyang Street in Jinling City, atop the second floor of the Reunion Restaurant.

Please make your way there to claim it as soon as possible."

The Reunion Restaurant?

Chung Yuan was taken aback once more.

Wasn't that his own place?

More precisely, it was the restaurant the body's original owner had started.

And the Super Farm was right on the rooftop of his home.

What a stroke of luck!

A wave of joy surged through Chung Yuan.

"Daddy! Daddy!"

Suddenly, the sound of two young voices came from nearby.

He looked over to see two children, a boy and a girl about five or six years old, who had just stepped off the bus and were now sprinting toward him along the riverbank.

His heart clenched at the sight of them.

They were his children!

What had the body's original owner been thinking to abandon his own flesh and blood and take his life in the river?

Chung Yuan squatted down as the children quickly approached.

The twins, Chung Tuantuan and Chung Yuanyuan, were a sight to behold. Tuantuan, with his jet-black, shiny short hair and brows arched in a hint of defiance, had eyes as clear as dewdrops. His wheatish complexion radiated health and vitality.

Yuanyuan, in her adorable dress reminiscent of a blooming bud, had arms like tender lotus stems and skin so fair and smooth it seemed almost fragile. Her rosy, oval face was as inviting as a ripe peach, and her dense, wavy hair framed her delicate features, making her look like an endearing porcelain doll.

Together, they were the embodiment of all things wonderful and joyful, just like the name of the restaurant that bore their names.

"Daddy, don't you want us anymore? Why did you jump into the river to end it all?"

Suddenly, the children burst into tears, their eyes brimming with a sorrow that tugged at the heartstrings.

They had learned of the tragic news from passersby and had hurried over together.

Chung Yuan embraced his two children, "Who told you Daddy was going to jump into the river and end it all? Daddy was just fishing."

Now, this body was his, and in a way, these children would be his too, from now on.

Upon hearing his words, the children's tears began to subside.

Chung Yuanyuan suddenly looked up at Chung Yuan with a worried expression and asked, "But Dad, isn't fishing banned in the Jinling River? Isn't what you're doing illegal? Won't the police come and take you away?"

Chung Yuan paused, then chuckled and gently squeezed her cheek, "Of course not. Daddy hasn't even started fishing, right? Besides, I've decided not to fish anymore. It's getting late; let's head home!"

It was the height of summer, and despite being drenched, Chung Yuan felt a refreshing coolness as the breeze blew.

Holding Tuantuan's hand in his left and Yuanyuan's in his right, the trio, tall and short, cast long shadows on the ground in the glow of the setting sun.

On the eastern end of Liyang Street stood a two-story building, each floor seemingly spanning 200 square meters.

The ground floor housed the Reunion Restaurant, its grand decor perfectly on-trend, instantly catching the eye.

The second floor was home to Chung Yuan's family, and the rooftop, basking in abundant sunlight, was ideal for drying vegetables.

There was also a sizable garden, nearly 100 square meters, which had become Chung Yuan's vegetable patch since he leased the building.

This expansive space, whether for personal use or for serving customers, saved a considerable amount on the grocery bill each year.

After a quick shower and a change into fresh clothes, Chung Yuan ascended to the rooftop.


Host, you may access the Super System Farm with a mere thought."

At that moment, the system's prompt echoed in his mind.

Surveying the garden, Chung Yuan noted the robust growth of the vegetables, with pumpkins ripe for the picking.

The original Chung Yuan had been too preoccupied with his wife's medical needs to tend to the garden, but it seemed the children's efforts had paid off beautifully.

"Accessing the Super Farm System."

As Chung Yuan transmitted his thoughts, his vision suddenly blurred, and he found himself transported to an odd space.

Before him lay a stretch of wasteland, overrun with a variety of weeds, roughly the size of a garden plot.


Time within the Super Farm progresses at a rate one hundred times faster than that of the outside world."

Just then, the system's alert tone echoed once more in his mind.

One hundred times!

Chung Yuan drew in a sharp breath at the realization.

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