The Super Farm System/C10 The Spicy Roast Chicken Stew Rice
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The Super Farm System/C10 The Spicy Roast Chicken Stew Rice
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C10 The Spicy Roast Chicken Stew Rice

Zhang Zhuo was familiar with the Reunion Restaurant by reputation, even though he had never dined there before. Liu Lang's description of the meal he was about to treat Zhang to was so extraordinary that it seemed otherworldly. Zhang couldn't fathom any connection between that meal and the Reunion Restaurant, so he had instinctively dismissed the place from his mind.

"I wouldn't lie to you. If it's not to your liking, I'll just treat you again next time. Fair enough?" Liu Lang was well aware of his old friend's preferences and was confident that he could make Zhang Zhuo fall for the flavors just as he had.

With a lingering skepticism, Zhang Zhuo finally stepped into the restaurant alongside Liu Lang.

Meanwhile, Chiang Liqiang couldn't hide his astonishment. Despite spending most of his recent years enjoying life in tourist spots and resorts, he remained deeply invested in the fate of his own restaurant. He kept tabs on every new establishment in Jinling City, including their scale, popularity, and signature dishes. In comparison, the Reunion Restaurant was something of a joke to him. Chiang had once quipped, "Who gave you the courage to open a restaurant in Jinling without a single signature dish?" Unsurprisingly, the restaurant had shuttered after a brief stint.

The unexpected reopening of the Reunion Restaurant piqued his curiosity and skepticism. Was someone stubbornly trying to make a go of it again?

Chiang Liguo was seldom in Jinling City, so few locals could recognize him. Liu Lang, Zhang Zhuo, and even the Chung family were no exception. Thus, Chiang entered the restaurant unnoticed, blending in with the other patrons.

"Wow! Daddy, three more customers just came in!" Chung Yuanyuan burst into the kitchen, her face alight with excitement.

"Really?" Chung Yuan's heart lifted with a hint of surprise. After drying his hands, he emerged from the kitchen to find, indeed, three new guests. Among them was the same voracious diner who had polished off four servings of pumpkin fried rice at lunchtime.

"Welcome," Chung Yuan greeted them with warmth and courtesy, gesturing to the menu on the table. "Please, have a look and order whatever you'd like."

"Pumpkin fried rice, two servings," Liu Lang declared without even glancing at the menu, knowing exactly what he wanted to share with his old friend, Zhang Zhuo.

One for each of them.

Liu Lang and Zhang Zhuo settled into their seats, while Chiang Liqiang silently chose a spot and began perusing the menu.

Unlike at lunch, the menu now featured a new item: Spicy Roast Chicken Stew Rice, priced at a mere one dollar and fifty cents per serving.

At the top of the menu, a note heralded a special promotion: To celebrate the Reunion Restaurant's grand reopening, all meals were being offered at a staggering ninety percent discount.

Chiang Liguo nearly burst into laughter upon reading this. The owner was pulling out all the stops to draw in a crowd, practically giving away meals. He wondered if the owner feared ending up with nothing left to his name.

Out of professional courtesy, Chiang Liguo composed himself, keeping his amusement off his face.

His penchant for heat led him to order the Spicy Roast Chicken Stew Rice. What level of spice could "spicy" imply here? He was curious, yet he hoped the dish wouldn't be a letdown—his taste buds were notoriously finicky.

As a food connoisseur, Chiang Liguo had little patience for subpar cuisine.

Before long, Chung Yuan delivered two servings of pumpkin fried rice and one of the spicy chicken stew to their table.

Liu Lang's reaction was as expected; Zhang Zhuo instantly adored the pumpkin fried rice, exclaiming that missing out on such a tasty dish would have been a regrettable mistake.

Watching the scene unfold, Chung Yuan basked in a deep sense of fulfillment that permeated every cell of his being.

However, Chiang Liqiang's experience was quite the opposite. "Boss, this chicken stew rice is sweet, not spicy at all. What's the deal with the name? Is tricking customers your idea of fun?" he complained.

He sighed internally, chiding himself for having any expectations at all; they only served to sour his mood.

"Excuse me, sir," Chung Yuan approached with patience and began to explain, "There's nothing wrong with my name. The term 'after-spicy' implies that the heat will gradually emerge as you eat. Since you've just started, it's perfectly normal not to taste the spiciness yet."

Chiang Liqiang was taken aback by this explanation. Spiciness that only kicks in after a few bites? It seemed almost mystical to him.

Isn't it true that the flavor of any dish should be apparent from the first mouthful?

He was skeptical about the concept of 'after-spicy' rice. To make matters worse, not only was there no hint of heat, but the dish was also unexpectedly sweet, which completely killed his appetite.

A dish that fails to inspire the desire to keep eating, regardless of its aftertaste, is ultimately a failure in his book.

This was the verdict Chiang Liguo mentally assigned to the Spicy Roast Chicken Stew Rice, just as he set his chopsticks down, unable to stomach another bite of the cloyingly sweet dish.

Then, out of the blue, his nose twitched.

A wave of excitement washed over him.

Such an enticing aroma!

He whipped his head around to the neighboring table, where two plates of pumpkin fried rice sat.

Indeed, the alluring scent wafted from those plates, filling the air around him.

Chiang Liqiang's mouth watered uncontrollably, his salivary glands working overtime as his craving intensified.

Even his previously sated stomach seemed to rumble in anticipation.

Watching Liu Lang and Zhang Zhuo relishing their meal, Chiang Liqiang's eyes brimmed with envy, and he couldn't help but daydream about indulging in the feast himself.

Before he knew it, drool had trickled down his chin and splashed onto the table.

"I'm home!"

The sudden sound of a young boy's voice caught him off guard.

Chung Tuantuan had returned from his martial arts class.

Startled, Chiang Liqiang snapped back to reality, only to discover the embarrassing pool of drool on the table.

His cheeks flushed with embarrassment, he quickly covered his mouth.

Casting furtive glances at Liu Lang, Zhang Zhuo, and Chung Yuan, he breathed a sigh of relief upon realizing they hadn't witnessed his moment of weakness. He then discreetly reached for a napkin to wipe away the evidence.

Just then, Chung Tuantuan, who had approached them, suddenly turned her gaze in their direction.

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