The Super Farm System/C11 Buy Me Ten More
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The Super Farm System/C11 Buy Me Ten More
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C11 Buy Me Ten More

Chung Tuantuan clearly spotted the transparent liquid on the table!

To hide his embarrassment, Chiang Liguo preemptively went on the offensive.

As he wiped the table with a napkin, he grumbled in annoyance, "What kind of restaurant doesn't clean its tables? There's still water here. Can't even maintain basic hygiene!"

Chung Yuan and Chung Yuanyuan immediately turned their gazes to Chiang Liguo upon hearing his complaint.

At a nearby table, Zhang Zhuo and Liu Lang couldn't help but glance over.

"Water? That can't be right," Chung Yuan said, furrowing his brow in confusion. The table hadn't been used since noon, and Chiang Liguo was the first customer since the grand reopening.

He was sure he had wiped it down thoroughly!

With a look of contempt, Chung Tuantuan blurted out, "Uncle, that's your drool!"

Chiang Liguo's heart skipped a beat, and he retorted, "Ridiculous, what drool?"

"It is your drool, Uncle! I saw it! Are you embarrassed, or are you unaware of it? If you don't know, then I suggest you get checked out at the hospital. Our teacher says this could be an early sign of dementia. You're not about to become senile, are you?"

"You little..."

Chiang Liguo shot up from his seat, exclaiming, "Whose child is this?"

Chung Yuan hurried over with an apologetic smile, "My apologies, sir. This is my child, Tuantuan. Please, don't say such things."

He gently reprimanded Chung Tuantuan in a hushed tone.

Under his breath, Chung Tuantuan muttered, "But it's true..."

"Children don't lie. It must be his saliva, and now the poor owner is being blamed," Liu Lang interjected from his meal.

"This guy is ridiculous, arguing with a kid," Zhang Zhuo commented while shoveling food into his mouth.

Liu Lang dismissed the matter, "Ignore him. Keep eating. If you want more, just order it. It's on me. Dig in!"

Zhang Zhuo nodded enthusiastically, taking big bites of his food, his focus returning to the delicious pumpkin fried rice on his plate.

Seeing Zhang Zhuo's reaction, Liu Lang felt a sense of satisfaction and boasted, "So, how is it? Tasty, right? Told you I wasn't lying, didn't I?"

Zhang Zhuo's mouth was stuffed full of fried rice as he gave Liu Lang a thumbs-up, his words muffled, "Good! So good! I'd regret it for life if I didn't eat this!"

Noticing Zhang Zhuo's nearly empty bowl, yet no signs of him slowing down, Liu Lang waved over to Chung Yuan, the owner, "Boss, let's have two more servings!"

Meanwhile, Chung Yuan was dealing with Chiang Liguo. After acknowledging Liu Lang's order, he turned to Chiang Liguo, "Sir, perhaps you'd like to move to another table? And don't worry about the steamed rice—it's on the house!"

Chiang Liguo, overhearing Liu Lang and Zhang Zhuo, started to feel sheepish, especially since Chung Tuantuan had a point. Plus, with the restaurant's surveillance, making a scene could be embarrassing. Best to let things slide.

"It's fine, it's just a bit of water, no harm done!" Chiang Liguo gestured dismissively, adding, "It's a minor issue. Just be more careful next time. You wouldn't want to run into less forgiving customers—that could get messy!"

Just then, the restaurant's wall-mounted TV flickered on, displaying the surveillance footage of Chiang Liguo dripping saliva onto the table. Chung Yuanyuan, perched at the front desk, called out in a childlike voice, "Dad, look, that's the uncle's saliva right there!"

Damn it! They pulled up the surveillance footage?

Chiang Liguo's face flushed crimson as he saw the scene play out. As a well-known figure, he dreaded the thought of future encounters with Chung Yuan, especially if Reunion Restaurant took off. The thought of being recognized was mortifying, not to mention there were two witnesses to the incident. The potential for gossip was unbearable.

"What's wrong with this guy? He looks clean enough, so why the bullying? Trying to cheat over a five-yuan meal? Who does that?" Liu Lang shot a disapproving look at Chiang Liguo after catching a glimpse of the surveillance footage.

Chung Yuan had no intention of escalating the situation. After all, every visitor deserved a measure of respect, and the incident seemed to be behind them. However, to his surprise, Chung Yuanyuan had taken it upon herself to check the surveillance footage!

He quickly addressed her, "What are you doing? Shut it off!"

"Hmph! Uncle is lying!" retorted Chung Yuanyuan, her lips pursed in a pout. She cast a glance at Chiang Liguo but obediently turned off the camera.

Chung Yuan then turned to Chiang Liguo with an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry about that, sir. Kids can be a handful. Don't worry about the meal; it's on the house. Please, have a seat while I go whip up some fried rice for the others. Tuantuan, head upstairs, please."

With that, Chung Yuan made a swift exit, leaving Chiang Liguo awkwardly alone at the table.

He was mortified. If only he could disappear!

Should he leave? It didn't feel right.

But staying put was just as uncomfortable.

In the end, he quickly finished his meal, left fifty yuan on the table, and departed.

Barely a few steps out of the restaurant, Chiang Liguo was still grumbling under his breath, "Late Spicy Chicken Braised Rice? More like sweet and spicy chicken braised rice. All that fuss for what? Sss..."

Mid-sentence, a tingling spice spread across his tongue, accompanied by a symphony of sweet, sour, bitter, and salty flavors, with spice taking the lead.

He smacked his lips, the sensation strikingly vivid.

"No way..."

The heat intensified, becoming almost unbearable, prompting him to suck in his breath. Sweat beaded on his forehead, his lips aflame, yet the sensation was oddly satisfying.

His muscles twitched as if receiving a mouth massage.

"Good! Spicy!"

Chiang Liguo's exclamation wasn't about the level of heat. It was a term from the Chef Realm.

Spice comes in two forms:

The kind that warms the heart but spares the mouth is a failure.

But when the spice is so overpowering that it deters you from eating, no matter how exquisite the dish, you simply can't bring yourself to pick up the chopsticks again.

The heat on the tongue didn't match the fervor in the heart—this was true spiciness!

The more he craved it, the more irresistible it became.

And right now, Chiang Liguo was experiencing the kind of heat that only fueled his desire for more!

It was a dizzying level of spice!

It was a disorienting, almost otherworldly level of heat!

It was the kind of spice that left you in a blissful haze, teetering between agony and ecstasy—more exhilarating than any drink!

Chiang Liguo clung to the wall, his steps unsteady, his face flushed a bright red, sweat cascading like a downpour.


He let out a groan of sheer pleasure, the heat igniting his body, making him break out in a sweat. "So good!"

Bystanders watched in confusion as Chiang Liguo propped himself against the wall, crouched in a corner. They couldn't fathom what was happening. Just then, the restaurant manager walked by and saw his boss squatting by the roadside. He hurried over, concerned, "Director Chiang! What happened? Did you have too much to drink?"

"No! Oh ~ ~ ~ It's the spice! Quick ~ ~ find someone ~ ~ hiss … hiss … get someone to buy ten servings of Late Spicy Chicken Braised Rice for me!"

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