The Super Farm System/C12 The Treasure Restaurant
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The Super Farm System/C12 The Treasure Restaurant
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C12 The Treasure Restaurant

Anyone who's worked in a hotel knows this all too well: sometimes, the kitchen runs short on prepared dishes! There are a myriad of reasons for this shortfall. Perhaps the chef forgot to place an order, or the ingredients weren't stored properly and spoiled, or, out of the blue, an influx of guests all decide to order the same dish, leading to a shortage.

If it's still during the meal rush, the kitchen scrambles to restock. But if it's past peak hours and only a few tables remain, the staff will inform the guests that the dish is no longer available.

At twelve-thirty, right in the thick of lunchtime, Manager Wang stepped out to replenish the supplies. Upon his return, he ran into Chiang Liguo.

"What chicken stew rice?" Manager Wang asked, clearly confused.

"Hot! Hot! Hot!" Chiang Liguo's voice quivered as if he were freezing cold, but in reality, he was overwhelmed by the heat of the dish.

The heat from the spices would peak at the half-hour mark before gradually subsiding. Since Chiang Liguo had eaten the chicken stew rice twenty minutes ago, the fieriness hadn't even reached its zenith yet. He was actually looking forward to it, feeling quite comfortable at the moment, and believed a bit more heat would enhance the experience.

The spiciness made his facial muscles twitch, a sensation surpassing even the expert touch of a gold-medal masseuse. The heat dominated his tongue, with a parade of flavors following close behind – a veritable gustatory festival! The spiciness had also caused his brain to feel slightly oxygen-deprived, which explained his light-headedness.

It was a delicate state of euphoria, amplified by the "facial massage," enough to send someone into raptures.

"Can it get any hotter? Can it get any hotter? I want more heat! I crave a fiercer burn!" Chiang Liguo internally cheered, awarding the Spicy Chicken Fried Rice an enthusiastic eight-star review.

Why not a full ten stars? Simply because it wasn't hot enough. Chiang Liguo was convinced that he hadn't reached the pinnacle of spiciness yet. If he did, the intensity would surely knock him out cold!

This dish was divine!

No way!

I absolutely have to master this heavenly creation!

The Late Spicy Chicken Braised Rice lived up to Chiang Liguo's expectations!

The heat in his mouth intensified!

Roughly seven to eight minutes later, it hit a fiery crescendo!

At that moment, Chiang Liguo felt like he was on fire, his spirits soaring!

He was so invigorated, he nearly had the urge to strip down and dance in the streets!

One word dominated his heart, his taste buds, and his thoughts:


Ten stars!

Nothing less than ten stars!

This dish was sheer brilliance! Unmatched!

After decades in the industry, he'd never encountered a dish so delectable, so extraordinary!

If this dish didn't take the world by storm, it would be a cosmic injustice!

Noticing Manager Wang still at his side, Chiang Liguo barked, "Go on! Buy it!"

Manager Wang, somewhat bewildered, nonetheless nodded blankly and agreed.

Thirty minutes later, as the fiery taste in Chiang Liguo's mouth began to subside, he found himself craving more, wishing for another two servings!

This was the perfect appetizer!

Serve it first, let the patrons savor a few bites, then, as the rest of the meal is served and the heat builds in their mouths, their appetites surge, and they're primed for a feast.

Naturally, it's also a fantastic finale. After wrapping up business, a few bites of this, followed by a trip to the massage and bathhouse with a client—what deal couldn't you close?

What project couldn't you clinch?

It was the epitome of imperial indulgence!

"This dish is my archrival!"

Chiang Liguo had taken this dish to heart. Once Manager Wang procured the Late Spicy Chicken Braised Rice, he was determined to take it back and dissect its secrets.

Liu Lang and Zhang Zhuo were seated by the door on the ground floor of the restaurant, next to a pane of clear glass.

After Chiang Liguo's departure, a young couple entered the restaurant, possibly drawn in by the sight of Liu Lang, Zhang Zhuo, and the others seated by the entrance.

That's human nature for you!

Seeing a restaurant bustling with patrons naturally draws people in.

If a restaurant looks empty, unless someone has dined there before and enjoyed it, chances are over 90% of people would walk right by without a second glance!

In the public eye, a bustling spot is synonymous with tasty food!

Even if it might not live up to the hype, curiosity often leads folks to give it a try, just to see what the fuss is about!

Another reason for the visit was that the young couple had never been to Reunion Restaurant before. As new patrons, they were unfamiliar with the restaurant's flavors and reputation.

That's what brought them through the door!

"What would you like to have?"

Did they even have a choice?

With only Late Spicy Chicken Braised Rice and Pumpkin Fried Rice on the menu, their options were limited.

"Why are there only two options?"

The girl skimmed the menu, her brow furrowing in slight disappointment.

Perhaps because they were newly together, the boy was particularly attentive to the girl's mood. Noticing her discontent, he suggested, "Shall we try somewhere else?"

The girl was about to agree when suddenly, a charming little head peeked out from behind the counter!

"Sister, you should try my dad's Pumpkin Fried Rice! I promise you'll love it! It's super delicious!"

The girl's eyes met Chung Yuanyuan's, and she was instantly charmed.

Such an adorable and persuasive little one!

"Is that so?" The girl was delighted and reached out to pat Chung Yuanyuan's head.

Chung Yuanyuan blinked her sparkling eyes and boasted proudly, "Absolutely! I can eat three big bowls myself!"


The girl was tickled by Chung Yuanyuan's cleverness and turned to her boyfriend, "Let's just eat here!"

Then, with a fond gaze at Chung Yuanyuan, she asked, "Which one do you recommend? Which is tastier?"

Chung Yuanyuan looked at them both, brimming with confidence, "Both are delicious!"

So, the couple each chose a dish—the woman went for the Pumpkin Fried Rice, and the man for the Late Spicy Chicken Braised Rice.

The total came to only six yuan. Add two drinks, and the meal was a steal at just 12 to 13 yuan!

Even if it wasn't the best, it wouldn't be a loss.

They were happy to indulge the little girl's charm.


Zhang Zhuo let out a satisfied belch, his forehead glistening with sweat as he leaned back contentedly in his chair, patting his belly.

He polished off three servings of pumpkin fried rice and one serving of Late Spicy Chicken Braised Rice, topped off with two beers and a soda!

Since it was Liu Lang's treat, he was determined to eat to his heart's content!

But the generosity of the treat was just one aspect; the taste was what mattered most!

If it hadn't been tasty, he couldn't have managed to eat that much!


This final serving of Late Spicy Chicken Braised Rice left him somewhat underwhelmed.

It had a sweetness that lingered on the palate, but it lacked the exceptional quality of the pumpkin fried rice.

The disparity between the two dishes was stark!

While it may have fallen short when compared to the pumpkin fried rice, it still held its own against the braised rice from other eateries.

All things considered, despite the minor flaws, this place remained a hidden gem of a restaurant!

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