The Super Farm System/C13 The Restaurant Was Open Again
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The Super Farm System/C13 The Restaurant Was Open Again
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C13 The Restaurant Was Open Again

"Boss! That was fantastic!" Zhang Zhuo, with his belly protruding after a hearty meal, ambled towards the front desk, causing Chung Yuanyuan's heart to race with worry that he might topple over. This guy... he must have crammed his throat full of food!

Chung Yuanyuan glanced at their table and saw an array of beer and soda bottles amidst eight plates. They weren't just two diners; they were like two pigs!

"Uncle, was everything to your liking?" Chung Yuanyuan's eyes curved into crescents, her small canines flashing as she asked sweetly.

"Delicious! How old are you now, little one?" "Six years old!" Chung Yuanyuan replied in her babyish voice, then began tapping on the calculator with her tiny finger. "1+1+1+1+5+5+5+4..."

The good beer was five dollars a bottle, and the lesser ones three. They had chosen the good stuff! The beverages ranged from two to six dollars... and they had gone for the four-dollar options. While the food was discounted, drinks and alcohol were not. Each person's meal came to twenty-two dollars, totaling forty-four for the two of them. The prices were clear and fair, and they had figured it out themselves.

"Uncle, your total comes to forty-four dollars!" "Oh, so you're the cashier now, haha!" Liu Lang, while pulling out his wallet, beamed affectionately at Chung Yuanyuan. "Aren't you worried about making a mistake and getting in trouble with your dad?"

Chung Yuanyuan blinked her bright eyes at them, then suddenly bowed her head and started pressing the calculator buttons again. "Maybe I should double-check the total!"

Their laughter filled the room. Chung Yuan emerged from the kitchen, wiping his hands on his apron, and greeted them warmly, "Gentlemen, did everything meet your expectations?"

"Hic... Absolutely satisfied! Boss, let's settle up!" "Forty-four. Since you're a regular, and we're newly opened, I appreciate your support. Let's round it down to forty, shall we?"

Liu Lang placed fifty dollars on the table, insisting, "No way! You're already losing out with the discount. As a loyal customer, I can't let you take a hit. Forty-four means forty-four, and we'll pay the full amount. No rounding down."

Zhang Zhuo chimed in, "Exactly, boss, managing two kids by yourself is no small feat! Between the two of us, we've polished off eight plates, plus beer and sodas, and it's barely over forty bucks. Where else can you find a deal like that? And you're rounding down for us? Are you even making a profit?"

Running a business is a lot like a troupe of monks and nuns!

Monks and nuns wander everywhere, just like performers.

Whether it's near or far, the key is to keep things amiable!

You've got to be decent if you want to enjoy someone else's cooking!

The same goes for business—if you want folks to open their wallets, you need the right attitude and plenty of warmth!

This is especially true in the service industry!

Chung Yuan responded with a smile, "I hope you'll continue to support us in the future."

Zhang Zhuo slapped his chest and assured, "Boss, rest easy. As long as the quality of your food stays consistent, I'll bring all my buddies over tomorrow. We'll make this our regular spot!"

"Many thanks! I really appreciate it!" Chung Yuan grinned, shaking hands with them both.

Liu Lang smacked his lips, puzzled, "Why does my mouth feel spicier and spicier?"

Zhang Zhuo was equally baffled, "Yeah, I'm feeling it too!"

"The Late Spicy Chicken Braised Rice has a kick that builds up over time. You might not notice it at first, but the heat creeps up on you. Give it half an hour, and it'll settle down."

Liu Lang's face lit up with astonishment, "Really? There's a dish like that?"

Chung Yuan laughed, "I'm no genius, just stumbled upon it myself. It's not something you'll find anywhere else. Give it a go, and if you like it, we'd love to have you back for more!"

Liu Lang and Zhang Zhuo were intrigued, as if they'd stumbled upon a culinary treasure. They found the idea delightful.

"In that case, no need for change. We'll just grab another bottle of water for three yuan, and we're even!"

"Alright, you two, take it easy on your way out!"

Chung Yuan saw off his two guests, only to run straight into Manager Wang, who was peeking around curiously.

Manager Wang was familiar with Reunion Restaurant but hadn't heard anything about it reopening. Hadn't it been shuttered for two months? He was incredulous that they'd dare to resume business with their notorious flavors.

"Hey, Manager Wang, fancy seeing you here!"

Zhang Zhuo and Liu Lang, who had just stepped outside, recognized Manager Wang as well. They exchanged brief greetings, but the meal had been too spicy for comfort, and they weren't in the mood for chit-chat. They left, still smacking their lips from the heat.

Chung Yuan knew Manager Wang too—a rather pompous man who had always scorned Chung Yuan in his past life. Those memories were still vivid in Chung Yuan's mind.

He eyed Manager Wang and inquired, "What brings you here, Manager Wang?"

He doubted Manager Wang was here to place an order. The last time he'd come by, he'd brought a group with him and given Chung Yuan a thrashing. The reason? A mix-up with an order from Happiness Restaurant—both eateries sourced their potatoes from the same wholesaler. Reunion Restaurant used the slightly less desirable potatoes, sold for one jin per pound, while Happiness Restaurant's potatoes were the premium, large variety personally selected by Manager Wang.

The mix-up had been a genuine mistake. The other restaurant was so large, it hardly paid any attention to Reunion Restaurant, so it wasn't likely they'd come just to frame Chung Yuan. Still, Chung Yuan had never appreciated their tactics.

On that hectic day, Chung Yuan had been preoccupied with family duties and accidentally grabbed the wrong potatoes, which led to the beating.

Compensation? The thought was laughable. They would never offer any, even with Chung Yuan left bloodied and bruised.

Manager Wang cast a glance inside Chung Yuan's restaurant, noting the scant two customers. He hesitated, searching for the right words, before saying, "So, you're open again?"

"Why not? You're on West Street, I'm on East Street—it's not like we're in each other's way, right?"

Manager Wang nodded, conceding, "No, it's not an issue. Chung Yuan, about last time..."

"Let's not rehash the past. Unless there's something else you need, Manager Wang, please feel free to go. It's the lunch rush; shouldn't you be busy at your own place instead of dropping by mine?"

Seeing Chung Yuan's less-than-welcoming demeanor, Manager Wang, who already had little respect for him, wouldn't have set foot in this place if his boss hadn't tasked him with purchasing ten servings of chicken stew rice.

"Is browsing not allowed? Go on, whip up ten servings of that Late Spicy Chicken Braised Rice!"

Chung Yuan was taken aback at the request.

How on earth did this guy find out?

He'd only had five customers all afternoon, two of whom hadn't even left yet, and the other two had just departed!

How could the news have traveled so quickly?

But then again, maybe that was a good thing.

He gave a rueful smile as his eyes met Manager Wang's in a direct challenge.

"I'll cook for anyone else, but for you... Hmph, no sale!"

Manager Wang's brow furrowed, and he spoke in a low, stern voice, "Chung Yuan, I'm not here to pick a fight. I've simply heard good things about your Late Spicy Chicken Braised Rice and wanted to give it a try. Just cook it, and don't push me to lose my temper!"

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